NYX Tame&Frame Tinted Brow Pomade - Review

2:34 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!

I finally came back. I did not publish, I think there are some ten days. In this hobby just enjoy it, but I have lately disorganized and just a little bit lost in time and space. I try to gather and organize your life so that I have time for myself, for my loved ones, but the small things make me personally happy. And in the little things fits makeup. I love trying out new products, exploring drug stores in search of new small treasures.

From NYX cosmetics last year I received this Brow Pomade color TFBP01 Blonde. It comes in a small plastic jar, weight is 5 grams. I think the price of this product around 9 euros, correct me if I'm wrong. On the packaging says that this product is waterproof.

This pomade will be compared with NYX Eyebrow gel, which is also waterproof, the Blonde shades, whose review can be read here. I must say that pomade in the shade does not suit me. It is significantly lighter than the gel in the same shade. My complexion is lighter, my eyebrows are bright, and the pomade is absolutely not darkened. Remain as "invisible" as they normally would.

So, as far as the nuances of 1: 0 for NYX gel.

Both products are quite dry, but still creamy enough. With gel mor ate a little faster and more cautious because the more pigmented and faster to dry on obrvama.Oba products are prone to creating lumps on his eyebrows while it is applied. This is not a problem, easily brushed and blend. In the toothbrush remains enough product, it can be quite a draw with one dip.

Here you are free to give one point to each product. 1: 1

If we talk about convenience, I think that both the products are equal. At the very beginning is a lot easier to use product jars, but this product is considered more quickly because color does not match my eyebrows. That's why I have to use multiple products. Gel in tubes, easily dosed, long time. One tube I used two years and eyebrows I draw every day. The problem occurred only at the end, when the product is nearly spent, what was left was very dry and hard to be squeezed from the tube. Again the point for both products.

NYX gel 3: NYX Pomade 2

And at the end of waterproof element. There is a definite and absolute winner NYX gel. My skin is oily and mixed and when the eyebrows in question always choose waterproof products. There is no gamble. But pomade did not fulfill my expectations. After a while my eyebrows loss of definition as the product to be melted. The pigmentation is lost, simply eyebrows even more faded. This is not the case with gel. And when you want to remove have to do our best with micellar water. That's what I like most about this product.

NYX Gel 4: NYX Pomade 3 The choice is yours!

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Napokon sam se vratila. Nisam nista objavila, mislim da ima nekih desetak dana. U ovom hobiju baš uživam, ali sam u posljednje vrijeme neorganizirana i baš po malo izgubljena u vremenu i prostoru. Pokušavam se sabrati i organizirati svoj život tako da imam vremena i za sebe, za moje bližnje, ali i za sitnice koje mene osobno čine sretnom. A u te sitnice se uklapa šminka. Obožavam isprobavati nove proizvode, istraživati drogerije u potrazi za novim malim blagom.

Od NYX kozmetike sam još prošle godine dobila ovu Brow Pomade u boji TFBP01 Blonde. Dolazi u malenoj plastičnoj teglici, težina proizvoda je 5 grama. Mislim da je cijena ovog proizvoda oko 9 eura, ispravite me ako se varam. Na ambalaži piše da je ovaj proizvod vodootporan.

Ovu pomadu ću uspoređivati sa NYX Eyebrow gelom, koji je također vodootporan, u Blonde nijansi, čiju recenziju možete pročitati ovdje. Odmah da kažem da pomada u ovoj nijansi meni ne odgovara. Znatno je svijetlija od gela u istoj nijansi. Moj ten je svijetlije, moje obrve su svijetle, i sa pomadom se apsolutno ne potamne. Ostaju onako "nevidljive" kakve su i inače.

Dakle, što se tiče nijanse 1:0 za NYX gel.

Oba proizvoda su dosta suha, ali opet dovoljno kremasta. Sa gelom mor ate biti malo brži i oprezniji jer je više pigmentiran i brže se osuši na obrvama.Oba proizvoda su sklona tome da se stvore grudvice na obrvama dok ga nanosite. To i nije neki problem, lako se isčetka i blenda. Na četkici ostaje dovoljno proizvoda, može se dosta iscrtati sa jednim umakanjem.

Ovdje slobodno mogu dati po jedan bod svakom proizvodu. 1:1

Ako govorimo o praktičnosti, mislim da su i tu proizvodi izjednačeni. Na samom početku je puno jednostavnije koristiti proizvod teglice, ali ovaj proizvod se meni brže troši jer mi boja ne odgovara mojim obrvama. Zato moram koristiti više proizvoda. Gel je u tubici, lako se dozira, dugo traje. Jedna tubu sam koristila dvije godine, a obrve sam iscrtava svaki dan. Problem je nastao tek pri kraju, kada se proizvod skoro potrošio, ono što je ostalo je bilo jako suho i teško se istiskivalo iz tube. Opet po bod za oba proizvoda.

NYX gel 3: NYX Pomade 2

I na kraju vodootporni element. Tu je definitivni i apsolutni pobjednik NYX gel. Moja koža je masna i mješovita i kada su obrve u pitanju uvijek biram vodootporne proizvode. Tu se ne kockam. Ali pomada nije ispunila moja očekivanja. Nakon nekog vremena moje obrve izgube definiciju kao da se proizvod istopi. Pigmentacija se izgubi, jednostavno obrve još više izblijede. To kod gela nije slučaj. I kada ga želim ukloniti moram se potruditi sa micelarnom vodom. To mi se najviše sviđa kod ovog proizvoda.

NYX Gel 4: NYX Pomade 3 Odabir je na vama!


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