Catrice novelties fall-winter 2015-2016
Hello my lovelies!
I recently received a packet from our dear friends from Essence and Catrice with innovations in the season autumn-winter 2015-2016.
I recently received a packet from our dear friends from Essence and Catrice with innovations in the season autumn-winter 2015-2016.
They chose really fabulous products for me, and you'll probably read reviews about the most products that I got. This time I am presenting novelties that I received. I look forward to testing all of the products so that I can express my opinion. But now let's look at what is new on the shelves of our drugstores.
The first new product from the Catrice is Liquid Camouflage concealer. The concealer should provide optimal coverage. A user exchanges except obstructed him and that nourishes the skin. For me, this is a new waterproof concealer. It is available in two shades. Pack of 0.5 ml is sold at a price of about 3.7 euros. My shade is 010.
This product is the most cheerful. I can not wait to try all possible combinations with this Shine Appeal Fluid lipstick. This lipstick has a high pigmentation for maximum brilliance. What I like at first glance is that this lip has a vitamin B. I got a shade 060 Mary Berry. This pack of 5 ml is sold at a price of about 4.2 euros.
Waterproof mascara is the Luxury Lashes line. This mascara is one of three of these line and all three mascara with protein cashmere. The brush is V-shaped, dense, and what should be to create volume. I must mention that these massacres has Fenomanalan smell. Sold at a cost of about 5 euros.
The last product is Sun Glow Mineral Bronzing Powder number 010 Golden Light. I have already used Catrice is bronzers and I was thrilled. I hope the same will happen with this bronzer. This is baked powder that contains light-reflecting pigments. But still has a matte finish. For the price of about 5.2 euros you get 8 g of product.
Other new Catrice products you can see here.
Pozdrav moje ljepotice!
Nedavno sam od naših dragih prijatelja iz Essence i Catrice brenda dobila paketić sa novitetima iz sezone jesen-zima 2015-2016.
Nedavno sam od naših dragih prijatelja iz Essence i Catrice brenda dobila paketić sa novitetima iz sezone jesen-zima 2015-2016.
Za mene su izabrali stvarno prekrasne proizvode, i vjerojatno ćete o većini uskoro čitati recenzije. Ja vam ovog puta predstavljanja noviteta koje sam dobila. Veselim se testiranju svih proizvoda i iznošenju mišljenja o istim. Ali sada pogledajmo što je novo na policama naših drogerija.
Prvi novi proizvod od Catrice je Liquid Camouflage korektor. Ovaj korektor bi trebao pružiti optimalnu prekrivenost. A osim prekrivenosti najmjena mu je i da njeguje kožu. Za mene je novost da je ovo vodootporni korektor. Dostupan je u dvije nijanse. Pakiranje od 0,5 ml se prodaje po cijeni od cca 3.7 eura. Nijansa koju sam dobila je 010.
Ovom proizvodu se najviše veselim. Jedva čekam da isprobam sve moguće kombinacije sa ovim Shine Appeal Fluid ružom za usne. Ovaj ruž ima visoku pigmentiranost sa maksimalnim sjajem. Ono što mi se na prvi pogled sviđa je i to što ovo sjajilo ima vitamin B. Ja sam dobila nijansu 060 Marry Berry. Ovo pakiranje od 5 ml se prodaje po cijeni od cca 4.2 eura.
Vodootporna maskara je iz Luxury Lashes linije. Ova maskara je jedna od tri iz ove linije a sve tri maskare su sa proteinom kašmira. Četkica je V oblika, gusta, kakva i treba biti da bi stvorila volumen. Moram napomenuti da ova masakara ima fenomanalan miris. Prodaje se po cijeni od cca 5 eura.
I posljednji proizvod je Sun Glow Mineral Bronzing Powder broj 010 Golden Light. Već sam ranije koristila Catrice bronzere i bila sam oduševljena. Nadam se da će tako biti i sa ovim bronzerom. Ovo je pečeni puder koji sadrži svijetlo-reflektirajuće pigmente. Ali ipak ima mat završetak. Za cijenu od cca 5.2 eura dobijete 8 g proizvoda.
Ostale Catrice novitet pogledajte ovdje.
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Liquid Camouflage Concealer |
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Shine Appeal Fluid Lipstick |
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Luxury Lashes Volume Mascara |
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Sun Glow Mineral Bronzing Powder |
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