Artdeco Cool&Fresh Face Spray - Review

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Hello my dear readers!

Is it summer in full swing? Today the summer showed its teeth. The temperature is almost 40 degrees. And that gave me the idea to write to you about the product which I use a couple of weeks. It is Artdeco Cool & Fresh Face Spray.

What the manufacturer says about this product?

The Cool & Fresh Refreshing Face Spray invigorates, refreshes and cools the skin in seconds with a delicate spray. Using the stimulating mineral complex of copper, zinc and magnesium the nourishing, moisturizing refreshing spray improves skin functions. The spray has a fresh summery scent evoking sun-kissed oranges. Thanks to its quick and easy application, the Refreshing Face Spray is ideal for traveling. The spray may also be applied over make up.

Why I bought this spray?

As I corresponded with a cousin, who is a beautician, I complained about my oily skin and  high temperatures. This combination is a killer for make-up. She told me to buy this spray and using it as a fixture for the makeup. I was suspicious of the idea because I knew that this actually is face refreshing spray.

I took her advice only because this product is not expensive, so I could not lose a lot. I decided to try as she told me. The first step is to put some gel cream on my face. I then sprayed with the spray brush with which I will apply liquid foundation. And then I plied foundation. If the brush has dried again I sprayed.

This kind of use of the spray is definitely prolong the duration of the current foundation on my skin. My Vichy Dermablen which normally lasts a long time, it looked even better and more natural on my skin. I was surprised when I was 8 hours after returned home without sebum and fatty parts on the face.

Using the spray in this way seems to me to be excellent, so I decided to share with you.  In my opinion not only refreshes the face, but a great fix makeup. This spray I use only in this way. I have not so far used as a freshener. I've tried this spray combined with Vichy Dermablend and Bourjois Flower Perfection Liquid Foundation. In both cases, the effect determined.

The spray is a great smell, the smell of oranges. Before you use must be well shaken. Spray I paid about 5 euros, and I am more than satisfied. I have not noticed the negative effects on the skin of the face, I did not get acne is not itch, does not dry out my skin.

My cousin, thank you!! This time you rocked! People enjoy the summer!

Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!

Jeli ljeto u punom jeku? Danas je ljeto pokazalo svoje zube. Temperatura je gotovo 40 stupnjeva. A to mi je dalo ideju da vam pišem o proizvodu kojega ja koristim par tjedana. To je  Artdeco Cool&Fresh Face Spray. 

Što proizvođač kaže o ovom proizvodu?

Cool & Fresh Osvježavajući sprej za lice okrepljuje, osvježava i hladi kožu u sekundi s delikatanim raspršivanjem. Korištenje stimulirajućeg mineralnog kompleksa, cinka i magnezija, hidratantni osvježavajući sprej poboljšava funkcije kože. Sprej ima svježe ljetne mirise suncem okupane naranče. Zahvaljujući brzom i lakom nanošenju, osvježavajući sprej za lice je idealan za putovanja.Sprej se može primijeniti preko make up.

Zašto sam ja kupila ovaj sprej?

Dok sam se dopisivala sa rodicom, koja je kozmetičarka, ja sam se žalila na moju masnu kožu i na visoke temperature. Ta kombinacija je ubojica za make-up. Rekla mi je da kupim ovaj sprej i da ga koristim kao fiksator za šminku. Bila sam sumnjičava prema toj ideji jer sam znala da je ovaj sprej zapravo osvježivač za lice.

Poslušala sam njen savjet samo zato što ovaj proizvod nije skup, pa nisam mogla puno izgubiti. Odlučila sam pokušati onako kako mi je ona rekla. Na lice bih najprije namazala  gel kremu od puževe sluzi. Nakon toga bih na četkicu za nanošenje tekućeg pudera nasprejala ovoga spreja. I onda bih nanosila tekući puder. Kad bi se četkica osušila ponovno bih nasprejala.

Ovakav način upotrebe ovog spreja je definitivno produžio trajanje tekućeg pudera na mojoj koži. Moj Vichy Dermablen koji inače traje dosta dugo, je izgledao još kvalitetnije i prirodnije na mojoj koži. Bila sam iznenađena kada bih se nakon 8 sati vratila kući bez sebuma i masnih dijelova na licu.

Meni se korištenje spreja na ovaj način čini odličnim, pa sam to odlučila podijeliti sa vama. Po mom mišljenju ne samo da osvježava lice, nego odlično fiksira šminku. Ovaj sprej koristim samo na ovaj način. Nisam ga do sada koristila kao osvježivač lica. Ja sam ovaj sprej isprobala u kombinaciji sa Vichy Dermablendom i Bourjois Flower Perfection tekućim puderom. U oba slučaja odlučan učinak.

Sprej je odličnog mirisa, miris naranče. Prije upotrebe se mora dobro promućkati. Sprej sam platila cca 5 eura, i prezadovoljna sam. Nisam primjetila negativne učinke na koži lica, nisam dobila akne ni svrbež, ne isušuje mi kožu.

Rodice moja, hvala ti!! Ovog puta si razvalila! Ljudi uživajte u ljetu!


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