Recent Empties #8

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Hello my lovelies!

In my basket had accumulated a lot spent products, so that this post would not be too long, it's time for Empties # 8th Let's see what I've spent lately.

1. Another bottle Balea antibacterial gel, a pack of 300 ml. I love to have this product on hand, I think it is very good for this price. No strong odor, rapidly absorbed. The new bottle has already been purchased.

I do not use any other nail polish remover, my standard is the best Essence Nail Polish Remover with the scent of strawberries and passion fruit. Acetone Free is easy to remove nail polish, does not dry out your nails. The bottle of 150 ml lasts me 3-4 months, if not longer.

2. Violeta wet baby wipes, pack of 72 pieces with the addition of mild lotion, I use them for removing makeup. Wet wipes for babies of this brand are excellent for removing makeup, only to not cause any adverse effects on my face.

Septon pads, pack of 100 pieces and Vademecum toothpaste, a tube of 75 ml. I have nothing special to say about these products. They served a purpose.

3. This is one of the worst mascara I used. I have not spent but simply want to throw out. It is a luxury Catrice Lashes waterproof mascara. Usual I do not like waterproof mascara but this is terrible. No chance it's nice to be applied, sticking lashes, later you can not remove, not with oil for removing makeup. Disaster! I go crazy when I think of this mascara.

4. About this Avene creams I wrote a review and I was pleased. Reviewed you can read here And Labello Pure & Natural with milk and honey is really good work through the winter lip care. The purchase will not happen again because I want to try out some new products for lip care.

5. H & S Shampoo with the scent of green apple, bottle of 200 ml. These shampoos I wrote already hundreds of rows. Does the job, I do not have dandruff. I buy it again.

6 This Eveline Cosmetics Mini Max nail polish throw though I have not spent. The product is too condensed and can not use it, nor diluted. The color is gorgeous, white number 253. I love this line of EC nail polishes. I plan to repeat purchase.

7. Afrodita Why Mask - facial mask with marine collagen and avocado oil. About this mask, I wrote here. These are just a Vichy testers that I got before I used this cream and I was very pleased. Normaderm Night and day cream. For me the absolute top is Vichy skin care. These creams are excellent.

8. This Balea Shower Oil I absolutely adore. It has a pleasant scent, nice nourishes and hydrates the skin. Pack of 300 ml. Unfortunately, the purchase have not repeated, but I was twice is DM-is and did not found it.

9. And finally Genera cream for face and body is packaging of 250 ml. I love this lightweight creams and use them exclusively for body care. It is easily absorbed into the skin, nourish and hydrate fine. It has my recommendation and I will repeat purchases. And perfect for hand care.

There you go ! Cart is empty! I'm on the search for new products! Kisses to all!

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

U mojoj košarici se nakupilo dosta potrošenih proizvoda, pa da ovaj post ne bi bio predugačak, vrijeme je za Empties #8. Pogledajmo što sam potrošila u posljednje vrijeme.

1. Još jedna bočica Balea antibakterijskog gela, pakiranje je od 300 ml. Ja volim imati ovaj proizvod pri ruci, mislim da je jako dobar a ovu cijenu. Nema jak miris, brzo se upija. Nova bočica je već kupljena.
Ja ne koristim nikakav drugi odstranjivač laka za nokte, moj standardni najbolji je Essence Nail Polish Remover sa mirisom jagode i marakuje. Bez acetona je, lako uklanja lak za nokte, ne isušuje nokte. Bočica od 150 ml mi traje i po 3-4 mjeseca, ako ne i duže. A nokte lakiram jako često.

2. Violeta vlažne maramice za bebe, pakiranje od 72 komada sa dodatkom blagog losiona, koristim ih za uklanjaje šminke. Vlažne maramice za bebe ovoga brenda su odlične za uklanjanje šminke i jedine s koje ne izazivaju nikakve negativne učinke na mom licu.
Septona blazinice, pakiranje od 100 komada i Vademecum pasta za zube, tubica od 75 ml. Nemam ništa specijalno za reći o ovim proizvodima. Poslužili su svrsi.

3. Ovo je jedna od najgorih maskara koje sam koristila. Nisam je potrošila nego je jednostavno želim baciti. Radi se o Catrice Luxury Lashes vodootpornoj maskari. Inače ne volim vodootporne maskare ali ova je strašna. Nema šanse da je lijepo nanesete, lijepi trepavice, kasnije je ne možete ukloniti ni sa uljima za skidanje šminke. Katastrofa! Poživčanim kad se sjetim ove maskare.

4. O ovoj Avene kremici sam već pisala recenziju i bila sam zadovoljna. Recenziju možete pročitati ovdje. A Labello Pure&Natural sa mlijekom i medom je odlično odradilo svoj posao kroz zimsku njegu usana. Kupovinu neću ponoviti jer želim isprobati neke nove proizvode za negu usana.

5. H&S šampon protiv peruti sa mirisom zelene jabuke, bočica od 200 ml. O ovim šamponima sam napisala već stotine redova. Odrađuje svoj posao, nemam perut. Kupnju sam već ponovila.

6. Ovaj Eveline Cosmetics Mini Max lak za nokte bacam iako ga nisam potrošila. Proizvod se previše zgusnuo i ne mogu ga koristiti, niti razrijediti. Boja je preljepa, bijela broj 253. Volim ovu liniju EC lakova za nokte. Planiram ponoviti kupovinu.

7. Afrodita Why Mask - maska za lice sa morskim kolagenom i uljem avocada. O ovoj maski sam već pisala ovdje. Ovo su samo Vichy testeri koje sam dobila, ranije sam koristila ove kreme i bila sam jako zadovoljna. Normaderm noćna i dnevna krema. Po meni je Vichy apsolutni vrh u njegi kože. Ove kreme su odlične.

8. Ovo Balea ulje za tuširanje apsolutno obožavam. Ima ugodan miris, ljepo njeguje i hidrira kožu. Pakiranje je od 300 ml. Nažalost, kupovinu još nisam ponovila, već sam dva puta bila u DM-u i nisam ga pronašla.

9. I na kraju Genera krema za lice i tijelo u pakiranju od 250 ml. Ja obožavam ove lagane kremice i koristm ih isključivo za njegu tijela. Lako se upijaju u kožu, fino njeguju i hidriraju. Ima moje preporuke i ja ću kupovinu ponoviti. A odlična je i za njegu ruku.

Eto ga! Košara je prazna! Bacam se na trošenje novih proizvoda! Pusa svima!











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