Eveline Cosmetics 3D Thermo Activ Serum - Shaping Waist, Abdomen and Buttocks - Review

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Hello my lovelies!

Here I am with you again, after a hundred years of rest. I had a million obstacles in writing posts. But better not to regret, but to go to writing. I did not waste my time, I did my job, preparing for the summer. To look better this summer, I started using some anti-cellulite and modeling treatments for the body. More specifically, I used EC Thermo Active Serum - Shaping Waist, Abdomen and Buttocks and EC Thermo Active Slimming Serum Anti-Cellulite.

If this post was not too long, I would review this anti-cellulite serum in the next blog post. Today we will stick to this modeling treatment.

The manufacturer says this is a thermosetting serum that shapes the waist, shaping and tightening the buttock and contributing to cellulite reduction. Massage with this product is recommended twice a day. Best after showering. Contains: MDL Complex, Caffeine, Laminaria Algae, Ivy and Horsetail Extract.

The product comes in a tub of 200 ml + 50 ml for free. The price is somewhere around 7 euros. The product is a gel-like structure, not transparent but has a glass red color. The smell is really intense, cleansing the nostrils.

I used the product some 60 days twice a day. After showering the product abundantly applied to the area of ​​the stomach, thigh and buttocks. What I can tell you immediately, this warms your skin intensively. On several occasions I thought that the feeling of warmth would never pass and that I would not be able to withstand it. And I often knew that my skin had itching, as long as this warming process lasts. Why? I do not know! But he was not comfortable.This skin warming process lasts for about 30-40 minutes, depending on how much you put the product. After that, everything goes back to normal. Even the smell disappears. I heard some girls dressed in extra layers of clothing to improve the warming process. I think I'd fire in the extra layers.What I have to say is that I did not notice any positive effect. Otherwise I'm doing my exercise three to four times a week, I watch what I eat. But like any other woman I have cellulite. By using this product, I have not noticed any improvement on this issue. 

So much for today. In the next post review of EC anti-cellulite treatment.  

Be Healthy and Happy! 

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Evo mene ponovno sa vama, nakon sto godina odmaranja. Imala sam milijun prepreka u pisanju postova. Ali bolje da se ne žalim, nego da se bacim na pisanje. Nisam uzalud potrošila vrijeme, bavila sam se sobom, pripremama sa ljeto. Kako bih što bolje izgledala ovo ljeto, počela sam koristiti i neke anticelulitne i modelirajuće tretmane za tjelo. Točnije, koristila sam EC Thermo Active Serum - Shaping Waist, Abdomen and Buttocks i EC Thermo Active Slimming Serum Anti-Cellulite.

Da ovaj post ne bi bio predugačak, recenziju ovog anticelulitnog seruma donosim u idućem blog postu. Danas ćemo se držati ovog modelirajućeg tretmana.

Proizvođač kaže da je ovo termoaktivni serum koji oblikuje struk, oblikuje i učvršćuje stražnjicu i pridonosi smanjenju celulita. Preporučuje se masaža ovim proizvodom dva puta dnevno. Najbolje nakon tuširanja. Sadrži: MDL Complex, Caffeine, Laminaria Algae, Ivy and Horsetail Extract.

Proizvod dolazi u tubici od 200 ml + 50 ml gratis. Cijena je negdje oko 7 eura. Proizvod je gelaste strukture, nije proziran nego ima neku staklenu crvenu boju. Miris je zaista intenzivan, pročisti nosnice.  

Proizvod sam koristila nekih 60-tak dana, dva puta dnevno. Nakon tuširanja sam proizvod obilno nanosila na područje stomaka, bedara i stražnjice. Ono što vam mogu odmah reći, ovo zagrijava kožu intenzivno. U nekoliko navrata sam mislila da osjećaj toplote neće nikada proći i da ja neću moći izdržati. A često mi se znalo dogoditi da me koža svrbi, dok traje taj proces zagrijavanja. Zašto? Ne znam! Ali nije bio ugodno.

Taj proces zagrijavanja kože traje nekih 30-40 min, ovisno o tome koliko ste stavili proizvoda. Nakon toga sve se vraća u normalu. Čak i miris nestaje. Čula sam da su neke djevojke oblačile dodatne slojeve odjeće kako bi poboljšale proces zagrijavanja. Ja mislim da bih se zapalila u dodatnim slojevima.

Ono što moram reći je da nisam primjetila nikakav pozitivan efekt. Inače se tjelovježbom bavim 3-4 puta tjedno, pazim što jedem. Ali kao i svaka druga žena imam celulit. Upotrebom ovog proizvoda nisam primjetila nikakva poboljšanja po tom pitanju. 

Toliko za danas. U idućem postu recenzija EC anticelulitnog tretmana. 

Budite zdravi i sretni!


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