New In - tiny haul September 2015

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Hello my lovelies! 
 There are a few things that I bought - received in the last few days, which I'm thrilled. And happiness is even greater when shared with someone. My enthusiastic - happiness I share with you. In this small haul fits all the little tiny thing that I, but it did not want to interfere with DM haul which is under preparation.

Recently, I was given this set of Emporio Armani. All the
perfumes with this intensity I   loveeeee. This perfume took me  in perfume heaven. It's a beautiful, intense... I do not know how describe it. So far I have only used Armani Code and absolutely loved it.  I thought that better not exist but this is close enough. This set contains shower gel 75 ml, body lotion  75 ml,  perfume with silicone spray pump of 50 ml. A great amount for a price of 40 euros, if I'm not mistaken.

Since I spent most of the perfume I used, it was time to try some new and cost-favorable Eau de Toilette, for everyday use, small bottles ideal for purses of all sizes. This little heart attracted me because of the packaging. See adorable Brown EDT in heart shape bottle of 20 ml. Also intense fragrance, but it does not last as long as more expensive products. This bottle I bought in DM for only about 2 euros. Again, I think it's a very nice scent, and for this price is more than good.

In my collection of nail polish, believe it or not, I did not have the black color. Well here's one EC Mini Max number 192. You'll probably see the nail art tutorials soon. :-)

I had just bought this Manhattan Lip Lacquer, I think it will end up on the list of products for which I regret that I bought them. The smell is awful. But I decided to give it a chance. I do not know how I will endure. This is number 50 G Rose & Shine. Price around 4 euros.In my opinion there is no better nail polish remover of the Essence, which is also intended to strengthen nails, and acetone free. Excellent smell, excellent removing nail polish, even those with sequins. Price approx 1.5 euros.

This Schwarzkopf Gliss Hair Repair 6 Miracles oil for all types of hair  I used almost two years. My hair is better
due to the use this oliHere you can read the review. My dear friend Nina recommend it, her hair was beautiful. Thank you Nina!! This time I bought it on sale for 7 euros.

That's all for today. Enjoy the scent of autumn! Autumn at the door.

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Ima par stvarčica koje sam kupila - dobila u posljednjih par dana, a kojima sam oduševljena. A sreća bude još veća kada se sa nekim dijeli. Ja svoje oduševljene - sreću dijelim sa vama. U ovaj mali haul stalo je tek nešto sitno stvarčica ali ga nisam željela miješati sa DM haulom koji je u pripremi.

Nedavno sam na poklon dobila ovaj Emporio Armani set. Ja sve parfeme sa ovim intenzitetom obožavam. Ovaj me parfem odveo u parfemski raj. Divan je, intenzivan, preodličan. ne znam kako da vam ga opišem. Do sada sam koristila samo Armani Code i apsolutno sam se klela  njega. Mislila sam da bolji ne postoji ali i ovaj je dovoljno blizu. Ovaj set sadrži gel za tuširanje od 75 ml, losion za tijelo od 75 ml i parfem sa silikonskom pumpicom od 50 ml. Odlična kolicina za neku cijenu od 40 eura, ako se ne varam.

Budući da sam potrošila većinu parfema koje sam koristila, bilo je vrijeme da isprobam i neke nove, a cjenovno povoljnije Eau de Toilette, za svakodnevnu upotrebu, malene bočice idealne za torbice svih veličina. Ovo maleno srce me privuklo zbog ambalaže. Pogledajte preslatki Brown EdT u srcolikoj bočici od 20 ml. I ovdje je riječ o intenzivnom mirisu, ali miris ipak ne traje tako dugo kao skuplji proizvodi. Ovu bočicu sam kupila u DM-u za samo cca 2 eura. Opet kažem, mislim da je miris jako lijep, i za ovu cijenu i više nego dobar.

U svojoj kolekciji lakova za nokte, vjerovali ili ne, nisam imala crnu boju. Pa evo jedan EC Mini Max broj 192. Vjerojatno ćete gledati nail art tutoriale uskoro. :-)

Tek što sam kupila ovaj Manhattan Lip Lacquer, mislim da će završiti na listi proizvoda za koje žalim što sam ih kupila. Miris je grozan. Ali odlučila sam mu dati priliku. Ne znam koliko ću izdržati. Ovo je broj 50 G Rose & Shine. Cijena oko 4 eura.

Po mom mišljenju ne  postoji bolji odstranjivač laka za nokte od ovog Essence odstranjivača koji je ujedno namjenjen za jačanje noktiju, te je bez acetona. Odličan miris, odlično odstranjuje lak za nokte, čak i onaj sa šljokicama.  Cijena cca 1.5 eura.

Ovo Schwarzkopf Gliss Hair Repair 6 Miracles ulje za sve tipove kose koristim gotov dvije godine. Kosa mi je stvarno bolja od njega. Ovdje možete pročitati recenziju. Moja draga kuma Nina mi ga preporučila, njena kosa je bila krasna. Hvala kuma!! Ovog puta sam ga kupila na sniženju za 7 eura.

To je sve za danas. Uživajte u mirisam jeseni! Jesen je na vratima.


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