Angel Therapy Hair Mask
Hello my lovelies!!
Earlier I mentioned that my hair is too used to the products that I previously used for hair care. Hair became once again dry, brittle and unruly. So I decided to do a complete turnaround and change everything in my hair care routine. The only thing that remains the same is shampoo. The new products include the Angel Therapy Mask, mask for hair from 100% natural oils of macadamia and honey.
Now, as far as natural mask, I really do not know. I photographed the ingredients but someone who understands the chemistry can take out your opinion. What I 100% know that I could not wait any longer to write my thoughts about this hair masks. I was kind of tolerant, and give myself time to test it at least three weeks. I can no longer wait. The mask is phenomenal.
Comes in a plastic box of 300 ml, a solid amount and the price of products with delivery, in my case it was 10 euros. I waited a little longer but it was worth waiting for. For a company Angel Four this mask products and full company Hedera Vita, you can find their profile on Facebook.
The mask has a thick consistency, honey-yellow color and beautiful scents. That has somehow delicate scent, reminiscent of me some fruit candy. This mask is to completely regenerate damaged hair. It is made based on honey, macadamia oil and plant extract which cuts back the natural balance and soften. The manufacturer says that regular use of this mask hair becomes more vivid, firmer and more elastic, and in addition should encourage hair growth.
The mask is applied to wet hair, rubbed into the scalp and the hair ends, is left to work for 10 minutes and washed with water. I was thrilled after the first use. My hair after drying was soft and smooth. I did not even feel the need to iron my hair or fenir. She was just easy to comb, without drying, gently falling, smooth and flat. Hair is soft, and the smell is only slightly remains on the hair.
I am absolutely thrilled, this mask has my recommendation.
Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!
sam vam spominjala da je se moja kosa previše naviknula na proizvode
koje sam ranije koristila za njegu kose. Postala ponovno suha, lomljiva i
neposlušna. Zato sam odlučila napraviti potpuni zaokret i promijeniti
sve u mojoj rutini za njegu kose. Jedino što je ostalo isto jeste šampon
za kosu. U nove proizvode spada i Angel Therapy Mask, maska za kosu od
100% prirodnih ulja makadamija i meda.
sada, koliko je maska prirodna, ja zaista ne znam. Fotografirala sam
sastojke pa netko tko se razumije u kemiju može iznjeti svoje mišljenje.
Ono što ja 100% znam je da nisam mogla više čekati da vam napišem svoje
dojmove o ovoj maski za kosu. Nekako sam se strpila, i dala sebi
vremena da je testiram barem 3 tjedna. I više ne mogu čekati. Maska je
u plastičnoj kutiji od 300 ml, solidna količina, a cijena proizvoda sa
dostavom, u mom slučaju je bila 10 eura. Malo sam je duže čekala ali se
isplatilo. Za kompaniju Angel Four ovu masku proizvodi i puni tvrtka
Hedera Vita, možete pronaći njihov profil i na Facebooku.
je guste konzistencije, medeno-žute boje i prekrasnog mirisa. Baš ima
nekako nježan miris, mene podsjeća na neke voćne bombonice. Ova maska je
za poptunu regeneraciju oštećene kose. Napravljena je na bazi meda,
ulja makadamije i biljnog ekstrakta koji kosi vraćaju prirodnu ravnotežu
i omekšavaju. Proizvođač kaže da redovitom upotrebom ove maske kosa
postaje bujnija, čvršća i elastičnija, a osim toga trebala bi potaći
rast kose.
se nanosi na mokru kosu, utrlja se u vlasište i na vrhove kose, ostavi
se da djeluje 10 minuta te se ispere vodom. Ja sam bila oduševljena već
nakon prve upotrebe. Kosa mi je nakon sušenja bila mekana i zaglađena.
Uopće nisam imala potrebu da kosu peglam ili feniram. Jednostavno je
bila lagana za rasčešljavanje, bez feniranja, lagano pada, glatka i
ravna. Kosa je mekana, a miris se samo lagano zadržava na kosi. Ja sam
apsolutno oduševljena, ova maska ima moje preporuke.
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