DM haul #2 in 2016. + Gifts

11:34 PM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!!
 Does it make sense to go to the DM for one product? Does it make sense at all convince yourself that you will go to the DM and buy one thing? Does not make sense!! Nice shelves, vivid colors and new products simply call to buy something that you did not plan. I convinced myself that this time I bought only what I really need. I believe that I am! Let's see!

1. Head & Shoulders shampoo Apple Fresh 200 ml, the only shampoo that keeps my problem with dandruff under control. The price of this bottle is approximately 3 euros. Garnier Color Naturals color hair with olive oil, avocado oil and shea oil, number 111 natural ash blonde, with a double formula to protect, price approx 2.5 euros. This color I put on hair roots between two coloring at saloon. This is an instant fix between two treatments  in expert hands.

2. Signal Herbal Fresh Toothpaste 75 ml, price approx 1 euro and Laboratoires Vademecum Ultra Fresh 16 Eucalyptus & Mint Toothpaste 75 ml, price approx 1 euro. These toothpaste I bought because they were both at sale. I hope it will be good.

3. These small products in travel packaging I bought for my medical bag: Shower Gel Prinzessin Sternenzauber with the scent of cherries of 50 ml, the price of 0.60 euros. I know that this is a children's product but it smells so good, I could not resist. Dontodent toothpaste for sensitive teeth of 20 ml, the price of 0.40 euros. Balea Hygienehandel antibacterial gel of 50 ml, the price of 1.1 euro, Violeta wet wipes without alcohol, small packaging, the price of 0.40 euros.

4. Balea Hygienehandel antibacterial gel 300 ml, price 4 euros. In my house we must always have one bottle of antibacterial gel. Essence Nail Polish Remover with nourishing oil of 150 ml, cost about 1.5 euros. Always buy this nail polish remover, maybe it could a little better remove tinsel but I'm satisfied. No name nail polish with gold and white sequins I had before, but I lost it. The price of this small bottle is 0.50.

5. This Christina Aguilera set I received from my dear hubby. Best hubby ever!! This is an intense perfume, really up my alley. The set contains: Christina Aguilera perfume of 30 ml and perfume shower gel 50 ml.

6. Do not know if anyone heard of Eminy perfume. It is the sale of perfumes which are copies of some major names (if I figured it well). This Eminy Eau de Toilette 30 ml I received from my brother and it is the imitation of  Channel 5, it is excellent, just like the original, intense and long-lasting.

And that is it that was found in my shopping cart! I hope you have enjoyed reading. Thanks!

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Ima li smisla otiću u DM po jednu stvar? Ima li smisla uopće sebe uvijeravati da će te otići u DM i kupiti samo jednu stvar? Ma nema smisla!! One lijepe police, žive boje i novi proizvodi vas jednostavno zovu da kupite nešto što niste planirali. Ja sam sebe ovoga puta uvjerila da sam kupila samo ono đto mi zaista treba. I vjerujte da jesam! Pogledajmo!

1. Head&Shoulders šampon za kosu Apple Fresh od 200 ml, jedini šampon za kosu koji moj problem sa peruti drži pod kontrolom. Cijena ove bočice je cca 3 eura. Garnier Color Naturals boja za kosu sa maslinovim uljem, uljem avokada i karite uljem, broj 111 Prirodno pepeljasto plava, sa dvostrukom formulom za zaštitu, cijena cca 2,5 eura. Ovu boju stavim na izrast na korjenu kose između dva farbanja kod frizera. Ovo je instant popravak do novog tretmana vađenja pramenova u stručnim rukama.

2. Signal Herbal Fresh pasta za zube od 75 ml, cijena cca 1 euro i Laboratoires Vademecum Ultra Fresh 16 Eucalyptus&Mint pasta za zube od 75 ml, cijena cca 1 euro. Ove paste za zube sam kupila jer su obadvije bile po akcijskoj cijeni. Nadam se da će biti dobre.

3. Ove malene proizvode u pakiranju za putovanje sam kupila za svoj bolnički neseser: Gel za tuširanje Prinzessin Sternenzauber sa mirisom trešnje od 50 ml, cijena 0,60 eura. Znam da je ovo dječiji proizvod ali ja ovom mirisu nisam mogla odoljeti.  Dontodent pasta za osjetljive zube od 20 ml, cijena 0,40 eura. Balea Hygienehandel antibakterijski gel od 50 ml, cijena 1,1 euro, Violeta vlažne maramice bez alkohola, malo pakiranje, cijena 0,40 eura.

4. Balea Hygienehandel antibakterijski gel od 300 ml, cijena 4 eura. Kod nas u kući uvijek mora biti jedna bočica ovog antibakterijskog gela.  Essence Nail Polish Remover sa njegujućim uljem od 150 ml, cijena cca 1,5 eura,. Uvijek kupujem ovaj odstranjivač laka za nokte, možda bi mogao malo bolje skidati šljokice ali zadovoljna sam. No name lak za nokte sa zlatnim i bijelim šljokicama sam imala ranije ali sam ga izgubila. Cijena ove malene bočice je 0,50 eura.

5. Ovaj Christina Aguilera set sam dobila od svoga dragog mužića. Najbolji mužić!! Ovo je jedan intenzivan parfem, baš po mom guštu. Set sadrži: Christina Aguilera parfem od 30 ml i parfemski gel za tuširanje od 50 ml.

6. Ne znam dali je netko čuo za Eminy kupovinu parfema. Radi se o prodaji parfema koji su kopije nekih većih imena (ako sam ja to dobro skužila). Ovaj Eminy Eau de Parfum od 30 ml sam dobila od brata i radi se o imitaciji parfema Channel 5. Odličan je, baš kao i original, intenzivan je i dugotrajan.

I to je bilo to što se našlo u mojoj košarici! Nadam se da ste uživali čitajući. Hvala!



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