Vichy Dermablend 3D Correction Oil Free Foundation - Review

7:39 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!

Here I am back after a hundred years of getting away from the blog. Ever since I got my baby, I'm trying to match all aspects of my life. I try to get to this as professionally as possible, so if I'm not inspired, I do not want to put a couple of sentences on it and publish it. Today I'm super productive, I bring you a review of the new Vichy liquid foundation.

Vichy says this is a liquid powder of high degree of coverage, adjusting to color tena. Defeating the fatty skinned acne and irregularities, has a protective factor and guarantees the existence of up to 16 hours. Apparently, everyday use reduces the appearance of irregularities on the skin.

Unfortunately, and this is the flaw of all Vichy Liquid Powder Line, four shades are available. This is really not enough. My hue is 25 Nude. This is a product that is more foamy, when it is pushed out of the tube is very dense. I literally have enough of a single squeeze for my whole face.

When I first used this product I was shocked by color. So when it was pulled out of the tube it looked much darker than my skin, when I applied it to my face it looked brighter than my skin. But after a few moments blended with the tone of my skin.

I notice that the product is drying quickly so it needs to blend quickly. Otherwise, there may be stain on your face. Because it is intended for oily skin, it is foamy, thick and quite dry, I think it has a slight emphasis on dry skin on the skin. It is necessary to hydrate the skin well.

As far as the cover is concerned, I completely agree with the manufacturer. I think it has a high degree of overcoming the disadvantages. Since I do not have acne can not say anything about it helps you everyday use in preventing the formation of acne.

I absolutely disagree with the claim that it is stable for 16 hours. I sifted within 3-4 hours. If I put a matte powder, I do not get a lot. Maybe, an hour. The sebum just goes through the powder. And when I removed the surplus of sebum with the paper, I noticed a little powder on the paper. Plus for the degree of coverage, minus the longevity.

Bottle of 30 ml, price about 20 euros.

How does your skin endure this product?

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Evo mene natrag nakon sto godina izbivanja sa bloga. Od kada sam dobila bebicu, pokušavam uskladiti sve aspekte moga života. Trudim se ovome pristupiti što profesionalnije, pa ako nisam inspirirana, ne želim bez veze nabacati par rečenica i objaviti.  Danas sam super produktivna pa vam donosim recenziju ovog novog Vichy tekućeg pudera.

Vichy kaže da je ovo tekući puder visokog stupnja pokrivanja, prilagođava se boji tena. Nemjenjen je masnoj koži sklonoj aknama i nepravilnostima, ima zaštitini faktor i garantira postojanje do 16 sati. Navodno, svakodnevnom upotrebom smanjuje pojavu nepravilnosti na koži.  

Nažalost, a to je mana svih Vichy linija tekućih pudera, dostupne su četiri nijanse. To je zaista premalo. Moja nijansa je 25 Nude. Ovo je proizvod koji je više pjenast, kada se istisne iz tube jako je gust. Doslovno mi je dovoljno jedno istiskanje za cijelo lice.

Kada sam prvi put koristila ovaj proizvod šokirala sam se bojom. Znači, kada se istisne iz tubice izgledao je puno tamnije od moje kože, kada sam ga nanijela na lice izgledao je puno svijetlije od moje kože. No, nakon par trenutaka stopio se sa tonom moje kože.

Primijetila sam da se proizvod brzo suši pa je potrebno brzo blendati. Inače bi mogle ostati mrlje na licu. Budući da je namjenjen masnoj koži, pjenast je, gust i dosta suh, mislim da pomalo ističe suhe djelove na koži. Potrebno je dobro hidrirati kožu.

Što se tiče samog prekrivanja, potpuno se slažem sa proizvođačem. Mislim da ima visok stupanj prekrivanja nedostataka. Budući da nemam akne ne mogu ništa reći o tome pomaže li svakodnevna upotreba u sprečavanju stvaranja aknu.

Apsolutno se ne slažem sa tvrdnjom da je postojan 16 sati. Ja se prosijem u roku 3-4 sata. Ako stavim puder za matiranje, ne postižem puno. Možda, sat vremena. Sebum samo izbija kroz puder. A kada sa papirom uklanjam višak sebuma, primjetila sam da na papiru ostane malo pudera. Plus za stupanj prekrivanja, minus za dugotrajnost.

Bočica od 30 ml, cijena oko 20 eura.

Kako vaša koža podnosi ovaj proizvod?


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