Balea Cleansing Gel for combination skin - Review

1:14 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!

Today could talk about the product for face. I have not written about preparative cosmetics. At least I think so. Therefore today I am reviewing Balea gel cleanser for combination skin with fruit acid.

The product is a gel-like structure, is transparent and contains small beads that should do a light scrub. Me and the beads are not doing anything. In my opinion peeling should be harsher. What makes this gel is excellent to clean the skin.

Just one slight squeeze tubes to get the quantity that is sufficient to remove impurities from the face. Circular applying the product on your face creates a light foam. The product can be easily rinsed, leaves the skin feeling fresh. Not tightens the skin and does not dry it. At least not in my case.

The product has the smell of citrus and just kind of refreshing, but it does not stay long on the skin. I had no inconvenience in the form of pimples. Fruit acid has a slight peel-off effect on the skin, so the skin after cleansing remain smooth and gentle. I like that feeling, although I repeat, classic exfoliation as peeling does not work.

The manufacturer says that this washing gel perfectly removes make-up. I think this is not true. I tried to use it to remove makeup or do not go. Makeup around the eyes just smudged, you need a lot more product to remove it. First take off my make-up with micellar water and then this gel. Thus, a better effect.

The product comes in a soft tubes, easily dosed. Product me first attracted these cheerful, green packaging. Why are all the products for combination skin in the greenish-blue packaging? Have I imagined?

There are more products in this Balea line that I wanted to try. Did you try some?

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Danas bi mogle popričati o proizvodu za njegu lica. Odavno nisam pisala o preparativnoj kozmetici. Barem mi se tako čini. Zato danas recenziram Balea gel za čišćenje lica, za mješovitu kožu sa voćnom kiselinom.

Proizvod je gelaste strukture, proziran je i u sebi sadrži sitne granulice koje bi trebale raditi lagani piling. Meni te granulice ne čine ništa. Po mom mišljenju piling mora biti grublji. Ono što ovaj gel čini jeste da odlično čisti kožu.

Dovoljno je jedno lagano istiskanje tubice da dobijete količinu proizvoda koja je dovoljna da uklonite nečistoće sa lica. Kružnim nanošenjem proizvoda na lice stvara se lagana pjena. Proizvod se lako ispire, ostavlja na koži osjećaj svježine. Ne zateže kožu i ne isušuje je. Barem ne u mom slučaju.

Proizvod ima miris citrusa i baš nekako osvježava, ali se ne zadržava dugo na koži. Nisam imala nikakvih neugodnosti u vidu prištića. Voćna kiselina ima lagani peel-off efekt na kožu pa koža nakon umivanja ostaje glatka i nježna. Sviđa mi se taj osjećaj, mada ponavljam, klasični piling kao piling ne radi.

Proizvođač kaže da ovaj gel za umivanje odlično uklanja šminku. Mislim da to nije točno. Pokušala sam ga koristiti za skidanje šminke ali ne ide. Šminka se oko očiju samo razmaže, treba vam puno više proizvoda da biste to uklonili. Šminku prvo skidam sa micelarnom vodom pa onda ovaj gel. Tako je bolji učinak. 

Proizvod dolazi u mekanoj tubici, lako se dozira. Proizvodu me najprije privukla ova vesela, zelena ambalaža. Zašto su svi proizvodi za mješovitu kožu u zelenkasto-plavima ambalažama? Ili sam ja nešto umislila? 

Ima jos proizvoda u ovoj Balea liniji koje bih željela isprobati. Jeste li vi probali neke?


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