Recent Empties #9

1:25 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!

Do not longer with unnecessary introductory part, this is a post that is done briefly and clearly. I accumulated more empty products that I want to share a word or two but to go immediately to the subject.

1. About Dove Derma Spa Summer Revived milk for samotamnjnje I have already said in a separate post . My opinion you read, what is certain is that this product will not buy back. Not worth the money. Another shower gel in a series Subrina Strawberry Sorbet, Strawberry smell very pleasant, nice lingers on the skin. However, a bottle of 250 ml is consumed very quickly, poorly foaming product. If he is again on sale I'll buy it, just because of the smell. And this board packaging of children's shower gel with the scent of cherries is an absolute hit, I'll buy full-size product.

2. And this Vichy Aqualia Thermal Rich cream for face I have already said all that. Do not be enough said Lloyd George, my impressions, see. I'm not sure I'm going to repeat this purchase because I want to try out some Vichy facial creams. I'm a big fan of the brand. Vichy Go! And to prove it, and these two testers: Purete Thermale micellar oil for Sensitive Skin - an excellent product, I had four bags. I 3in1 cleaner face - about this product unfortunately never acquired impressions. This tester is too little that I know how my skin reacts.

3. I emptied a couple of bottles of perfume Emporio Armani She - I'm terribly sorry that I spent this, I'm still very guarded him not to spend. Excellent fragrance, just intense and dominant. Life in Motion - no name perfume or love it. The skin retains all day and just as intense. I will definitely purchase again. And these two small bottles are extracted perfumes, imitation big names. I am satisfied with them with regard to how they are paid. Let me try some perfume on this topic. 

4. Two Essence eyebrow pencil Blonde, they still buy and use when you want to quickly make up. Otherwise, use NYX Brow Gel. When loves a concealer then cut the tubes to extract all quantities. Essence All About Matt in my opinion, the best concealer I've ever used. I'll buy it again! Essence black eyeliner. I do not know that the line is not for the number, all the erase. I spent it, but I'm not satisfied with this product. Pencil solvents and scanned on the eyelids. I do not know that this blush, I know only that Miss Sporty, nothing special, the purchase will not be repeated. Finally Essence Ultra Gloss Nail Shine Top Coat Nail Polish. It was great but it now will not buy because now I use Avon's top coat. 

So much for this time! Kisses to all! 

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!
Da ne duljim sa nepotrebnim uvodnim dijelom, ovo je post koji se obavlja kratko i jasno. Nakupila sam još praznih proizvoda o kojima želim podijeliti riječ ili dvije pa da krenemo odmah na temu.

1. O Dove Derma Spa Summer Revived mlijeku za samotamnjnje sam već govorila u posebnom postu. Moje mišljenje možete pročitati, ono što je sigurno je da ovaj proizvod neću ponovno kupiti. Nije vrijedan toga novca. Još jedan gel za tuširanje u nizu Subrina Strawberry Sorbet, miris jagoda jako ugodan, lijepo se zadržava na koži. Međutim, bočica od 250 ml se potroši jako brzo, proizvod slabo pjeni. Ako bude ponovno na sniženju kupit ću ga, samo zbog mirisa. I ovo putno pakiranje dječijeg gela za tuširanje  sa mirisom trešanja je apsolutni pogodak, kupit ću full-size proizvod.

2. I o ovoj Vichy Aqualia Thermal Rich kremi za lice sam već sve rekla. Ne mogu je dovoljno nahvaliti, moje utiske potražite. Nisam sigurna da ću ponoviti ovu kupovinu jer želim isprobati još neke Vichy kreme za lice. Ja sam veliki fan ovog brenda. Go Vichy! A to dokazuju i ova dva testera: Purete Thermale micelarno ulje  za čišćenje osjetljive kože - odličan proizvod, imala sam 4 vrećice. I 3in1 čistač lica - o ovom proizvodu nažalost nisam stekla utiske. Ovaj tester je premala količina da bih znala kako moja koža reagira. 

3. Ispraznila sam i par bočica parfema: Emporio Armani She - strašno mi je žao što sam ovaj potrošila, još sam ga jako čuvala da ga ne potrošim. Odličan parfem, baš intenzivan i dominantan. Life in Motion - no name parfem ali ga obožavam. Na koži se zadržava cijeli dan i jednako je intenzivan. Kupovinu ću sigurno ponoviti. I ove dvije malene bočice su točeni parfemi, imitacije velikih imena. Zadovoljna sam i sa njima s obzirom na to koliko su plaćeni. Isprobat ću  još neke parfeme na ovu temu. 

4. Dvije Essence olovke za obrve Blonde, njih uvijek kupujem i koristim kada se želim brzo našminkati. Inače koristim NYX gel za obrve. Kada se voli neki korektor onda se tubica prereže da se izvuče sva količina. Essence All About Matt po mom mišljenju, najbolji korektor koji sam do sada koristila. Kupit ću ga ponovno! Essence crna olovka za oči. Ne znam ni koja je linija ni koji je broj, sve se pobrisalo. Potrošila sam je, ali nisam zadovoljna sa ovim proizvodom. Olovka se topila i preslikavala na kapcima. Ne znam koje je ovo rumenilo, znam samo da je Miss Sporty, ništa posebno, kupovinu neću ponoviti. I na kraju Essence Ultra Gloss Nail Shine Top Coat lak za nokte. Bio je odličan ali ga za sada neću kupovati jer sada koristim Avonov top coat. 

Toliko za ovaj put! Pusa svima! 





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