Products I Regret Buying 2

1:58 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!

It is better to not talk about the weather. One long, autumn rain started falling. And according to the forecast, rain will not stop the next seven days. I'm not the "rainy" type of person. But I'll stick it! In accordance with the time is my present post. I accumulated in my basket  products that are maximally annoy me and disappointed  me lately.

The first product or products are the Derma Sel Spa set with the scent of pomegranate. It is the shower gel and body lotion in in packaging of 100 ml. The first thing, the scent is excellent, really up my alley. But!! I was not able to spend it, they really have provoked extreme reactions on my skin. They are manifested in the fact that after showering and applying this body milk I feel great itching of the skin. To the extent that strong was absolutely not tolerated. I'd be right back to take a shower and wash products of my skin. I tried to use them separately but skin reaction was not different. Absolutely do not have my recommendation. At least not for people with my skin type.

The second product is the Balea shampoo with silver sheen. Since I have blonde hair I like this tipe shampoos, to kill the bad yellow shade. But I have not had much luck with these shampoos. The one I wrote is here. This shampoo did not leave the desired effect. Not only was  no silver sheen, but It dried my hair. Shampoo - I,  1-0.

At a promotion I bought two Hellena shower gel of 500 ml. They are of different odors, and since I have never used these products, I wanted to try. Adverse effects, the type of skin moisture, it was not. But the smell of this shower gel is like a strange combination gas, strong dishwashing liquid and do not know what else. I personally did not like it. But we are not all the same.

Essence longlasting eye pencil No. 02 Hot Chocolate is not quite so longlasting as it is written. On my
greasy eyelids  withstand up to two hours. Then it creates the ugly, smudged line. No, thanks.

In one Haul post I showed that I bought Manhattan Lip Lacquer No. 50 G Rose & Shine. And even then I mentioned that the product has a very intense and unpleasant scent. I do not know if I bought a defective product but I was very sorry because I am fascinated with color. Unfortunately this product is going in the trash, but I will definitely go see the others. 

So much for today.  And yes! I would like to greet my Norwegians and Swedes, they most visit my blog. I wish  from the heart to thank for that. Other countries will mention in the next few posts. In any case, thank you to everyone who read, comment on and visit  mine site.

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Bolje da vam danas ne govorim o vremenu. One duge, jesenske kiše su počele padati. A po prognozi, kuša neće prestati idućih sedam dana. Ja nisam kišni tip osobe. Ali izdržat ću! U skladu sa vremenom je i ovaj moj današnji post. Nakupilo se u mojoj košari proizvoda koji su me maksimalno naživcirali i razočarali u posljednje vrijeme. 

Prvi proizvod odnosno proizvodi su ovaj Derma Sel Spa set sa mirisom nara. Radi se o gelu za tuširanje i mlijeku za tijelo uu pakiranju od 100 ml. Prva stvar, miris je odličan, baš po mom guštu. Ali!! Ja ih nisam mogla potrošiti do kraja jer su izazivali stvarno ekstremne reakcije na mojoj koži. One su se očitovale u tome da sam nakon tuširanja i nanošenja ovog mlijeka za tijelo osijećala veliku svrbež na koži. Do te mjere jaku da je bila apsolutno ne podnošljiva. Morala bih se odmah ponovno istuširati i saprati proizvode sa kože. Pokušala sam ih koristiti i odvojeno ali reakcija kože nije bila drugačija. Apsolutno nemaju moju preporuku. Barem ne osobama sa mojim tipom kože.

Drugi proizvod je Balea šampon za kosu sa srebrenim sjajem. Pošto imam plavu kosu volim ovakve šampone, da ubiju onu lošu žutu nijansu. Ali nisam imala sreće sa ovakvim šamponima. O jednom sam već pisala ovdje. Ovaj šampon nije ostavio željeni učinak. Ne samo da nije bilo srebrenog sjaja, nego mi je još i isušivao kosu. Šampon - ja 1-0.

Na nekoj promotivnoj akciji sam kupila dva Hellena gela za tuširanje od 500 ml. Različitog su mirisa, i pošto nisam nikada koristila ove proizvode željela sam probati. Negativnih učinaka, tipa isušivanje kože, nije bilo. Ali je miris ovog gela za tuširanje sličan nekoj čudnoj kombinaciji mirisa benzina, jakog deterdženta za pranje suđa i ne znam čega još. Meni se osobno nije svidio. Ali nismo svi isti.

Essence Longlasting eye pencil No. 02 Hot Chocolate baš i nije tako dugotrajna kao što piše. Na mojim masnim kapcima izdrži maksimalno dva sata. A tada mi se stvori ona ružna, razmazana linija. Ne, hvala.

U jednom Haul postu sam pokazala da sam kupila Manhattan Lip Lacquer No. 50 G Rose & Shine. I već tada sam spomenula da proizvod ima baš intenzivan i neugodan miris. Ne znam jesam li kupila pokvaren proizvod ali mi je jako žao jer sam očarana sa bojom. Nažalost ovaj proizvod ide u smeće, ali ću definitivno otići pogledati ostale. Možda je moj pokvaren.

Toliko za danas. Nadam se da ljubitelji kuše uživaju! Pozdrav svima!  I da! Željela bih pozdraviti svoje norvežane i šveđane, oni najviše posjećuju moj blog. Želim Vam se od srca zahvaliti na tome. Ostale zemlje ću spomenuti u idućim postovima. U svakom slučaju hvala vam svima koji čitate, komentirate i posjećujete ove moje stranice.


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