BYPHASSE Gentle Toning Lotion - Review

12:49 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!

I am the type of person who loves the tonic cleansing. There is something hedonistic in that the pads see how I removed the dirt from the face. I know, I know! Strange I! But so it is. I really love to try new cleaner but it's amazing how far I have not written about this type of product.

As is our market reached a new line of preparative cosmetics Byphasse, so I jumped in and decided to try some of their products. The first product I bought was just the tonic cleanser for all skin types. Tonic is based on a rose and guides to tell you right now that has a beautiful, intense fragrance that is long enough reserves on the skin.

Generously pack of 500 ml I bought at the price of about 2 euros (detailed price in the previous post). Besides being a product for all skin types, the manufacturer promises toned and equivalent skin, gently cleansing the skin. One non-aggressive and gentle product. And let's face it, the pink bottle is adorable.

As for the cleansing of pores and I was more than satisfied. It removes any residual makeup and other impurities from the face. The skin remains smooth to the touch, a feeling of freshness on the skin retains a long time. I felt a tightening of the skin, nor a burning sensation. But after ten days of using this product, unfortunately felt deep dehydration of the skin. So back the top layer of the skin, especially around the nose part, began perutati. Despite moisturizing cream that I put on the face after the tonic.

I do not understand the chemical ingredients of the product (at least not with the professional side) so I can not say exactly which ingredients can cause this reaction in the skin. This is a professional comments, I put a photo of ingredients.

As for the balanced appearance of the skin, I have not noticed any progress. the only thing I was pleased with the smell of the product and a fresh, clean feeling on the skin after use. I was disappointed, especially because it is a great brand that sells its products at a very affordable price.

I do not like this the first disappoint some of the brand, but I'm still determined to try and moisturizing milk for the body and face creams. I hope to have better luck with these products.

What are your experiences with the products of the cosmetics company?

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Ja sam tip osobe koji voli tonike za čišćenje lica. Ima nešto hedonistički u tome da na blazinici vidim, koliko sam nečistoće uklonila sa lica. Znam, znam! Čudna sam! Ali tako je. Stvarno obožavam isprobavati nove čistače ali je čudno kako do sada nisam pisala o toj vrsti proizvoda.

Kako je na naše tržište stigla nova linija preparativne kozmetike Byphasse, tako sam i ja uskočila i odlučila isprobati neke njihove proizvode. Prvi proizvod koji sam kupila je upravo tonik za čišćenje lica za sve tipove kože. Tonik je baziran na ružinoj vodici i da vam odmah kažem da ima prekrasan, intenzivan miris koji se dosta dugo zadržava na koži.

Velikodušno pakiranje od 500 ml sam kupila po akcijskoj cijeni od cca 2 eura (detaljna cijena u prethodnom postu). Osim sto je proizvod za sve tipove kože, proizvođač obećava toniranu i izjednačenu kožu, nježno čišćenje kože lica. Jedan neagresivan i nježan proizvod. A budimo realni, roza bočica je preslatka.

Što se tiče samog čišćenja lica i pora ja sam bila prezadovoljna. Uklanja sve ostatke šminke i ostale nečistoće sa lica. Koža ostaje glatka na dodir, a osjećaj svježine se na koži zadržava jako dugo. Nisam osjetila zatezanje kože niti peckanje. Ali sam nakon desetak dana korištenja ovoga proizvoda, nažalost osjetila dubinsku dehidraciju kože. Tako da mi se gornji sloj kože, osobito dio oko nosa, počeo perutati. Unatoč hidratantnim kremama koje sam stavljala na lice nakon ovog tonika.

Ne razumije se u kemijske sastojke ovog proizvoda (barem ne sa stručne strane) pa ne mogu govoriti koji točno sastojci mogu uzrokovati ovakvu reakciju na koži. To je stručan neka komentira, stavila sam fotografiju sastojaka. 

Što se tiče ujednačenog izgleda kože, nisam primjetila nikakav napredak. jedino čime sam zadovoljna je miris proizvoda i svjež, čist osjećaj na koži nakon korištenja. Baš sam razočarana, osobito jer se radi o odličnom brendu koji svoje proizvode prodaje po jako pristupačnim cijenama.

Ne volim kad se ovako na prvu razočaram nekim brendom, ali sam ipak odlučna da isprobam i hidratantna mlijeka za tijelo i kreme za lice. Nadam se da ću imati više sreće sa tim proizvodima.

Kakva su vaša iskustva sa proizvodima ove kozmetičke kuće?


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