Delia Cosmetics Lash & Brow Enhancer - Eyelash Creator - Review

1:26 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!

Are you bald above the eyes? You know what I mean? Of course you do !! I to both eyebrows have a total of 7 hair. Yes Yes! You read it right. Seven hair. Thank God for all the possible miracles for drawing eyebrows. For this reason, I often thought about purchasing an asset to improve the growth of eyebrows. Friends of Delia cosmetics as if they read my thoughts, so I was sent this serum to encourage the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Blonde in me immediately thought that I would after this one bottle become the proud owner of bushy eyebrows. Yes, indeed! Blonde was wrong. I have no photos before-after, because I do not have to brag. The eyebrows are the other equally thick. Seven proud hairs. No more!

I can tell you that the product comes in a beautiful white and gold bottle. The applicator brush where there's enough product for application to one eyebrow. The product itself is translucent gel and the structure. Not too thick but still gel structure. In my opinion it is odorless.

It is easily applied to the eyebrow. Two dipping are sufficient for both eyebrows. The product I used two months, every day, in the morning and in the evening. I spent the whole bottle, hoping to in the end to notice some improvement. Unfortunately, there was no change.

I have not tried the product on the lashes so that the effect can not say anything. I would like to also point out that I did not even notice that the existing hair on the eyebrows strengthened. Simply nothing has changed, neither better nor worse.

Hereby I only strengthen the decision that I would not invest money in the purchase of such products. God created me with seven hairs on the eyebrows and over. Okay! I have literally seven hairs on the eyebrows but you know what I mean.

Is there anyone in the great world that he this serum helped? Is there any product of this type that has helped anyone?

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Jeste li vi ćelave iznad očiju? Znate što mislim? Naravno da znate!! Ja u obadvije obrve imam ukupno 7 dlaka. Da, da! Dobro ste pročitali. Sedam dlaka. Hvala Bogu na svim mogućim čudima za iscrtavanje obrva. Iz ovoga razloga sam često razmišljala o kupovini nekog sredstva za poboljšanje rasta obrva. Prijatelji iz Delia kozmetike kao da su čitali moje misli pa su mi poslali ovaj serum za poticanje rasta obrva i trepavica.

Plavuša u meni je odmah pomislila da ću nakon ove jedne bočice postati ponosna vlasnica gustih obrva. Da, kako da ne! Plavuša se prevarila. Nemam fotografije prije-poslije, jer se nemam čime pohvaliti. Obrve su mi ostale jednako guste. Sedam  ponosnih dlačica. Niti jedna više!

Mogu vam reći da proizvod dolazi u prekrasnoj bijelo-zlatnoj bočici. Aplikator je četkica na kojoj ostaje dovoljno proizvoda za nanošenje na jednu obrvu. Sam proizvod je proziran i gelaste je strukture. Ne pretjerano guste ali ipak gelaste strukture. Po mom mišljenju bez mirisa je.

Lako se aplicira na obrvu. Dva umakanja su dovoljna za obadvije obrve. Proizvod sam koristila dva mjeseca, svaki dan, u jutro i na večer. Potrošila sam cijelu bočicu nadajući se da ću ipak na kraju primjetiti neki napredak. Nažalost, nikakve promjene nije bilo.

Nisam isprobala proizvod na trepavicama tako da o tom učinku ne mogu ništa reći. Željela bih još naglasiti da nisam primjetila niti da su postojeće dlačice na obrvama ojačale. Jednostavno ništa se nije promijenilo, niti na bolje niti na gore.

Ovime sam samo ojačala odluku da neću ulagati novce u kupovinu ovakvih proizvoda. Bog me stvorio sa sedam dlačica na obrvama i gotovo. Ok! Nemam doslovno sedam dlačica na obrvama ali znate što želim reći. 

Ima li itko u bijelome svijetu da mu je ovaj serum pomogao? Ima li ikakav proizvod ovog tipa da je nekome pomogao?


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