Avon - New trends - Layering - Multitasking - Striping - Strobbing
Hello my lovelies!!
Today I want to write about the new methods make-up, which has been practiced for some time the world of make-up. You might prefer to call them make-up techniques. About good old-contouring we all know. We've all sikušali that, we looked at hundreds of clips and read the mass of blogs.
Today we meet 4 new methods / techniques and trying it alone for a long time.
Today I want to write about the new methods make-up, which has been practiced for some time the world of make-up. You might prefer to call them make-up techniques. About good old-contouring we all know. We've all sikušali that, we looked at hundreds of clips and read the mass of blogs.
Today we meet 4 new methods / techniques and trying it alone for a long time.
1. Layering - art of applying perfume. This method is related to the longer retention of perfume on your skin. And this is done by gradually using products of the same fragrant lines: shower gel, spray and body lotion, deodorant, and finally perfume or toilet water.
2. Striping - sunny complexion with the help of bronzer. To achieve a tanned Apparently bronzer is applied to the parts of the face which are most exposed to sunlight and blend outward.
3. Multimasking - use more face masks djednom. Different parts of the face require different nourishing preparations. My oily - combination skin requires different approaches to care T-zone and cheeks. And this method shows that it is best to use different masks for different parts of the face. And I absolutely agree with this thesis, and this new method is my favorite and most practice.
4. strobing - the play of light on the face. When these techniques are used illuminators in order to achieve the effect of younger and fresher skin. It is suitable for women of all ages. The illuminator is applied to the cheekbones, nose, upper lip, below and above the eyebrows and on the middle of the forehead. And this method like it a lot. Often use.
In order to be up to date with new trends Avon its catalog offers products for all of these techniques. And best of all is that the Avon has prepared a contest for all who like to experiment. On Instagram put a selfie with the hashtag: #stripingAVON
#strobingAVON #contouringAVON #multimaskingAVON
Avon will reward the best photos with their make - up packages (new methods of make-up). More information is available on my IG profile where you can follow little.miss.cvita.
Be bold, go, take photos and win prizes.
#strobingAVON #contouringAVON #multimaskingAVON
Avon will reward the best photos with their make - up packages (new methods of make-up). More information is available on my IG profile where you can follow little.miss.cvita.
Be bold, go, take photos and win prizes.
Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!
Danas želim pisati o novim metodama šminkanja, koji se već neko vrijeme prakticiraju u svijetu make-up-a. Možda radije da ih nazovemo tehnikama šminkanja. O dobrom starom contouring-u sve znamo. Već smo se svi sikušali u tome, pogledali smo stotine klipova i pročitali masu blogova.
Danas se upoznajemo sa 4 nove metode/tehnike koje i sama isprobavam već duže vrijeme.
Danas želim pisati o novim metodama šminkanja, koji se već neko vrijeme prakticiraju u svijetu make-up-a. Možda radije da ih nazovemo tehnikama šminkanja. O dobrom starom contouring-u sve znamo. Već smo se svi sikušali u tome, pogledali smo stotine klipova i pročitali masu blogova.
Danas se upoznajemo sa 4 nove metode/tehnike koje i sama isprobavam već duže vrijeme.
1. Layering - umjetnost nanošenja parfema. Ova metoda je vezana za što duže zadržavanje parfema na vašoj koži. A to se postiže tako što se postepeno koriste proizvodi iste mirisne linije: gel za tuširanje, sprej i losion za tijelo, dezodorans i na kraju parfem ili toaletna voda.
2. Striping - osunčan ten uz pomoć bronzera. Da bi se postigao preplanuli izgeld bronzer se nanosi na dijelove lica koji su najviše izloženi suncu i blendaju se prema vani.
3. Multimasking - korištenje više maski za lice djednom. Različiti dijelovi lica zahtjevaju različite njegujuće preparate. Moja masna - mješovita koža zahtjeva različite pristupe njezi T- zone i obraza. A ova metoda kaže da je najbolje koristiti različite maske za različite dijelove lica. A ja se apsolutno slažem sa tom tezom, i ova nova metoda mi je najdraža i najviše je prakticiram.
4. Strobing - igra svjetla na licu. Kod ove tehnike se koriste iluminatori kako bi se postigao efekat mlađe i svježije kože lica. Pogodna je za žene svih dobnih skupina. Iluminator se nanosi na jagodice, vrh nosa, iznad usana, ispod i iznad obrva i na sredini čela. I ova metoda mi se jako sviđa. Često je koristim.
Kako bi bio u toku sa novim trendovima Avon u svom katalogu nudi proizvode za sve ove tehnike. A najbolje od svega je što je Avon pripremio nagradnu igru za sve koji vole eksperimentirati. Na Instagramu stavite selfie uz hastagove: #stripingAVON
#strobingAVON #contouringAVON #multimaskingAVON
Avon će najbolje fotografije nagraditi svojim make - up paketima (nove metode šminkanja). Više informacija potražite na mom IG profilu gdje me možete pratiti little.miss.cvita.
Odvažite se, isprobajte, fotografirajte se i osvojite vrijedne nagrade.
#strobingAVON #contouringAVON #multimaskingAVON
Avon će najbolje fotografije nagraditi svojim make - up paketima (nove metode šminkanja). Više informacija potražite na mom IG profilu gdje me možete pratiti little.miss.cvita.
Odvažite se, isprobajte, fotografirajte se i osvojite vrijedne nagrade.
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Layering |
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Striping |
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Multimasking |
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Strobbing |
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