Avon 3D Plumping Lip Gloss - Review

12:24 PM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!!
Today I bring you a review of a little, sweet lip gloss, which has a function to visually increases lips. As you can see, it is about Avon 3D Plumping Lip Gloss.
This lip gloss is available in five beautiful shades, and classic pack lip gloss, with applicator brush, sold at a cost of about 5 euros.

Applicator - the brush is simple and precise. The product is easily applied to the lips, no errors. This product is not poured over the edges of the lips, and has a nourishing effect.

This lip gloss smells of mint, and has the effect that little tingle lips until they stimulate microcirculation, which visually increases the lips. The product on the lips is not sticky and uncomfortable to wear, a stinging sensation on the lips lasts only 20 minutes.

I do not know how this product will increase my lips (you can see in the photo below), but that which I am absolutely delighted with the durability of the product on the lips.

Good 4-5 hours I had the need to repair the lip on the lips. Solid pigmentation leaves a nice color on the lips, and the gloss is retained as long. I love these products for the lips, where you do not think whether spilled from the lips (not), or you'll get the ugly trail shrinkage at the edges of his mouth.

With this lip gloss these disadvantages there. Solid pigmentation, excellent nourishing effect, long lasting on the lips, an absolute plus to plus. I'm not a fan of lip gloss but this has already become a favorite which I use almost every day. And I repeat - no stickiness on the lips.

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Danas vam donosim recenziju malog, slatkog sjajila za usne, koji ima funkciju da vizualno poveća usne. Kao što možete vidjeti, riječ je o Avon 3D Plumping Lip Gloss.Ovo sjajilo za usne je dostupno u 5 prekrasnih nijansi, a klasično pakiranje sjajila za usne, sa aplikatorom u obliku četkice, prodaje se po cijeni od cca 5 eura.

Aplikator - četkica je jednostavna i precizna. Proizvod se lako nanosi na usne, nema grešaka. Proizvod se ne razlijeva preko rubova usana, i ima njegujući efekt.

Ovo sjajilo za usne miriše na mentu, i ima taj efekat da lagano pecka usne dok ne potakne mikrocirkulaciju, čime vizualno poveća i usne. Proizvod na usnama nije ljepljiv i neugodan za nošenje, a peckajuća senzacija na usnama traje svega 20-tak minuta.

Ne znam koliko ovaj proizvod povećava moje usne (možete vidjeti na fotografiji ispod), ali ono čime sam ja apsolutno oduševljena je postojanost ovog proizvoda na usnama.

Dobrih 4-5 sati nisam imala potrebu popravljati sjajilo na usnama. Solidna pigmentiranost ostavlja lijepu boju na usnama, a sjaj se zadržava jednako dugo. Volim takve proizvode za usne, gdje ne razmišljate hoće li se razliti sa usana (nije), ili ćete dobiti onaj ružni trag skupljanja na rubovima usana.

Kod ovog sjajila za usne tih neugodnosti nema. Solidna pigmentiranost, odličan njegujući efekat, dugotrajnost na usnama, apsolutno plus do plusa. Nisam ljubitelj sjajila za usne ali ovaj je već postao favorit kojega koristim gotovo svaki dan. I moram ponoviti - nema osjećaja ljepljivosti na usnama.


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