New In - Beauty Haul #1 in 2017

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Hello my lovelies!

I am a typical example of a woman who went into the drugstore, came after one thing comes out, in the best case with a small bag in his hand. It was if I was thoughtful and conscientious that day. Today I was thoughtful and I only bought a few things. All these things I need. I swear! I did not know I needed until I went to the drugstore.

I went to buy hair dye, to refresh the hair root, until I go to the hairdresser. For this purpose I use Garnier Color Naturals Creme with three Nourishing oil. My color is No. 111, and the price is about 2.5 euros.

And who does not need toothpaste? Please! And even when on sale, this opportunity should not be missed. (I hope you feel my sarcasm!) My favorite toothpaste was Colgate Max White. I think this pasta is not exactly economical because a tube of 75 ml, but a favorite. I think the price was about 1.5 euros. 

Summer is knocking on the door, so I included all help to achieve summer figures. I have never used anti-cellulite creams, but it's time to try one of those. I bought this Eveline Cosmetics Slim Extreme 3D Thermo Active Serum. A tube of 250 ml is sold at a price of 6 euros. We'll see if help. 

Perfumes are my fetish, and I'm looking for salvation from all the perfume at fantastic prices. This fortunately is not too expensive. Tom Tailor Woman Urban Life in bottles of 30 ml. It's beautiful, quite intense. The price was around 10 euros. 

I bought two lip pencils. First Catrice Longlastin Lip Pencil No. 170 Plumplona Ole. Dark purple color, just kind of autumn and winter. Price around 1.5 euros.

Another lip liner of Essence, one of their classic, wooden lip liner. The color is dark red, creamy on the lips, the number 08 Red Blush. Price around 1 euro.

The skin on my hands is a catastrophe. I think I'm the subject devote an entire post. Pure disaster. Dry skin that even fans are deeply dehydrated. This winter I've tried everything. I spent a lot of hand cream. This is a new you want to try. Ziaja hand cream with Cashmere Proteins. A tube of 100 ml is sold at a price of approximately 1 euro. The only thing I can say for now is that wonderful smell. 

Am I the only one in the world who loves this Ulric De Varens deodorants? All I are excellent! I love them! Now it's their turn came this Gold-Issa. It's a beautiful, cost about 2.5 euros.

There he is. So much for today's post. I needed just a hair color. LOL

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!
Ja sam tipični primjer žene koji uđe u drogeriju, uđe po jednu stvar, a izađe, u najboljem slučaju sa malenom vrećicom u ruci. To je ako sam bila promišljena i savjesna taj dan. Danas sam bila promišljena i kupila sam samo par stvarčica. Sve mi ove stvari trebaju. Kunem se! Nisam ni znala da mi trebaju dok nisam otišla u drogeriju.

Otišla sam da bih kupila boju za kosu, da osvježim korjen kose, dok ne odem frizeru. Za tu svrhu koristima Garnier Color Naturals Creme sa tri njegujuća ulja. Moja boja je broj 111, a cijena je oko 2.5 eura. 

A tko ne treba pastu za zube? Molim vas! I još kada je na sniženju, ta prilika se ne propušta. (Nadam se da osjetite moj sarkazam!) Moja omiljena pasta za zube je Colgate Max White. Mislim da ova pasta baš i nije ekonomična jer je tubica od 75 ml, ali je omiljena. Mislim da je cijena bila oko 1.5 eura.

Ljeto nam kuca na vrata, pa sam zato uključila sva pomagala za postizanje ljetne figure. Nisam nikada koristila anticelulitne kreme, ali vrijeme je da isprobam jednu takvu. Kupila sam ovu Eveline Cosmetics Slim Extreme 3D Thermo Active Serum. Tubica od 250 ml se prodaje po cijeni od 6 eura. Vidjet ćemo hoće li pomoći.

Parfemi su moj fetiš, i tražim spas od svih parfema na akcijskim cijenama. Ovaj na svu sreću nije preskup. Tom Tailor Woman Urban Life u bočici od 30 ml. Prekrasan je, dosta intenzivan. Cijena je bila oko 10 eura.

Kupila sam i dvije olovke za usne. Prva je Catrice Longlastin Lip Pencil broj 170 Plumplona Ole. Tamno ljubičasta boja, baš nekako jesensko-zimska. Cijena oko 1.5 eura.

Druga olovka za usne je od Essence, ona njihova klasična, drvena, olovka za usne. Boja je tamno crvena, kremasta na usnama, broj je 08 Red Blush. Cijena negdje oko 1 eura.

Koža na rukama mi je katastrofa. Mislim da ću toj temi posvetiti cijeli jedan post. Čista katastrofa. Suha koža koja čak puca, dubinski dehidrirana. Ovu zimu sam sve pokušavala. Potrošila sam dosta krema za ruke. Ovo je nova koju želim isprobati. Ziaja krema za ruke sa proteinima kašmira. Tubica od 100 ml se prodaje po cijeni od cca 1 euro. Jedino što mogu za sada reći je da prekrasno miriši.

Jesam li ja jedina na svijetu koja obožava ove Ulric De Varens dezodoranse? Svi su mi odlični! Obožavam ih! Sada je na red došao ovaj Gold-Issiem. Predivan je, cijen oko 2.5 eura.

Eto ga. Toliko o današnjem postu. Trebala mi je samo boja za kosu. LOL


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