Jardin Naturele Schnecken Gel

4:26 AM,0 Comments

Hello everyone !!

Very hectic  these few days, so I was late to publish a new blog post. But  anything is possible when you are well organized! And if anyone is good at organizing that's me.

This time I want to share with you another product that impressed me, that I use for 3 months. Improvements are visible and my skin is smooth, clean, shiny and soft to the touch. It is a cream for the face that I accidentally bought on the recommendation of a friend. Actually it is a gel for facial care - Jardin Nature's Schnecken Gel.

This face cream contains vitamin B6, allantoin, collagen and snail extract gel. On the packaging was printed that smoothes the skin, heal acne scars, reduces wrinkles, heals and relieves other scars ... I had a bit of acne scars that are less visible because they are not so red, I do not have wrinkles, so  I can not speak abou that  effect.

What I noticed is that my skin is very smooth, clean and shine a healthy glow. I put it on my face before going to sleep. And in the morning I put it as the base for the foundation.
I noticed that my foundation stays longer on the face after applying this cream-gel.

The gel I bought in pharmacies, the price is very affordable. It surprised me because this cream with extract of snail gel are actually very expensive. Unfortunately, this cream is hard to find in pharmacies, as sold as soon as it reaches the shelves.
Enjoy the post and the beautiful weather.

Pozdrav svima!!
Kod mene se ovih dana živi jako užurbano, pa sam zato zakasnila sa objavom novog posta na blogu. Ali sve se može kada se dobro organiziram! A ako je itko dobar u organiziranju to sam ja.
Ovoga puta sa vama želim podijeliti još jedan proizvod koji me oduševio, koji koristim već 3 mjeseca. Poboljšanja su vidljiva a moja koža je glatka, čista, sjajna i nježna na dodir. Radi se o kremi za lice koju sam slučajno kupila, na preporuku prijateljice. Zapravo radi se o gelu za njegu lica - Jardin Naturele Schnecken Gel.

Ova krema za lice sadrži vitamin B6, alantoin, kolagen i ekstrakt puževog gela. Na pakiranju je otisnuto da zaglađuje kožu, liječi ožiljke od akni, ublažava bore, liječi i ublažava druge ožiljke... Imala sam malo ožiljaka od akni koji su manje vidljivi jer više nisu tako crveni, bore nemam,  tako da o tom efektu ne mogu govoriti.
Ono što još primjetila je to da je moja koža jako glatka, čista i sjaji zdravim sjajem. Stavljam je na lice  prije spavanja. A u jutro je stavljam kao podlogu za tekući puder.
Primjetila sam da mi i tekući puder duže ostaje na licu nakon nanošenja ove kreme.

Gel sam kupila u ljekarni, cijena je jako pristupačna. To me je iznenadilo jer su ove kreme sa ektraktom puževog gela zapravo jako skupe. Nažalost, ovu kremu je teško pronaći u ljekarnama, jer se proda čim stigne na police.

Uživajte u postu i lijepom vremenu!


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