Random Haul

2:31 AM,0 Comments

Hello my dear readers!

For the end of the work week, I wanted to share with you this random haul. I'm buzzing city recently, so I bought a few things. Are not we supposed, but is running again the crazy worm, which makes me shopping. My wallet was re-infested. Let's look at the damage that I have done this time.

Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!

Za kraj ovog radnog tjedna, željela sam sa vama podijeliti ovaj nasumični haul. Zujila sam gradom nedavno, pa sam kupila par stvarčica. Nisu mi trebale, ali je opet proradio onaj ludi crv, koji me tjera na šoping. Moj novčanik je ponovno opustošen. Da pogledamo štetu koju sam napravila ovog puta.

These shorts I bought at random store. I liked a couple of weeks ago, but I have until now resisted buying. I really did not need another one of these shorts. As soon as I tried them I had to have them. As they are sutured by me. The price is 12 euros.

Ove  kratke hlačice sam kupila u nasumičnoj trgovini. Svidjele su mi se prije par tjedana, ali sam sve do sada odoljevala kupovini. Stvarno mi nisu trebale još jedne ovakve hlačice. Čim sam ih probala morala sam ih imati. Kao da su šivane po meni. Cijena je 12 eura.

I love this Balea Luxury Red Love line. I'm crazy about this wonderful fragrance. The skin retains a wonderful scent for hours. All of these lines I am thrilled. Especially bath salts. The price of this shower gel is about 1.7 euros.

Obožavam ovu Balea Luxury Red Love liniju. Luda sam za ovim prekrasnim  mirisom.  Koža zadržava prekrasan miris satima. Sve iz ove linije me oduševilo. Osobito sol za kupanje. Cijena ovog gela za tuširanje je oko 1.7 eura.

The price of the Max Factor packets attracted me at first sight. I have already used this 2000 Calorie mascara, but I also wanted to MF black eyeliner. About this pencil for eyes, I heard nothing but praise. I have not tried it yet, but as soon as you test it out I'll tell you my opinion. The price of the packages is around 6.5 euros in DM stores.

Cijena ovog Max Factor paketića me privukla na prvi pogled. Već sam ranije koristila ovu 2000 Calorie maskaru, ali sam željela također MF crnu olovku za oči. O toj olovci za oči sam čula samo riječi hvale. Nisam je još probala, ali čim je isprobam reći ću vam svoje mišljenje. Cijena ovog paketića je oko 6.5 eura u DM trgovinama.

OK! This Pulsar watch is the most beautiful thing I've ever received. It is perfect !! I got it from my brother. I know, I know now what you think. I have the best brother in the whole world. I agree. This watch is actually the memory of an intense period. But the experience gained in that period will be of great importance in the life of my brother, but in the lives of family members, including me. Thank you, little brother!

OK!Ovaj Pulsar sat je nešto najljepše što sam u životu dobila. Savršen je!! Dobila sam ga od brata. Znam, znam što sad mislite. Imam najboljeg brata na cijelome svijetu. Slažem se. Ovaj sat je zapravo uspomena na jedan intenzivan period. Ali iskustvo stečeno u tom period će biti od velikog značaja u životu moga brata, ali i u životima članova obitelji, pa tako i mene. Hvala mali brate!

A look at these beauties! I wore them a couple of times. Besides being beautiful, very comfortable. Heel is just the right height, excellent walking and dancing. Sandals were bought in the store Deichmann, the brand's Graceland. These beauties I paid 20 euros. What do you think, are they pretty?

A pogledajte samo ove ljepotice! Nosila sam ih već par puta. Osim što su predivne, jako su udobne. Potpetica je taman prave visine, odlične za hodanje i za plesanje. Sandale su kupljene u Deichmann trgovini, brend je Graceland. Ove ljepotice sam platila 20 eura. Što kažete, jesu li lijepe?


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