Little Essence Haul 2015
Hello my dear readers!!
Since this is my first post in the New Year, at the very beginning, i'll wish you all a successful, peaceful and blessed New Year. May the year 2015 bring the realization of the most beautiful dreams.
Let's start the new year with one haul post. I was in a drug store and I bought a few products that I liked. All products are Essence. We all know that this is a drugstore brand, extremely cost-acceptable.
Since this is my first post in the New Year, at the very beginning, i'll wish you all a successful, peaceful and blessed New Year. May the year 2015 bring the realization of the most beautiful dreams.
Let's start the new year with one haul post. I was in a drug store and I bought a few products that I liked. All products are Essence. We all know that this is a drugstore brand, extremely cost-acceptable.
I'll probably soon work and reviews of some of these products. So you today briefly showing. Unfortunately, I have not preserved the bill, therefore, detailed pricing do not know. So let's look!
Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!
Budući da je ovo moj prvi post u Novoj godini, na samom početku, žeim vam svima zaželjeti uspiješnu, blagoslovljenu i mirnu Novu godinu. Neka vam 2015. godina donese ostvarenje najljepših snova.
Započnimo novu godinu sa jednim haul postom. Bila sam u drogeriji pa sam kupila par proizvoda koji su mi se svidjeli. Svi proizvodi su Essence. Svima nam je poznato da je to drogerijski brend, izuzetno cjenovno prihvatljiv.
Vjerojatno ću uskoro raditi i recenzije nekih od ovih proizvoda. Zato vam ih danas ukratko prikazujem. Nažalost, nisam sačuvala račun, dakle, detaljne cijene ne znam. Pa pogledajmo!
This is a bronzer from the line, which was released last summer (at least that I know of). Sun club all-in-one bronzer and Highlighter, that are lighter shades for blondes. I liked the fact that it contains more products. I bought it out of curiosity but I'm very pleased. Just pigmented, and the scent is reminiscent of the sea, summer.
Ovo je bronzer iz linije koja je izašla prošlo ljeto (barem koliko ja znam). Sun club all-in-one bronzer i hajlajter, to su svijetlije nijanse za plavuše. Najviše mi se svidio zbog činjenice da se u njemu nalazi više proizvoda. Kupila sam ga iz znatiželje ali sam jako zadovoljna. Dovoljno je pigmentiran, a miris podsjeća na more, ljeto.
Slightly pink blush Good Girl Bad Girl. This is a limited collection. I like the color of the blush, but I'm not thrilled with its application. Too much powdery.The blush is pigmented enough (considering the price).
Lagano ružičasto rumenilo Good girl Bad girl. Ovo je limitirana kolekcija. Sviđa mi se boja ovog rumenila, ali njegovom primjenom nisam oduševljena. Previše je praškast.Rumenilo je dovoljno pigmentirano (s obzirom na cijenu).
This lipstick impressed me. It is a limited edition collection Come to Town, is a dark purple color (the image is too bright). Well pigmented, perfectly applied to the lips and very long stays on the lips. I love It!!
Ovaj ruž za usne me oduševio. Radi se o limitiranoj kolekciji Come to Town, tamno je ljubičaste boje (na fotografijama je presvijetlo). Odlično pigmentiran, savršeno se nanosi na usne i jako dugo ostaje na usnama. Obožavam ga!!
This lipstick is from the regular collection. Since I bought it, only use it. This offer color, light pink, paired with everything. I must admit that I would have liked a creamier, but for this price enough.
Ovaj ruž za usne je iz redovne kolekcije. Od kada sam ga kupila, jedino njega koristim. Ova nude boja, lagano ružičasta, pristaje uz sve. Moram priznati da bih voljela da je kremastiji, ali za ovu cijenu sasvim dovoljno.
I do not know when I put this lip gloss in the cart. I'm not a fan of lip gloss. I have not tried this lip gloss. I hope you will be as written, the longlasting. We'll see.
Ne znam ni kada sam ovo sjajilo stavila u košaricu. Nisam neki ljubitelj sjajila za usne. Nisam još probala ovo sjajilo za usne. Nadam se da će biti kako piše, dugotrajno. Vidjet ćemo.
I've never been in a drug store that I have not had my eye on nail polish. This time it's Nail art specail effect topper. Bronze sequins of different sizes look fantastic on any surface. I tried a combination with black nail polish. It looks awesome.
Još nikada nisam bila u drogeriji a da nisam bacila oko na lakove za nokte. Ovog puta je to Nail art specail effect topper. Brončane šljokice različitih veličina izgledaju fenomenalno na svakoj podlozi. Ja sam probala kombinaciju sa crnim lakom za nokte. Izgleda fenomenalno.
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