AVON NutraEffects Active Seed Complex Hydration Daily Cream and Hydration Gel Cream - Review

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Hello my lovelies!!

For some time I am testing the two creams for the face of Avon's line "NutraEffects" - The power of the seeds in skin care. This range is divided into 6 different lines, each suited for a particular skin type.


"All lines contain active complex based on various nutritious seeds that are an indispensable source of nutrients. Valuable omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants provide the skin with everything it needs for a beautiful and healthy look.

* Free of parabens and colors, allergy tested! 

* The line of skin care products designed for the specific needs of all skin 
* The entire line is suitable for sensitive skin " 

I am testing two moisturizing cream based on chia seeds. They are  face creams for dry and normal skin. Although my skin  is oily and mixed, however, I decided to test these products. 

Hydration line has two facial creams: 

1. Hydration Day Cream SPF15
2. Hydration Gel Cream.

Hydration Day Cream SPF15

  Both creams come in glass bottles of 50 ml. Definitely a big plus for packaging, leaves a luxurious feeling. This cream is white, is only used as a daily cream. Apply to clean face and should provide hydration for 48 hours.

When absorbed into the skin cream actually provides maximum hydration, it is excellent and as a basis for applying liquid foundation. My skin is not negatively reacted to this cream even though it is for another type of skin. If you put your foundation and your skin is oily, you have to make matte with a fixation powder. 

For me it happened that after just a few hours, exuded sebum. And that's only because the cream is intended for dry and normal skin. This cream I will use only in the winter months, when my skin dries on the cold. In addition to an outbreak of sebum, I notice that this cream is difficult to spread. Until absorbed into the skin, leaving a light white coating on the surface. It is, of course, because SPF 15. In my opinion the SPF 15 additional plus.

If you are  dry skin  tipe, this cream is excellent for you. The skin is soft to the touch, moisturized, and the smell of the cream is not intrusive. I would not buy this product just because it is not meant for my skin type.

Hydration Gel Cream

  With this second face cream with a gel structure I am absolutely thrilled. Again I say, not for my skin type but perfectly fit. This cream is white and transparent, is easy to spread, great for evening and morning care. Smoothes the skin and is even better to apply liquid foundation.I do not need matting after using this cream.  

My skin did not react negatively, makeup looks great, is not sticky, does not feel on the skin. This cream is suitable for sensitive skin to. I really like the feeling after applying the cream on the face and neck. I have no objection. Sebum can not get out, an absolute plus. And this cream on the declaration provides hydration 48 hours, I agree with the statement. My oily skin gives thumbs up.

 More on all lines can be read here, and products can be found in the current catalog.

I hope you enjoyed the review. Enjoy the rest of the week.

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Već duže vrijeme testiram ove dvije kreme za lice iz Avonove linije "NutraEffects" - Moć sjemenki u njezi kože. Ova linija je podijeljena na 6 različitih linija, svaka pogodna za određeni tip kože.


"Sve linije sadrže aktivni kompleks na bazi različitih hranjivih sjemenki koje su nezamjenjiv izvor nutrijenata. Dragocjene omega 3 masne kiseline, vitamini i antioksidansi pružaju koži sve što joj je potrebno za lijep i zdrav izgled. 

Ja sam na testiranje dobila dvije kreme za hidrataciju na bazi chia sjemenki. Ove dvije kreme za lice su za suhu i normalnu kožu. Iako je moj tip kože masna i mješovita, ipak sam odlučila testirati ove proizvode.

Hydration linija se sastoji od dvije kreme za lice:
1. Hydration dnevna krema SPF15
2. Hydration gel krema za lice. 

 Hydration dnevna krema SPF15

Obe kreme dolaze u staklenim posudama od 50 ml. Definitivno veliki plus za ambalažu, ostavlja luskuzni utisak. Ova krema je bijele boje, koristi se samo kao dnevna krema. Nanosi se na čisto lice i trebala bi pružati hidrataciju 48 sati. 

 Kada se upije u kožu krema zaista pruža maksimalnu hidrataciju, odlična je i kao podloga za nanošenje tekućih pudera. Moja koža nije negativno reagirala na ovu kremu iako je ona namjenjena drugom tipu kože. Ako stavljate tekući puder, a koža vam je masna, morate fiksirati sa nekim fiksatorom u prahu. 

Kod mene se dogodilo to da je  nakon svega par sati, izbijao sebum. A to je samo zato što je krema namjenjena suhoj i normalnoj koži. Ovu kremu bih koristila samo u zimskim danima, kada mi se koža isuši zbog hladnoće. Osim izbijanja sebuma, primjetila sam da se ova krema teže razmazuje. Dok se ne upije u kožu, ostavlja lagani bijeli sloj na površini. To je, naravno, zbog SPF 15. Ali po mom mišljenju je SPF 15 dodatni plus.  

Ako ste tip sa suhom kožom ova krema je odlična za vas. Koža je mekana na dodir, hidratizirana, a i miris kreme nije nametljiv. Ja je sebi ne bih kupila samo zato što nije namjenjena mom tipu kože.

Hydration gel krema za lice

Ova druga krema za lice sa gel strukturom me apsolutno oduševila. Opet kažem, nije za moj tip kože ali se savršeno uklopila. Ova krema je bijelo-prozirna, lako se razmazuje, odlična je za večernju i jutarnju njegu. Kožu zaglađuje pa je još bolja za nanošenje tekućih pudera. 

Meni nije potrebno matiranje nakon korištenja ove kreme. Koža mi nije negativno reagirala, šminka izgleda odlično, nije ljepljiva, ne osjeti se na koži. Ova krema je prikladna i za osjetljivu kožu. Stvarno mi se sviđa osjećaj nakon nanošenja ove kreme na lice i vrat. Nemam nikakvu zamjerku. Sebum ne izbija, apsolutni plus. I ova krema po deklaraciji pruža hidrataciju 48 sati, slažem se sa tvrdnjom. Moja masna koža daje palac gore.

Više o svim linijama možete pročitati ovdje, a proizvode možete pronaći u trenutnom katalogu.

Nadam se da ste uživali u recenziji. Uživajte  i u ostatku tjedna.



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