Balea Trocken Shampoo - Review

12:34 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!

 Lately I've just peppered with a lot of reviews on the blog, but that's because I tested a lot of products, which were new to me. So today I bring Review Balea dry shampoo. This is a shampoo that is designed for light hair (because I'm blonde).

The shampoo comes in a bottle under pressure, the size of 200 ml, the price is, if I am not mistaken around 2 euros. Maybe a little less. The way to use this dry shampoo is standard. Hair well combed, then, the strands by a strand of hair spray with product from a distance of about 20 cm.

It is desirable prior to each use give the bottle a good shake. The product leaves a white residue on the hair. After that scalp rub with a towel and stylized hair as desired. Now!! I have never used any  dry shampoo. For this reason it can not be compared with any other product.

What I can say is that I am expecting more of this product. I don `t know why?
The scent of the product is phenomenal, just have a pleasant, slightly stronger scent that for a long time remains on the hair. When you rub it on the hair at all the white powder does not see, it disappear.

But I do not see any freshness in appearance of hair, I do not have that sense of cleaner hair. In my opinion this shampoo for dry hair washing does not absorb enough grease from the scalp. At least not to me. I endured a day longer without washing hair, just using this product. It is just not enough. But when you do not have time to wash your hair,  that one day means a lot. Probably!

In any case I will not buy it again. I think I will not even try new dry shampoos, freshly washed hair is still freshly washed hair. Any product in the spray can not help.

If you like you like this product?

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

U posljednje vrijeme sam bas zaredala jako puno recenzija na blogu, ali to je zbog toga što sam testirala dosta proizvoda, koji su za mene bili novost. Tako i danas donosim recenziju Balea šampona za suho pranje kose. Radi se o šamponu koji je namjenjen svijetloj kosi (pošto sam blondina).

Šampon dolazi u bočici pod pritiskom, u veličini od 200 ml, cijena je, ako se ne varam oko 2 eura. Možda malo manje. Način na koji se koristi ovaj šampon za suho pranje je standardni. Kosu dobro počešljate, zatim, prame po pramen kose prskate proizvodom sa udaljenosti od 20-tak cm.

Poželjno je prije svake upotrebe bočicu dobro protresti. Proizvod ostavlja bijeli trag na kosi. Nakon toga tjeme protrljate ručnikom i stilizirate kosu po želji. E sada!! Ja do sada nisam koristila nikakav šampon za suho pranje kose. Iz tog razloga ga ne mogu usporediti sa nekim drugim proizvodom.

Ono što mogu reći je da sam ja od ovog proizvoda očekivala više. Ne znam zašto?
Miris proizvoda je fenomenalan, baš imam ugodan, malo jači miris koji se duže vrijeme zadržava na kosi. Kada ga utrljam u kosu uopće se bijeli prah ne vidi, nestane ga.

Ali ja ne primjetim neku svježinu u izgledu kose, nemam taj osjećaj čistije kose. Po mom mišljenju ovaj šampon za suho pranje kose ne upija dovoljno masnoću sa vlasišta. Barem nije kod mene. Izdržala sam jedan dan duže bez pranja kose, samo koristeći ovaj proizvod. To mi je baš premalo. Ali kada nemate vremena za pranje kose, i taj jedan dan znači puno. Valjda!

U svakom slučaju ja kupovinu neću ponoviti. Mislim da neću uopće isprobavati nove šampone, svježe oprana kosa je ipak svježe oprana kosa. Nikakav proizvod u spreju  tu ne može pomoći.

Volite li vi ovakve proizvode?



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