Avon Nutra Effects Active Seed Complex - Daily Body Lotion & Restoring Body Lotion

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 Hello my lovelies!!

Recently, Avon launched a new line of body care products Nutraeffects body lotions. There are two formulas for skin, for deep hydration with chia seeds, and the other for the care and recovery of the skin with flax seeds and marula seeds.

Ultimate Moisture Lotion with chia seeds has a light texture for immediate hydration, promises hydrating effect for 48 hours. Sold in bottles of 250 ml at a promotional price of about 4 euros.

Intensive Repair Lotion with flax seeds and marula seeds absorbs quickly and provides intensive care. Also promising effect for 48 hours. The product is also packaged in bottles of 250 ml or price unfortunately I did not find. In sale nourishing lotion with almond oil.

I've got these two bottles on testing before about two weeks and I used both products. Lotion recovery I used before sleeping and moisturizing in the morning.

I must admit that I got hooked on lotions for body care while I was pregnant, and they helped me because I have no stretch marks. Exactly Avon various lotions and creams are we here a lot of help. They were sending me to the test so I got them and poured, bottle for bottle. With every product I was pleased. So with these.

Care Lotion with chia seeds is a light texture, is more liquid (watery), easy to apply on the skin and goats by quickly absorbed. Without strong odor and this little quickly evaporates on the skin. The skin remains soft and lightly to moderately hydrated. Only a small amount of product that spreads the whole body.

Lotion for skin recovery with linen and marula seeds (bottle with red letters) is much thicker structures, more creamier. Nevertheless, the product is easily applied to the skin, relatively quickly absorbed leaves the skin soft and nourished.

I must admit that I prefer this lotion for skin recovery. After pregnancy my skin needs all the help it can regenerate, this lotion helps her. No he does not have a strong odor is not retained on the skin.

Both lotions can confirm that the action of 48 hours, at least in my case, is not present. So I could have any kind of shift in the result, these products I use every day.

Like both products but if I had to choose one, the absolute winner of the lotion for skin recovery body with linen and marul seeds.

What is your favorite Skincare lotion?

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Nedavno je Avon lansirao novu liniu proizvoda za njegu tijela Nutraeffects losiona za tijelo. Dvije su formule za njegu, za duboku hidrataciju sa chia sjemenkama, a drugi za njegu i obnovu kože sa  sjemenkama lana i marula sjemenkama.

Ultimate Moisture losion sa chia sjemenkama ima laganu teksturu za trenutnu hidrataciju kože, obećava hidrirajući efekt u trajanju od 48 sata. Prodaje se u bočici od 250 ml po promotivnoj cijeni od cca 4 eura.
Intensive Repair losion za tijelo sa sjemenkama lana i marula sjemenkama brzo se upija te daje dubinsku njegu. Također obećava učinak u trajanju od 48 sati. Proizvod je takodjer pakiran u bocicu od 250 ml ali cijenu nazalost nisam pronasla. U prodaji je jos i njegujuci losion sa uljem badema.

Ja sam dobila ove dvije bocice na testiranje prije cca dva tjedna i koristila sam obadva proizvoda. Losion za obnovu sam koristila pred spavanje a za hidrataciju u jutro.

Moram priznati da sam se u trudnoci navukla na losione za njegu tijela, a i pomogli su mi jer strija nemam. Tu su veliku ulogu igrali upravo Avonovi razni losioni i kreme. Kako su mi oni slali na testiranje tako sam ih ja i trosila. Sa svakim proizvodom sam bila zadovoljna. Pa tako insa ovima.

Losion za hidrataciju sa chia sjemenkama je lagane teksture, vise je tekuci (vodenastiji), lako se nanosi na kozu i koza ga brzo upija. Bez napadnog mirisa a i ovo malo brzo ishlapi na kozi. Koza ostaje mekana i lagano do srednje hidrirana. Dovoljna je mala kolicina proizvoda da namazete cijelo tijelo.

Losion za obnovu koze sa lanom i marula sjemenkama (bocica sa crvenim slovima) je puno gusce strukture, vise kremastije. Bez obzira na to proizvod se lako nanosi na kozu, koza ga relativno brzo upija i ostaje mekana i njegovana.

Ja moram priznati da mi se vise svidja i vise mi odgovara ovaj losion za obnovu koze. Nakon trudnoce mojoj kozi je potrebna sva pomoc da se regenerira i ovaj losion joj u tone pomaze. Ni on nema jak miris i ne zadrzava se na kozi.

Za oba losiona migu potvrditi da djelovanje od 48 sati, barem u mom slucaju, nije tocno. Da bih imala bilo kakav pomak u rezultatu ove proizvode koristim svaki dan.

Svidjaju mi se obadva proizvoda ali kada bih se morala odluciti za jedan, apsolutni pobjednik je losion za njgu tijela sa lanom i marul sjemenkamam.

Koji je vas omiljeni losion za njegu koze?


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