Forbidden Volume False Lash Maskara Topcoat

7:58 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!

I do not know if you are so far met with innovations in Essence, but I slowly test the product for product. An absolute novelty for me, is this product that is a top coat for mascara, and it should extend the lashes and create the effect of false eyelashes.

I've read all about this product and I expected a lot. It would be ideal if there is a product that will make every mascara supermascara all eyelashes long and thick as it was a false eyelashes.

The formula of this product is enriched with black fiber that should create an intense and dramatic look eyelashes when applied over any mascara. The product comes in packaging as mascara, of 10 ml and is sold at a price of approximately 3 euros.

Applicator has a brush with short hair, flat-cylindrical shape. It has a typical scent of Essence mascara and yet not the right mascara. I prefer when this produces  independently rather than through mascara. I get a better effect.

This innovative product in theory, is doing his job but, in my opinion, in practice it is not. Unfortunately nothing significant can make when it is applied over some mascara. Eyelashes retain the same look as before this product. I used it in combination with Catrice, Essence, Avon, Deborah and Max Factor mascara and never threatened any progress.

But when I use this product alone, as a regular mascara, actually get a solid, firmly pigmented mascara, which does not stick lashes and does not lump up. Unfortunately, glued eyelashes and clumps I noticed as a side effect when using this product in combination with other mascaras, as a top coat.

Have you tried this product? What are your experiences?

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Ne znam jeste li se do sada upoznali sa novitetima iz Essenca, ali ja polako testiram proizvod za proizvodom. Apsolutni novitet za mene je i ovaj proizvod koji djeluje kao top coat za maskare, a trebao bi produžiti trepavice i stvoriti efekt umjetnih trepavica.

Pročitala sam sve o ovom proizvodu i očekivala sam jako puno. Bilo bi idealno da postoji proizvod koji će svaku maskaru učiniti supermaskarom a sve trepavice dugim i gustim kao da se radi o umjetnim trepavicama.  

Formula ovog proizvoda je obogaćena crnim vlaknima koji bi trebali stvoriti intenzivan i dramatičan izgled trepavica kada se nanese preko bilo koje maskare. Proizvod dolazi u pakiranju kao maskara, od 10 ml, a prodaje se po cijeni od cca 3 eura.

Aplikator proizvoda je četkic sa kratkim dlačicama, ravnog-valjkastog oblika. Ima tipičan miris Essence maskara a opet nije prava maskara. Meni se više sviđa kada ovaj prozvod koristim samostalno nego preko maskare. Dobijem bolji efekt.

Ovaj inovativni proizvod u teoriji radi svoj posao ali, po mom mišljenju u praksi i nije. Nažalost ništa značajno ne može napravit kada se nanese preko neke maskare. Trepavice zadržavaju isti izgled kao prije ovog proizvoda. Koristila sam ga u kombinaciji i sa Catrice, Essence, Avon, Deborah i Max Factor maskarama i nisam prijetila nikakav napredak.

Ali kada ovaj proizvod koristim samostalno, kao običnu maskaru, dobijem zapravo jednu solidnu, odlučno pigmentiranu maskaru, koja ne lijepi trepavice i ne grudva se. Nažalost, zaljepljene trepavice i grudvice sam primjetila kao nuspojavu kada ovaj proizvod koristim u kombinaciji sa drugim maskarama, kao top coat.

Have you tried this product? What are your experiences?


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