Balea After Sun

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Hello Everyone!!
Here's what the DM says about him:
"The wonderful fragrance of Balea After Sun shower envelops the body after showering and makes for a memorable summery feel to the skin. The high-quality formulation nourishes tired skin after a hard day working or visiting the solarium and protects it from drying out."
Here's what I say about him:
I love it! It is a limited edition collection of shower gels Balea After Sun. The scent of this shower gel every night leads me to sleep. I do not know what's in it so magical. I bought it after returning from vacation, because it was written on the bottle (my interpretation):

- Soothes the skin after sun;
- Rinse the remains of cream and suntan oil;
- Prevents the skin from drying out;
- Leaves a cooling sensation on the skin.

I bought it! I showered! I showered immediately again! I went back to DM tomorrow. I bought 3 more bottles because I was afraid that he would disappear of the shelves, because everyone will know how great it is.

My skin is usually not too demanding, my skin after using this gel is soft and moisturized. But the scent of this shower gel, it's for what I've gone crazy. My hubby thought I was wearing sunscreen. And it is true that, recalls the beach, the sea and the scent of a coconut in sunscreen. Just want again to be on the beach and enjoy the sun.
Pozdrav svima!!
Evo što DM kaže o njemu:
"Prekrasan miris Balea nakon sunčanja tušem obavija tijelo nakon tuširanja i čini za nezaboravno ljetno osjećaj na koži.Formulacija visoke kvalitete hrani umornu kožu nakon napornog dana raditi ili posjetite solarij i štiti je od isušivanja."
Evo što ja kažem o njemu:
Obožavam ga!! Radi se limitiranoj kolekciji gelova za tuširanje Balea After Sun. Miris ovog gela za tuširanje me svaku večer vodi u san. Ne znam što je u njemu tako čarobno. Kupila sam ga nakon povratka sa odmora, jer je na bočici pisalo (moja interpretacija):

- umiruje kožu nakon sunčanja;
- ispire ostatke krema i ulja za sunčanje;
- sprečava isušivanje kože;
- ostavlja osjećaj hlađenja na koži.
Kupila ga! Istuširala sam se! Istuširala sam se odmah još jednom! Otišla sam sutra ponovno u DM. Kupila sam još 3 bočice jer sam se bojala da će ga nestati na policama, jer će svi znati kako je odličan.
Moja koža inače nije prezahtjevna, koža mi je nakon upotrebe ovog gela mekana i hidratizirana. Ali  miris ovog gela za tuširanje, ono je za čime sam poludjela. Moj mužić je mislio da imam na sebi kremu za sunčanje. I točno je takav, podjseća na plažu, more i miris kokosa u kremama za sunčanje. Baš poželim ponovno biti na plaži i uživati na suncu.
by DM


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