007 For Women Parfume - Review

10:40 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!!

In the previous post I wrote that I bought this 007 Eau de Parfum for Woman II. Bottle of 30 ml I paid 15-16 euros. I have my eye on the perfume long ago, but I have only now decided to purchase.

The perfume comes, as you can see in a gold box and glass perfume bottle has the same carvings as well as the box itself. Like the bottle, with gold trim it looks very decorative on my shelf. What struck me at first is the scent of this perfume.

The me this is a wonderful scent, strong and intense, remains  all day, only slightly faded. I'm that tipe. My Perfumes must be intense and strong, subtlety here is not my strong suit. My mom even once asked why always buy men's fragrances. But are not men, just so stronger.

The manufacturer says that this is perfume that easily transforms from day to night. They say that this is a floral fragrance with notes of pink champagne, which shows the true spirit of Bond Girls. I do not know about you, but I would have thought that I was the right agent 007. :-D

In addition to the perfume, is available bodylotions, but have not seen them in drug stores that I visit. The fragrance is available in bottles of 30, 50 and 75 ml. Here you can read more fragrant perfume notes. The me is just too perfect perfume, and I think that the price is acceptable. Gets in favorites of the month for sure!

And with what perfume that you bathe your days?

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

U prethodnom postu sam vam pisala da sam kupila ovaj 007 Eau De Parfum for Woman II. Bočicu od 30 ml sam platila 15-16 eura. Bacila sam oko na ovaj parfem odavno, ali sam se tek sada odlučila na kupovinu.

Parfem dolazi, kao što vidite u zlatnoj kutiji a staklena bočica parfema ima iste rezbarije kao i sama kutija. Sviđa mi se bočica, sa zlatnim ukrasima izgleda baš dekorativno na mojoj polici. Ono što me na prvu privuklo ovom parfemu je sam miris.

Meni je miris prekrasan, jak i intenzivan, ostaje ne koži cijeli dan, tek lagano izblijedi. Ja sam taj tip. Moji parfemi moraju biti intenzivni i jaki, suptilnost mi tu nije jača strana. Mama me čak jednom pitala zašto uvijek kupujem muške mirise. Ali nisu muški, jednostavno su tako malo jači.

Proizvođač kaže da je ovo parfem koji se lako transformira iz dnevnog u noćni. Kažu da je ovo cvijetni parfem sa notama rozog šampanjca koji pokazuje pravi duh Bondove djevojke. Ne znam za vas, ali ja bih mogla pomisliti da sam prava agentica 007. :-D

Osim parfema dostupno je i mlijeko za tijelo, ali ga nisam vidjela u drogerijama koje posjećujem. Parfem je dostupan u bočicama od 30, 50 i 75 ml. Ovdje možete pročitati detaljne mirisne note parfema, bolje nego da vam ih ja opisujem. Meni je parfem jednostavno presavršen, a mislim i da je cjenovno prihvatljiv. Ulazi u favorite mjeseca sigurno!

A kojim parfemima vi kupate svoje dane?


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