DM Haul #1 - 2016

10:38 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies !! 

Today I was in a short shopping tour in DM-in, and right away I had to photograph all what I bought, because now I want to throw in testing products that are new for me. I did not have much time and  money in the wallet, but this post will be short and clear.

 #1 I had to appease my conscience, so I bought to my hubby something. It is this Axe Dark Temptation Essential Collection set consisting of a shower gel 250 ml and 150 ml deodorant. The price of this packet is 3 euros. 

#2 I love all DM Dontodent mouthwash, this purple is flavored with mint, and allegedly provides protection seven times, what's important is that has no alcohol. This purple have not tried, this bottle of 500 ml is 1.5 euros, super convenient. But what is common are these Ebelin cottonsticks, I use this repairing eye makeup. The price is 0.80 euros. 

#3 I've never tried Aphrodite face masks, and since this was at the price of 1 euro I had to try it. This is WHY MASK 4D Laser Transformation Mask Collagen that supposedly fills fine lines. I do not know, we'll see. Again, I bought Essence eyebrow pencil, in my opinion the best drogestore eyebrow pencil. The price is 1.6 euros.

 #4 About this Balea Oil Repair Shampoo I read a lot of positive reviews. And my hair is in a mess, but I'm willing to try everything. This is Conditioner with Argan oil, pack of 200 ml is sold at a price of 2 euros. Price does not promise much but I will bring you my impressions when I good test this product. This Nivea Styling Cream hair gel friend recommended. She says it's great for the hair ends, nicely smoothed them. Pack of 150 ml is 4 euros.

#5 Now my skin is extremely dry so I switched to oil shower gels. This Balea Soft-Oil shower gel, gentle fragrance, pack of 300 ml I paid 1.1 euro.There are products that I bought today. And now I throw myself on testing. First up is Aphrodite face mask. We'll see whether it makes miracles.

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Danas sam bila u kratkoj šoping turi u DM-u, i odmah sam morala poslikati što sam kupila, jer se odmah želim baciti u isprobavanje proizvoda koji su za mene novost. Nisam imala puno vremena a ni novca u novčaniku pa će ovaj post biti kratak i jasan.

#1 Morala sam umiriti savjest pa sam i svom mužiću kupila nešto. To je ovaj Axe Essential Collection Dark Temptation set koji se sastoji od gela za tuširanje od 250 ml i dezodoransa od 150 ml. Cijena ovog paketića je 3 eura.

#2 Ja obožavam sve DM Dontodent vodice za ispiranje usta, ova ljubičasta je sa okusom mente, i navodno pruža sedmerostruku zaštitu, ono što mi je bitno je, da je bez alkohola. Ovu ljubičastu još nisam probala, ova bočica od 500 ml je 1,5 eura, super povoljno. A ono što je uobičajeno su ovi Ebelin štapići sa vatom, ove koristim za skidanje i popravljanje šminke oko očiju. Cijena je 0,80 eura.

#3 Nikada nisam probala Afrodita maske za lice, a pošto je ova bila po akcijskoj cijeni od 1 euro morala sam je isprobati. Ovo je WHY MASK 4D Laser Transformation maska za lice sa kolagenom koja navodno popunjava sitne borice. Ne znam, vidjet ćemo. Ponovno sam kupila Essence olovku za obrve, po meni nabolja olovka za obrve drogerijskog ranga. Cijena je 1,6 eura.

#4 O ovom Balea Oil Repair regeneratoru za kosu sam pročitala dosta pozitivnih recenzija. A kosa mi je trenutno u katastrofalnom stanju, pa sam spremna sve isprobati. Ovo je regenerator za kosu sa uljem argana, pakiranje od 200 ml se prodaje po cijeni od 2 eura. Cijena ne obećava puno ali javljam vam svoje dojmove kada dobro testiram proizvod. Ovaj Nivea Styling Cream gel za kosu mi je preporučila prijateljica. Kaže da je super za vrhove kose, lijepo ih zagladi. Pakiranje od 150 ml je 4 eura.

#5 Kako mi je koža ekstremno suha prebacila sam se na uljne gelove za tuširanje. Ovaj Balea Soft-oil gel za tuširanje, nježnog mirisa, od 300 ml sam platila 1.1 euro.

Eto to su proizvodi koje sam danas kupila. A sada se bacam na testiranje. Prva na redu je Afrodita maska za lice. Vidjet ćemo radi li čuda.







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