Avon Planet Spa Luxuriously Refining Eye Gel Mask - Review

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Hello my lovelies!

Let's talk a little about the care of the most gentle part of the face, around the eyes. About a month and a half ago I wrote to you about a cream that I got from a friend (hello J). This is a Lancome Advanced Youth Activating Eye Cream and a review you can read here.

Today I talk about another cream / gel for skin around the eyes. This is Care Gel completely different price range of Lancome cream. And that's why we did this comparison interesting.

Avon Planet Spa Luxuriously Refining Eye Cream Mask is a gel for under eyes care with black caviar extract. Apply in the morning and evening after cleansing the skin. Gently massaged into the skin.

It comes in a nice package In the tube black with gold embellishments, packaging of 15 ml. I have my copy, I believe, bought two months ago. It was on the front page of the catalog and was sold at the price of about 2.5 euros. Now I tried to find it on the official website of the company, but it's gone.

Now, as for the product itself. The product was then gel-like structure, delicate scent. I've used it about two months ago on the recommendation of twice a day. What I noticed is that this gel very quickly absorbed into the skin. But leaves the skin smoothed.

Probably because of its gel structure easily fills fine lines under the eyes. For this reason, liquid foundation and concealer does not accumulate in the fine lines. The area under the eyes after applying makeup look smoother. Excellent performance.

Since I do not have pronounced dark circles under the eyes, on this point I can not tell the difference. Regarding the care effect is not bad, for this price range. The skin is lightly moisturized, nothing spectacular. This gel will not erase fine lines, they are there, only a little fill with gel.

I must admit that I was not the product is not broken down with the legs. Maybe I expect too much of the cream for around the eyes. All ok, but I did not fell off the chair. I'm still looking for a perfect cream.

That's more like it, Lancome and Avon cream? In my opinion they have the same effect. I probably would have reached out to more favorable.

AND!! All those who celebrate this wonderful feast, I want a happy and blessed Christmas. Do not eat too much candy! 

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Pričajmo malo o njezi najnježnijeg dijela lica, području oko očiju. Prije nekih mjesec i pol dana pisala sam vam o kremi koju sam dobila od prijateljice (pozdrav J). Radi se o Lancome Advanced Youth Activating Eye Cream i recenziju možete pročitati ovdje

Danas govorim o još jednoj kremi/gelu za njegu  kože oko očiju. Ovo je gel za njegu potpuno drugog cjenovnog ranga od Lancome kreme. I zato mi se ova usporedba činila zanimljivom.

Avon Planet Spa Luxuriously Refining Eye Gel Mask je  gel za područje oko očiju sa ekstraktom crnog kavijara. Nanosi se ujutro  i navečer nakon čišćenja kože lica. Lagano se umasira u kožu.

Dolazi u lijepom pakiranju u tubici crne boje sa zlatnom ukrasima, pakiranje je od 15 ml. Ja sam svoj primjerak, ako se ne varam, kupila prije dva mjeseca. Bilo je na naslovnoj stranici kataloga i prodavalo se po akcijskoj cijeni od cca 2.5 eura. Sada sam ga pokušala pronaći na službenim stranicama kompanije, ali nema ga.

E sada, što se tiče samog proizvoda. Proizvod je dakle gelaste strukture, nježnog mirisa. Ja sam ga koristila cca dva mjeseca po preporuci dva puta dnevno. Ono što sam primjetila je da se ovaj gel jako brzo upija u kožu. Ali kožu ostavlja zaglađenom.

Vjerojatno zbog svoje gelaste strukture lako popunjava sitne linije ispod očiju. Iz tog razloga tekući pudera i korektor se ne skupljaju u finim linijama. Područje ispod očiju i nakon nanošenja šminke izgleda glatkije. Odlična karakteristika.

Budući da nemam izražene tamne kolutove ispod očiju, po tom pitanju ne mogu primjetiti razliku. Što se tiče samog njegujućeg efekta nije loš, za ovaj cjenovni rang. Koža je lagano hidratizirana, ništa spektakularno. Ovaj gel vam neće izbrisati fine linije, one su tu, samo što se malo popune sa gelom.

Moram priznati da me ni ovaj proizvod nije oborio sa nogu. Možda očekujem previše od krema za njegu oko očiju. Sve ok, ali nisam pala sa stolice. Još sam u potrazi za idelanom kremom.

Koja mi se više sv
iđa, Lancome ili Avon krema? Po mom mišljenju imaju isti efekt. Vjerojatno bih posegnula za povoljnijom.

I!! Svima koji slave ovaj predivni blagdan, želim sretan i blagoslovljen Božić. Nemojte jesti previše slatkiša!


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