Max Factor 2000 Calorie Dramatic Volume - Review

12:58 PM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!!

Do you enjoy these stray rays of the sun? I definitely enjoy. Just sometimes I'm afraid of those thick temperature minus. Brrr. For the end of the work week I want to talk about this great mascara. I know that there are already hundreds of reviews on this subject. But my opinions have not yet heard.

From the title you can see that this is a Max Factor 2000 Calorie Dramatic Volume Mascara in black. I can not wait any longer and I need to say that this is a phenomenal mascara. Do not worry, I'll explain all the reasons, but I had to immediately say that it is ingenious.

Mascara in a beautiful package, with dark gold letters. I do not know why, but I always fall in gold letters. Pack size is 9 ml. Classical, thick brush and high quality. I must admit I still prefer the more classic brush of silicone. This brush is really thick and great passes through the lashes. Leaves sufficient quantity product on them.

As for the product itself, it is the intense black color which remains excellent on the lashes. If you have oily skin like me this mascara has one more positiv side. Does not melt, not reflected in the eyelids, without smudging. Oh thank you, Max Factor for your effort. Most hate it when my mascara mels and I look like I cried for 5 hours.

For daily variants  I use only one coat of mascara, for the evening two coats. I got a lot of compliments wearing this mascara. And I have often been asked, in an evening version,
whether I'm wearing false eyelashes. And absolutely all the praise for the volume. I always buy mascaras that promise volume. Sometimes repent, sometimes not. This time too happy!!

My only complaint is the scent of mascara. There's this strange, just for Max Factor products, characteristic odor. Actually it's now scent characteristic of MF mascara. I bought my copy at a promotional price with a black pen (for which I promised a review, ups) and paid approx 6 euros. What is the regular price really do not know.

Well my lovelies, if you are looking for a good, cost-effective mascara, go ahead. I think you will not regret.

Enjoy your weekend!!
Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Uživate li u ovim zalutalim zrakama sunca? Ja definitivno uživam. Baš se ponekad plašim onih debelih temperaturnih minusa. BRRR. Za kraj ovog radnog tjedna želim pričati o ovoj odličnoj maskari. Znam da postoje već stotine recenzija na ovu temu. Ali moje mišljenje još niste čuli.

Iz naslova možete vidjeti da se radi o Max Factor 2000 Calorie Dramatic Volume maskari u crnoj boji. Ja ne mogu više čekati i moram odmah reći da je ovo fenomenalna maskara. Bez brige, objasnit ću sve razloge, ali morala sam odmah reći da je genijalna.

Maskara je u prekrasnoj ambalaži, tamnoj sa zlatnim slovima. Ne znam zašto, ali uvijek padam na zlatna slova. Veličina pakiranja je 9 ml. Klasična, gusta i kvalitetna četkica. Moram priznati da i dalje više preferiram klasične četkice od silikonski. Ova četkica je zaista gusta i odlično prolazi kroz trepavice. Na njima ostavlja dovoljnu količinu proizvoda.

Što se tiče samog proizvoda, radi se o intenzivnoj crnoj boji koja odlično ostaje na trepavicama. Ako imate masnu kožu kao ja ova maskara ima još pozitiniju stranu. Ne topi se, ne preslikava se na kapke, ne razmazuje se. O hvala ti Max Factor na uloženom trudu. Najviše mrzim kada mi se maskara istopi pa izledam kao da sam plakala 5 sati. 

Za dnevne varijante koristim samo jedan sloj maskare, za večernje je dosta dva sloja. Dobila sam dosta komplimenata noseći ovu maskaru. A često su me pitali, u večernjoj varijanti, nosim li umjetne trepavice. Apsolutno sve pohvale i za volumen. Ja uvijek kupujem maskaru koja obećava volumen. Nekada se pokajem, nekada ne. Ovog puta presretna!!

Moja jedina zamjerka je miris maskare. Ima taj čudan, samo za Max Factor proizvode, karakterističan miris. Zapravo je to sada već miris karakterističan za MF maskare. Svoj primjerak sam kupila po promotivnoj cijeni uz crnu olovku (za koju sam bila obećala recenziju, ups) i plaćena je cca 6 eura. Koja je regularna cijena zaista ne znam.

Eto drage moje, ako ste u potrazi za dobrom, cijenom prihvatljivom maskarom, samo naprijed. Mislim da se nećete pokajati.

Uživajte u vikendu!!

One coat


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