Catrice Cosmetics Liquid Camouflage High Coverage Concealer - Review

5:02 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!!

Maybe a little late with the review of this product but I really need a long time to try a concealer that I could write something about him. This product I received before some three or four months. And since then I use it quite extensively. And it's time to present my impressions.

It is therefore Catrice Cosmetics Liquid Camouflage High Coverage concealer in shade number 010 Porcellain. Product goes to the plastic packaging of 0.5 ml. This is a waterproof concealer that once applied to the skin remains on it all day.

The product is applied with angled, practical applicator, is quite thick, but is easily equated and absorbed into the skin. My skin dont have too many flaws, but what has, this concealer completely covered. Dark under the eyes, redness of blemishes, all covers.

The product is on the market available in three shades, except mine there are: 005 and 020 Light Natural and Light Beige. I use this concealer for contour, it perfect brightens the area under the eyes. The shade I have is lighter than my skin.

I do not put, on this corrector, loose powder because there is no need. I remain matte skin, and if you put the loose powder only highlight unnecessary, fine lines under the eyes. I have no complaints for this product. The highest quality! One of the best concealer I used.

What is your favorite concealer?

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Možda malo kasnim sa recenzijom ovog proizvoda ali ja zaista moram dugo isprobavati korektor da bih nešto mogla napisati o njemu. Ovaj proizvod sam dobila prije neka tri-četiri mjeseca. I od tada ga koristim poprilično intenzivno. I vrijeme je da iznesem svoje utiske.

Radi se dakle o Catrice Cosmetics Liquid Camouflage High Coverage korektoru, u nijansi broj 010 Porcellain. Proizvod odlazi u plastičnom pakiranju od 0,5 ml. Ovo je vodootporni korektor koji jednom kada nanesete na kožu ostaje na njoj cijeli dan. 

Proizvod se aplicira sa kosim, praktičnim aplikatorom, dosta je gust, ali se lako izjednačuje i upija u kožu. Moja koža trenutno nema previše nedostataka, ali ono što ima ovaj korektor potpuno prekriva. Tamno ispod očiju, crvenilo od prištića, sve prekriva.

Proizvod je na tržištu dostupan u tri nijense, osim ove moje tu su i: 005 Light Natural i 020 Light Beige. Ja ovaj korektor koristim i za konturiranje jer savršeno posvjetljuje područje ispod očiju. Nijansa koju imam je svijetlija od moje kože.

Ja na ovaj korektor ne stavljam puder u prahu jer nema potrebe. Meni ostaje mat na koži, a ako stavim puder u prahu samo istaknem nepotrebno, sitne linije ispod oka. Nemam zamjerki za ovaj proizvod. Vrhunske je kvalitete! Jedan od najboljih korektora koje sam koristila.

Koji je vaš omiljeni korektor?


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