Monthly Favorites January 2015

3:36 PM,0 Comments

Hello my dear readers!

Now that this work week at its end and a new month has already started, it is an ideal time to favorites of last month - January 2015.

The list is not something overly long, but to show you for which I am most resorted. Let's face it !!! This month I have mostly eating sweets, but I will not show you all!

 Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!

Sada kada je ovaj radni tjedan na izmaku, a novi mjesec je već počeo, idealno je vrijeme za favorite prošlog mjeseca   - siječanj 2015.

Lista nije nešto pretjerano dugačka, ali da vam pokažem za čime sam najviše posezala. Budimo realni!!! Ovaj mjesec sam najviše jela slatkiše, ali neću vam sve pokazati!

These two bracelets came in a set of five pieces, but others I do not wear. These two golden shades are my favorite and I wore them with many outfits.
And this white bottle is almost empty. It is castor oil that I plied on the eyebrows and eyelashes. From this oil hair grow thicker, my eyebrows are thicker but with eyelashes I have not noticed this progress. Anyway, I like the effect of the eyebrows.

Ove dvije narukvice su došle u setu od pet komada, ali ostale ne nosim. Ove dvije zlatnih nijansi su mi omiljene i nosila sam ih uz mnoge odjevne kombinacije.
A ova bijela bočica je gotovo prazna. U njoj se nalazi ricinusovo ulje koje sam nanosila na obrve i trepavice. Od ovoga ulja dlačice rastu gušće, moje obrve su se gušće ali kod trepavica nisam primjetila taj napredak. Svejedno, sviđa mi se učinak na obrvama.

Last month I used almost every day this eyeshadow and eyeliner of the essence. The combination is lethal. Eyeshadow is a great pigmented, but the pencil I had to fix after a few hours. It did not bother me. This eyeshadow is No. 35 Party all night metallic effect, and pencil is No. 02. Hot Chocolate Longlasting eye pencil.

Prošli mjesec sam gotovo svaki dan koristila ovo sjenilo i olovku za oči od Essenca. Kombinacija je ubitačna. Sjenilo je odlično pigmentirano, ali olovku sam morala popravljati nakon par sati. To mi nije smetalo. Sjena je broj 35 Party all night metallic effect, a olovka je broj 02. Hot Chocolate Longlasting eye pencil


And what better to keep lips luscious and soft from cold winter air and strong heating in all rooms? Well of course lip balm lemon and olives. Labello is excellent, and soft lips.

 A što će bolje  čuvati usnice sočnima i mekima od hladnog zimskog zraka i jakog grijanja u svim prostorijama? Pa naravno balzam za usne od limuna i masline. Labello je odličan, a usnice mekane.

 Again Essence! What do I do, I love most of their products! And so this liquid eyeliner. This is the best thing of this type that I have ever had. Can not melt on my eyelids. Can be used for precise drawing but for thicker lines to. Is too perfect! It is waterproof and has the in the name has "ink". I do not need nothing better.

 Opet Essence! Što da radim, obožavam većinu njihovih proizvoda! Pa tako i ovaj tekući eyeliner. Ovo je najbolja stvar ovog tipa koju sam ikada imala. Nikako se ne topi na mojim kapcima. Može se koristiti za preciznije iscrtavanje ali i za deblje linije. Presavršen je! Vodootporan je i u nazivu ima "ink". Meni ne treba ništa bolje.

 And finally sweets! This is the best caramel candy I've ever eaten. Around a hard and a bit crispy and the inside soft caramel that melts in your mouth. What should I do? I ate a lot of these sweets. I'm not normal.

I na kraju slatkiši! Ovo je najbolja karamel bombona koju sam ikada jela. Okolo je tvrda i pomalo hruskava a iznutra mekana karamela koja se topi u ustima. Što da radim? Pojela sam jako puno ovih bombonica. Nisam normalna. 

 I hope you enjoyed this post. Until next "Posting"! Enjoy your weekend!!

 Nadam se da ste uživali u ovom postu. Do sljedećeg "postanja"! Uživajte u vikendu!!!


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