Afrodita Cosmetics Why Mask 4D Laser Transfomation

12:37 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies !!

Today I want to write about Afrodita Cosmetics masks 4D Laser Transformation. The manufacturer says that thi is a mask intended for the fight against wrinkles. The patented marine collagen microspheres during application to the skin penetrate deep in wrinkle lines and smooths them. The mask is applied to the skin in a thick layer, left on the skin for 15 minutes, the residue massaged into the skin.

This bag of face mask comes in two doses of 6 ml, I paid 1 euro. The mask looks like a face cream, and has the smell of an ordinary face cream. The mask is very oily, and at first glance I was scared that it might be too heavy for my oily skin. I followed all the instructions, except that I was, after 15 minutes, wipe off excess mask, and that little what is left on the skin I rubbed into the skin.

I've used both doses, but it is not enough that I could talk about some long-term effects and results. What I can say is that I put the mask before bedtime. In the morning the skin was soft and tender to the touch. I did not  noticed extra secretion of sebum,
I have not noticed that the wrinkles smoothed, but I did not have even adverse effects on the skin such as acne. The skin was nourished, moisturized and refreshed. But again, I think the two doses are too small for some long-term results.

This purchase will be repeated, because the feeling of freshness and hydration.

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Danas vam želim pisati o Afrodita Cosmetics maski za lice 4D Laser Transformation. Proizvođač kaže da je ovam maska namjenjena borbi protiv bora. Patentirane mikrosfere morskog kolagena tijekom nanošenja na kožu prodiru duboko u linije borica i zaglađuje ih. Maska se nanosi na kožu u debljem sloju, ostavi se na koži da djeluje 15 minuta, ostatak umasirati u kožu.

Ova kesica maske za lice dolazi u dvije doze od po 6 ml, platila sam je 1 euro. Maska izgleda kao krema za lice, i ima i miris po običnoj kremi za lice. Maska je jako masna i na prvi pogled sam se prepala da bi mogla biti preteška za moju masnu kožu lica. Napravila sam sve po uputama, osim što sam, nakon 15 minuta, blaznicama skinula višak maske, a onom malo što je ostalo na koži sam utrljala u kožu. 

Ja sam iskoristila obadvije doze, ali to je premalo da bih mogla govoriti o nekim dugoročnim efektima i rezultatima. Ono što mogu reći je da sam ja masku stavljala prije spavanja. Ujutro je koža bila mekana i nježna na dodir. Nisam primjetila dodatno izlučivanje sebuma, nisam primjetila zaglađene linijice ispod oka, ali nisam imala niti neželjenih efekata na koži kao što su bubuljice. Koža je bila nahranjena, hidratizirana i osvježena. Ali opet kažem, mislim da je dvije doze premalo za neke dugoročne rezultate.

Ovu kupovinu ću ponoviti, upravo zbog tog osjećaja svježine i hidratacije.


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