Lancome Advanced Youth Activating Eye Cream - Review

4:34 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!

Today I bring you a review the cream for the eye area. As you can see from the title it is a Lancome Advanced Youth Activating Eye Cream. This cream test nearly three months and I think I gained a solid opinion about it.

I have the tester, pack of 5 ml, the cream is applied in the morning and evening, after cleansing, to the eye area. After three months of using the cream I spent only half a package of 5 ml. This product usually comes in packages of 15 ml at a price of about 55 euros.

The cream is "watery" structure, easily applied to the skin but needs a little time to absorb. After absorption in the skin leaves a velvety feeling. Slightly fills fine lines around the eyes. I think it still is not filling enough as some of the other creams that I have used previously.

As a basis for applying concealer or liquid foundation is excellent. Powder does not feed into fine lines or melt. Simply good "fits". This eye cream in the box has a more intense "medical" smell, but when applied to the skin, the scent is calming and quickly disappears.

Otherwise, I do not have dark circles under your eyes so I can not talk about the effect of these the cream on these defects. I can say I get the required hydration of the softer part of the skin that dries out before the rest of the face.

Due to the brand and the price of this product I expected a bit more "wow" effect. The product is solid, but I think that this effect can be achieved with a affordable eye cream.

Is one of you had better experiences with creams for the eye area?
I wish you successful work week! 

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Danas vam donosim recenziju kreme za područje oko očiju. Kao što možete vidjeti iz naslova radi se o Lancome Advanced Youth Activating Eye Cream. Ovu kremu testiram skoro tri mjeseca i mislim da sam stekla solidno mišljenje o njoj.

Ja ima tester, pakiranje od 5 ml, kremu nanosim u jutro i na večer, nakon čišćenja lica, na područje oko očiju. Nakon tri mjeseca korištenja kreme potrošila sam tek pola pakiranja od 5 ml. Ovaj proizvod inače dolazi u pakiranju od 15 ml po cijeni od cca 55 eura.

Krema je "vodenaste" strukture, lako se nanosi na kožu ali  treba malo vremena da se upije. Nakon upijanja na koži ostavlja baršunasti osjećaj. Lagano popunjava sitne linije oko očiju. Mislim da ih ipak ne popunjava dovoljno kao neke druge kreme koje sam ranije koristila.

Kao podloga za nanošenje korektora ili tekućeg pudera je odlična. Puder se ne uvlači u sitne linije i ne topi se. Jednostavno dobro "sjeda". Ova krema za oči u kutijici ima intenzivniji "medicinski" miris, ali kada se nanosi na kožu, miris se smiruje i brzo nestaje. 

Inače nemam tamne krugove ispod očiju pa ne mogu govoriti o učinku ove kreme na te nedostatke. Mogu reci da dobijem traženu hidrataciju za taj nježniji dio kože koji se i prije isušuje od ostatka lica.

S obzirom na brend i cijenu ovog proizvoda očekivala sam malo veći "Wow" efekt. Proizvod je solidan, ali mislim da se ovaj efekt može postići i sa nekim povoljnijim kremama za oči. 

Jeli netko od vas imao bolja iskustva sa kremama za područje oko očiju? 
Želim vam uspiješan radni tjedan! 

Full size packing - Not my pic


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