Farmasi Happy Face Pressed Powder - Review

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 Hello my lovelies!!

Today I bring a review of last Farmasi product that I received from a friend for my birthday. I had a couple of issues related to these posts on Farmasi products. Posts are not sponsored, products I received from a friend for my birthday and I want to review them. In the end I left the product that I am absolutely thrilled with. It is a pressed powder which I use as a fixator of liquid foundation.

The product comes in plastic packaging of 14 grams, designed for all types and all skin tones. The manufacturer recommends that the product on the face and neck is applied with a sponge. First, I must mention that this product has absolutely beautiful scent. So gentle and not showy and yet it feels it by long time. I'm a sucker for odors and there I have nothing to say in my defense.

As for the product itself, I do, therefore, applied it after liquid foundation, first fix the T - zone and then the rest of the face. The product I applied with a brush for loose powder and considers  the best way. On the face is velvety to the touch, gentle and nice mattifies. My oily skin is not shines through, can withstand more than 4-5 hours. Shade is somehow nice adjust to my skin tone.

I did not have any negative consequences, pimples, rashes or itching. Product not really stand out pores even fine lines under the eyes. Has the absolute my recommendations. The price of the product do not know, probably can be found on the official website of this brand for your country.

I have to admit that this is my favorite of the month. I love these little things that brighten day to us, lovers of makeup and cosmetics.

Have a nice and happy day.

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Danas donosim recenziju posljednjeg Farmasi proizvoda koji sam dobila od prijateljice za rođendan. Imala sam par pitanja vezanih. za ove postove o Farmasi proizvodima. Postovi nisu sponzorirani, proizvode sam dobila od prijateljice na rođendan i želim ih recenzirati. Za kraj sam ostavila proizvod koji me apsolutno oduševio. Radi se o presanom puderu koji ja koristim kao fiksator tekućeg pudera.

Proizvod dolazi u plastičnom pakiranju od 14 grama, namijenjen je svim tipovima i svim tonovima kože. Proizvođač preporučuje da se proizvod na lice i vrat nanosi sa spužvicom. Najprije moram spomenuti da ovaj proizvod ima apsolutno prekrasan miris. Tako je nježan i ne upadljiv a opet ga dugo osjetite. Ja padam na mirise i tu nemam ništa da kažem u svoju obranu.

Što se tiče samog proizvoda, ja ga dakle nanosim nakon tekućeg pudera, najprije fiksiram T - zonu a onda ostatak lica. Proizvod nanosim sa četkicom za puder u prahu i tako mi najbolje odgovara. Na licu je baršunast na dodir, nježan i lijepo matira. Moja masna koža ne prosijava, može izdržati dobrih 4-5 sati prija popravljanja. Proizvod se ne trusi, nijansa se nekim čudom lijepo prilagodi tonu vaše kože.

Nisam imala nikakvih negativnih posljedica, prištića, osipa ili svrbeži. Proizvod ne ističe pore niti sitne borice ispod očiju. Ima apsolutno moje preporuke. Cijenu proizvoda ne znam, vjerojatno je možete potražiti na službenim stranicama ovoga brenda za svoju zemlju.

Moram priznati i da je ovo moj favorit mjeseca. Obožavam ovakve sitnice koje uljepšaju dan nama, ljubiteljicama šminke i kozmetike.

Želim vam ugodan i sretan dan.



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