Vichy Purete Thermale 3in1- Review

1:14 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!!

It seems that this year's summer does not arrive! Just when I think it's rainy and cold weather came to an end, once again arrive the low temperature and dark clouds. And then what can I do? Can test new products and convey to you my impressions.

Before 3-4 weeks I got some new products from Vichy in the test version. But to me and test versions of the brand can take a long time. In particular, this vial Purete Thermale 3in1 nonfat milk-gel of 30 ml  after three weeks of daily use is still ongoing.

Why is this 3in1 product? Vichy says that this is because this product:

1. cleansing milk sensitive skin of the face;
2. tonic;
3. removes make-up from sensitive eyes.

This 3in1 Milk-gel in a single step should gently remove makeup from the sensitive skin of the face and eyes and tone your skin. This product is designed for people who do not have time for endless steps, but a single stroke, single product cleanse your face of makeup and impurities.

Milk is applied to a cotton pad, and is applied in a circular motion, from the inner to the outer side of the face, ending with neck. The product has a delicate. and in my opinion a typical, Vichy scent. My face is reacted positively to this product. In addition to being easy to use, the skin after it stays soft and completely clean, without any irritation. Excellent removes even waterproof makeup.

I use it only in the evening routine, I replaced all the products for facial cleansing. I do not know what I expected from Vichy's? I can no longer be surprised by the quality of their products. From puberty until today all product lines that I used did their job.

I do not know  the price of a full-size product, but definitely will buy it. What is your favorite brand of facial skin care??

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Meni se čini da ove godine ljeto uopće neće stići! Baš kad pomislim da je kišovitom i hladnom vremenu došao kraj, eto ponovno niskih temperatura i tmurnih oblaka. I što onda mogu raditi? Pa mogu testirati nove proizvode i prenjeti vam svoje dojmove.

Prije 3-4 tjedna dobila sam neke nove proizvode od Vichy-a u test verziji. Ali meni te test verzije od ovog brenda mogu potrajati jako dugo. Konkretno, ova tubica Purete Thermale 3in1 nemasnog gel-mlijeka od 30 ml mi i nakon 3 tjedna svakodnevne upotrebe još uvijek traje.

Zašto je ovo 3u1 proizvod? Vichy kaže da je to zato što je ovo proizvod:

1. mlijeko za čišćenje osjetljive kože lica;
2. tonik;
3. uklanja šminku s osjetljivih očiju.

Ovo 3u1 mlijeko-gel u samo jednom koraku bi trebao nježno ukloniti šminku sa osjetljive kože lica i očiju te tonizirati kožu. Ovaj proizvod je namijenjen osobama koje nemaju vremena za bezbroj koraka, nego jednim potezom, jednim proizvodom očiste lice od šminke i nečistoća.

Mlijeko se nanosi na blazinicu, te se nanosi kružnim pokretima, od unutarnje ka vanjskoj strani lica, završavajući sa vratom. Proizvod ima nježan, i po mom mišljenju tipičan, Vichy miris. Moje lice je odlično reagiralo na ovaj proizvod. Osim što je lagan za upotrebu, koža nakon njega ostaje nježna i potpuno čista, bez ikakvih iritacija. Odlično skida čak i vodootpornu šminku. 

Ja ga koristim samo u večernjoj rutini, zamijenio  mi je sve proizvode za čišćenje lica. Ne znam što sam očekivala od Vichy-a? Ja se više ne mogu iznenaditi kvalitetom njihovih proizvoda. Od puberteta pa do danas sve linije proizvoda koje sam koristila uradile su svoj posao.

Ne znam koja je cijena full size proizvoda ali definitivno ga kupujem. Koji je vaš omiljeni brend za njegu kože lica??


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