DM haul January 2015

12:59 AM,0 Comments

Hello my dear readers!

I try to introduce any new posts that would be repeated monthly so I decide on this type. This is therefore the first monthly haul. This time DM haul.

To my regret, due to high costs last month'm not overly visited drugstores. Let's face it, there are a lot worse things in life. May this be the biggest problem.

Basically! Let's look at what I bought.
Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!
Pokušavam uvesti neke nove postove koji bi se ponavljali mjesečno pa sam se odluila na ovu vrstu. Ovo je dakle prvi mjesečni haul. Ovoga puta DM haul.
Na moju žalost, zbog velikih troškova prošli mjesec nisam pretjerano pohodila drogerije. Budimo realni, ima puno gorih stvari u životu. Neka nam ovo budu najveći problemi.
Uglavnom! Pogledajmo što sam kupila.

Bunch is not overly large, these are the things that we are missing and that I needed. All except this Nivea Baby oil. Due to winter conditions that have already been bored to speak, the skin on the entire body is very dry. Not helping the standard lotions I use, so I decided to purchase oil for the body. And what is better than baby oil.
I already mentioned that I use baby wipes for removing makeup. This time I bought Violet sensitive care Almod milk wipes.
Let's talk a little about this shower gel from Balea. This morning I was in the shower with this gel and still feel his beautiful scent on the skin. This is a limited edition shower gel Purple Kisses. I rarely "fall in love" in a shower gel. It's love at first showering. That's why I'm running today to buy another bottle or until is sold out. It is a limited edition.
Hrpa nije pretjerano velika, ovo su stvari kojih mi je nestalo i koje su mi trebale. Sve osim ovoga Nivea Baby ulja. Zbog zimskih uvjeta o kojima je već dosadno govoriti, koža na cijelom tijelu se jako osušila. Ne pomažu standardni losioni koje koristim, pa sam se odlučila na kupovinu ulja za tijelo. A što je bolje od ulja za bebe.
Već sam spominjala da koristim vlažne maramice za bebe za skidanje šminke. Ovoga puta sam kupila Violeta sensitive care almod milk vlažne maramice.
Pričajmo malo o ovom gelu za tuširanje od Balea. Jutros sam se tuširala sa ovim gelom i još uvijek osjetim njegov prekrasan miris na koži. Ovo je limitiran izdanje gela za tuširanje Purple Kisses. Rijetko kad se  "zaljubim" u neki gel za tuširanje. Ovo je ljubav na prvo tuširanje. Zato trčim danas kupiti još bočica dok se nije sve rasprodalo. Ipak je limitirano izdanje.

This Essence nail art stampy set long I watched and thought about buying. Well, I dared. I hope I will not disappoint. There is no better nail polish remover of this from Essence, without acetone. Excellent scent !!

And while I was waiting in line for the cash register I fell for the old shopping trick. And yes, I bought another nail polish that I do not need. I know, I know! I have a weakness!
Ovaj Essence nail art stampy set sam dugo gledala i razmišljala o kupovini. Pa evo, usudila sam se. Nadam se da se neću razočarati. Nema boljeg odstranjivača laka za nokte od ovog od Essence, bez acetona. Odličan miris!!
A dok sam čekala u redu za blagajnu nasjela sam na stari trgovački fazon. I da, kupila sam još jedan lak za nokte koji mi ne treba. Znam, znam! Slaba sam!

This deodorant I buy constantly. I'm addicted to the smell: This is really strong and wonderful scent. Often people ask me what perfume I wear, but is usually done just about this deodorant. I love it.

And this adorable, soft orange lipstick I bought unplanned. Soft color I liked. I do not know which brand, I have not looked. I'll inform you!
That's all my dear ones. Next time I save bill so that I can tell you the prices of individual products.
Ovaj dezodorans kupujem stalno. Ovisna sam o ovom mirisu: Ovo je stvarno jak i predivan miris. Često je ljudi pitaju koji parfem nosim, ali se najčešće radi upravo o ovom dezodoransu. Obožavam ga.
I ovaj preslatki, nježno narandžasti ruž za usne sam kupila neplanirano. Nježna boja mi se svidjela. Ne znam koji je brend, nisam pogledala. Informirat ću vas!

To je sve dragi moji. Idući put ću sačuvati račun pa da vam mogu reći  cijene pojedinih proizvoda.

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