AVON CARE multi-purpes cream and hand cream - with oat and chamomile extract

4:48 AM,0 Comments

Hello my beauty!

In the New Year's PR package from Avon I have got two creams - hand cream and multi-purpose face cream. Both are from a limited collection and are both with oat and chamomile extract.

I generally love Avon multi-purpose creams for all family members. But, if we do not lie, my husband does not approach them. This cream comes in a pack of 400ml and the price is about 7 euros. Maybe my fragrant buds are damaged by the flu, but I do not detect a clear scent of chamomile and oats.

The scent is pleasant and gentle, on the skin does not stay long. The cream hydrates the skin absorbs quickly, is light on the skin. I use the cream after showering all over the body including the face. I used a similar cream when I was pregnant. As a prevention against stretch marks. I think it was honey and royal jelly (or something). They are well hydrated and this is very important in pregnancy. Oh yeah! I have no stretch marks! Just to say!

Hand cream comes in a 100ml package and costs about 3 euros. With this hand cream I'm less enthusiastic. It's thicker than the first one, it's harder to absorb and leave that "weird" layer on your hands. It takes about 15 minutes to fully absorb and that feeling passes. But in my opinion the first is much better for hand care, I use it before bed. I use this on a daily basis.

I hope this article was useful and informative. The big thumb up for the first cream, except that it nurtures great, the ratio of the quantity and price is excellent.

Great kiss from me!

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

U novogodišnjem PR paketu od Avon sam dobila dvije kreme - krema za ruke i višenamjenska krema za lice. Obadvije su iz limitirane kolekcije i obadvije su sa ekstraktom zobi i kamilice.

Ja općenito jako volim Avon višenamjenske kreme za njegu, namjenjene su svim članovima obitelji. Ali, da se ne lažemo, moj muž im ne prilazi. Ova krema dolazi u pakiranju od 400ml a cijena je cca 7 eura. Možda su moji mirisni pupoljci oštećeni gripom, ali ja ne razaznajem jasan miris kamilice ili zobi. 

Miris je ugodan i nježan, na koži se ne zadržava dugo. Krema odlično hidrira, brzo se upija, na koži je lagana. Kremu koristim nakon tuširanja, po cijelom tijelu uključujući i lice. Sličnu kremu sam koristila i kada sam bila trudna. Kao prevenciju protiv strija. Mislim da je bila med i matična mliječ (ili nešto slično).  Odlično hidriraju a to je jako bitno u trudnoći. O da! Nemam strija! Samo da kažem!

Krema za ruke, nokte i zanoktice dolazi u pakiranju od 100ml a cijena je cca 3 eura. Ovom kremom za ruke sam manje oduševljena. Gušća je nego prva, teže se upija i na rukama ostavlja onaj neki "čudni" sloj. Treba proći 15-tak minuta da se potpuno upije i da taj osjećaj prođe. Ali, po mom mišljenju je prva puno bolja za njegu ruku, nju koristim pred spavanje. Ovu koristim svakodnevno.

Nadam se da vam je članak bio koristan i informativan. Veliki palac gore za prvu kremu, osim što odlično njeguje, odnos količine i cijene je odličan.

Veliki poljubac od mene!



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