DM Haul #4 in 2016. + Gift

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Hello my lovelies!!

It is time for a new, small DM haul. The fourth this year. Unfortunately, I'm not careful when it comes to posts related to this topic. I often go to drug stores but rarely manage to collect my thoughts and purchases of goods, so nice to write and publish the post. Now I concentrated well because I just came from the DM. Well it's time to post on this topic ideal.

1. Lancome Tresor Paris set - perfume 30ml and body milk in bottles of 50 ml. Tresor in French means treasure, rare and valuable items. This is the legendary pafem which is for 1. Lancome has created one of the best makers of perfume. Distinct scent is characterized by sandalwood, Bulgarian rose, jasmine Alexandria. It comes in a beautiful box in book form. I could say that this is one of the best fragrance I've ever smelled. And I must emphasize this set was a gift from my brother's lovely wife. Another big thank you to B.

2. Ebeline cotton swab of pure cotton, packaging of 160 pieces. Boring product, but that's what I bought. The price is 0.40 euros.
These Misslyn false eyelashes I bought in another drugstore, but want to include them in this post. They were on sale so I bought to try this. Price approximately 3 euros.

3. Subrina Strawberry Sorbet Shower Gel 250 ml, has a wonderful scent will last strawberries. Besides the scent, attracted me a reduced price, 1 euro. I can not wait to try this product, I hope that scent will last very long on the skin.

4. Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo but a new line NotureFusion with the scent of lavender, bottle of 400 ml. The price of this bottle is about 4 euros. I hope it will be good. With this shampoo sometimes guess sometimes miss.

5. DM Sundance suntan lotion with SPF 20 in a small bottle of 50 ml. I bought this because I want to have these products always with me in my purse. The price is 1.3 euros.
Essence Brow Pencil purchased for the umpteenth time, the number 05 Soft Blonde. Really the best eyebrow pencil this ranking. The price is about 1.5 euros.

6. Dr. Pavlovic original ointment for babies in the packaging of 100 ml, cost about 2.7 euros. This cream for babies I bought on the recommendation of a friend who had recently given birth. This is a universal cream for the delicate baby skin. Going to my hospital bag.

7.More boring products. Signal toothpaste with baking soda, a tube of 125 ml, and the price is discounted approximately 1 euro. Bargain-priced.
Dontodent toothbrushes 2/1, the price of 0.95 euros. One more thing for the hospital bag.

8. But me would not be me not to buy some nail polish. Eveline nail polish number 914, the cost of about 1.2 euros, and Malena nail polish number 22 (this is a new French brand, I have never heard of them), the price of 1 euro.

9. Finally Balea Soft Cream, cream for face and body with vitamin E. This is so simple and gentle body cream, for the warmer summer days, has a delicate scent. Packing 250 ml I paid 1.4 euros.

So much for this Haul. Kisses to everyone !!

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Vrijeme je za jedan novi, mali DM haul. Četvrti u ovoj godini. Nažalost, nisam nešto pažljiva što se tiče postova vezanih za ovu temu. Često odlazim u drogerije ali rijetko uspijem sabrati misli i kupljene proizvode pa lijepo napisati i objaviti post. E sada sam dobro koncentrirana jer sam upravo došla iz DM-a. Pa je vrijeme za post na ovu temu idealno.

1. Lancome Paris Tresor set - parfem od 30 ml i mlijeko za tijelo u bočici od 50 ml. Tresor na francuskom jeziku znači blago, rijetke i vrijedne predmete. Ovo je legendarni pafem koji je za Lancome kreirao jedan od najboljih kreatora parfema. Upečatljivog mirisa satkanog od sandalovine, bugarske ruže, aleksandrijskog jasmina. Dolazi u prekrasnoj kutiji u obliku knjige. Mogla bih reći da je ovo jedan od najboljih parfema koje sam u životu pomirisala. A moram i naglasiti da mi je ovaj set darovala bratova ljupka supruga. Još jedno veliko hvala B.

2. Ebeline vatirani štpići od čistog pamuka, pakiranje od 160 komada. Dosadan proizvod ali i to sam kupila. Cjena je 0,40 eura. 
Ove Misslyn umjetne trepavice sam kupila u drugoj drogeriji ali ih želim uključiti u ovaj post. Bile su na sniženju pa sam kupila da isprobam ove. Cijena cca 3 eura.

3. Subrina Strawberry Sorbet gel za tuširanje od 250 ml, ima prekrasan miris jagode. Osim mirisa privukla me i snižena cijena, 1 euro. Jedva čekam da isprobam ovaj proizvod, nadam se da će se na koži miris dugo zadržati.

4. Head&Shoulders šampon protiv peruti ali nova linija NotureFusion sa mirisom lavande, bočica od 400 ml. Cijena ove militraže je cca 4 eura. Nadam se da će biti dobar. Sa ovim šamponima nekada pogodite a nekada promašite.

5. DM SunDance mlijeko za sunčanje sa zaštitnim faktorom 20 u malenoj bočici od 50 ml. Ovo sam kupila jer želim imati ove proizvode uvijek sa sobom u torbici, da mogu mazati ruke. Cijena je 1.3 eura.
Essence olovka za obrve kupljena po tko zna koji put, broj 05 Soft Blonde. Stvarno je najbolja olovka za obrve drogerijskog ranga. Cijena je cca 1,5 eura.

6. Dr. Pavlović Originalna mast za bebe u pakiranju od 100 ml, cijena cca 2.7 eura. Ovu kremu za bebe sam kupila po preporuci prijateljice koja je nedavno rodila. Ovo je univerzalna krema za nježnu bebinu kožu. A naći će se u mojoj torbi ta bolnicu.

7. Još malo dosadnih proizvoda. Signal Pasta za zube sa sodom bikarbonom, tubica od 125 ml, a cijena na sniženju cca 1 euro. Povoljna kupovina.
Dontodent četkice za zube 2/1, cijena 0,95 eura. Još nešto za torbu za bolnicu.

8. A ja ne bih bila ja da ne kupim i neki lak za nokte. Eveline lak za nokte broj 914, cijena cca 1,2 eura, i Malena lak za nokte broj 22 (ovo je neki novi francuski brend, nisam nikada čula za njih), cijena 1 euro. 

9. I na kraju Balea Soft Creme, krema za lice i tijelo sa vitaminom E. Ovo je baš lagana i nježna krema za tijelo, za ove toplije ljetne dane, ima nježan miris. Pakiranje od 250 ml sam platila 1,4 eura.

Toliko za ovaj Haul. Pusa svima!!











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