Reverse Makeup

3:40 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!

I in the past two months I am using the reverse principle of makeup. I'll explain what it is about. Just before that, I want to say a few little things. I was  reading a lot about of
this way of make-up before I tried,  somehow at first did not have too much logic. But after a few months of make-up in this way  I'm definitely ready to write to you about it.

The principle is as follows: Loose powder BEFORE liquid
Foundation. Easy! After morning cleansing and and applying moisturizer on face (any cream that I used that moment),  I apply on my  T-zone  my Essence Fix & Matte translucent loose powder, with Blush Brush No. 2 . What is left on the brush smearing on cheeks.

After that, the facial skin is silky to the touch and satin. And then comes with the standard application of liquid foundation. I use Vichy Dermablend Foundation No. 25 Nude  with H&M  brush for
application of liquid foundation. And that's it! After that, just normal makeup.

Proponents of this method make-up amounts to a theory that the makeup on the face is more longlasting. I absolutely agree with those facts. I noticed that my makeup is on average up to 2 hours longer. Specifically, the outbreak of sebum is delayed for that one period. And I find that amazing.
All makeup stay on the face for much longer. And that silky and matt feeling under the fingers, remains much, much longer.

I hope you will try this way of make-up!
Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Ja u posljednja dva mjeseca koristim obrnuti princip šminkanjam. Objasnit ću o čemu se radi. Samo prije toga želim reći par sitnica. Ja sam o ovom načinu šminkanja dosta čitala prije nego sam isprobala, sve mi to nekako na prvi pogled nije imalo previše logike. Ali nakon par mjeseci primjene definitivno sam spremna da vam pišem o tome.

Princip je sljedeći: praškasti puder za fiksiranje stavlja se PRIJE tekuće podloge. Jednostavno! Nakon jutarnjeg umivanja i mazanja na lice odgovarajuće kreme (bilo koja krema koju sam taj tren koristila), na lice sam svojom Blush četkicom br.2 na T-zonu nanosila moj Essence Fix&Matte translucent Loos Powder. Ono što bi ostalo na četkici razmazivala sam po obrazima.

Nakon toga koža lica je na dodir svilenkasta i matirana. A onda na red dolazi standarsno nanošenje tekućeg pudera. Ja Vichy Dermablend tekući puder broj 25 Nude primjenjujem sa H&M četkicom za nanošenje tekućih pudera. I to je to! Nakon toga se jednostavno, normalno šminkate.

Zagovornici ove metode šminkanja iznose teoriju da je šminka na licu dugotrajnija. I ja se apsolutno slažem sa tim navodima. Ja sam primjetila da mi šminka u prosjeku traje do 2 sata duže. Točnije, izbijanje sebuma se odgađa za taj neki period. I meni je to fenomenalno. Sve nekako duže ostaje na svom mjestu. A onaj svilankasti i matirani osjećaj kože pod prstima ostaje puno, puno duže.

Nadam se da ćete isprobati ovaj način šminkanja!


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