Le Petit Marseillais Shampoo with extracts of white clay and jasmine milk - Review

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Hello my lovelies!

 About a month ago I have, in any published Haul posts, according to the Le Petit Marseillais shampoo with extracts of white clay and jasmine milk. White clay is known for its purifying properties and restoring balance and jasmine milk is known for its moisturizing properties. As for the other ingredients not an expert so I do not know if the shampoo harmful elements.

This shampoo is designed for purifying the roots of the hair and moisturize the hair ends. The hair should stay longer clean and attractive. Shampoo is a creamy texture and a beautiful, delicate scent.

We all know that my hair is perfectly suited to Le Petit Marseillais Shampoo with Shea milk and honey (Review), but we do know that I hate the one with extract of apple and olive leaf (Review). And I am angry with this shampoo. After these two extreme positions is time for a new one.

This "green shampoo" (a green bottle) really does what it says. Excellent removes all impurities from the hair. After the first šamoniranja feel it crunch the hair under my fingers. Perfect cleanliness, the remains of shampoo can be easily rinsed out of the hair. Hair retaining the delicate scent and feel clean.

Why did not I fully am delighted this shampoo? Because gently dries the hair ends. At least in my case. This shampoo, but not often. Because of the negative effects of dehydration.

What is your favorite shampoo?

P.S. Once again I apologize for blur, really do not know what's wrong with my camera! 

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Prije nekih mjesec dana sam vam, u jednom od objavljenih Haul postova,  pokazala ovaj Le Petit Marseillais šampon  sa ekstraktima bijele gline i jasminovim mlijekom. Bijela glina je poznata po svojstvima pročišćavanja i vraćanja ravnoteže, a jasminovo mlijeko je poznato po hidratizirajućim svojstvima. Što se tiče ostalih sastojaka nisam stručnjak pa ne znam ima li u šamponu štetnih elemenata.

Ovaj šampon je namjenjen  pročišćavanju korjena kose te hidratiziranju vrhova kose. Kosa bi trebala duže ostati čista i lijepa. Šampon je kremaste strukture i prekrasnog je, nježnog mirisa.

Svi znamo da mojoj kosi savršeno odgovara Le Petit Marseillais šampon sa karite mlijekom i medom (Recenzija), ali znamo da sam zamrzila onaj od ekstrakta jabuke i lista masline (Recenzija) . I sad sam ljuta na taj šampon. Nakon ta dva ekstremna stava vrijeme je za jedan novi.

Ovaj "zeleni šampon" (zbog zelene bočice) stvarno čini ono što kaže. Odlično uklanja sve nečistoće iz kose. Već nakon prvog šamoniranja osjetite ono škripanje kose pod prstima. Savršena čistoća, ostaci šampona se lako ispiru iz kose. Kosa dugo zadržava nježan miris i osjećaj čistoće.

Zašto nisam potpuno oduševljena sa ovim šamponom? Zato što  lagano isušuje vrhove kose. Barem u mom slučaju. Ovaj šampon koristim, ali ne često. Upravo zbog tog negativnog efekta isušivanja.

Koji je vaš omiljeni šampon?

P.S. Ponovno se ispričavam zbog mutnih fotografija, stvarno ne znam što mi je sa kamerom! 


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