Bourjois Flower Perfection - Update

3:01 AM,0 Comments

Hello my dear readers!!

How are you feeling these days? Around me, all have the flu, I'm solid as a rock! I hope I will not pick up the virus. I'm watching it.

This morning  I realized that I have not written about my new foundation. Yes, yes. You read it. I finally dared to put on the face something that is not Vichy Dermablend. A new baby is: Bourjois Flower Perfection.

What Bourjois says for this product:

- Foundation with integrated sponge applicator for uniform result
- Light texture
- Contains extract of wild azaleas that protects cells from aging
- Covers imperfections, pores and fine lines
- For all skin types
- Resistant to 16 hours
- non-comedogenic
- Dermatologically tested
- SPF 15

I bought a shade 52 Vanilla, and I must admit that this is the first time that I have such a perfect match for my skin and tons of foundation. This can be seen in the photograph.

Another thing I noticed was scent. I love it, unobtrusive, but are felt fragrances of flowers. It is perfectly covered all irregularities on my skin. On my oily skin is resistant to 6-7 hours, but after that I need to fix it. It does not bother me because Dermablen was not standing for more than five hours without correction.

I had no problem in applying foundation with H&M brush (the one I was talking earlier). Easy to apply with hands, but I prefer to use a brush. For covering the face and neck to me is sufficient one pump.
A fact that has pump makes me happy. The bottle is a bit big, because of sponge applicator. I think it will not fit exactly into each neseser. I did not use the applicator. In my opinion it is unnecessary. As for the price of this foundation think it is acceptable - about 14 euros.

Unfortunately, after almost a year of using this product, I noticed two disadvantages. The product accumulates in the tiny lines under eyes. The other downside is that this product really stands out dry areas. My skin is oily / mixed but in the winter months has dried parts. This powder highlights those parts of the skin.
Do I recommend this foundation? Yes! Short and sweet! Despite all small minuses. Excellent covering defects, easy to apply, and additional hydration of the skin can reduce the dried parts.  I am sorry that I have not previously tried one of the foundation from Bourjois range.
Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!
Kako se vi osjećate ovih dana? Oko mene svi imaju gripu, samo sam ja čvrsta kao kamen! Nadam se da neću pokupiti virus. Pazim se.
Jutros dok sam se spremala za posao shvatila sam da još uvijek nisam pisala o svom novom puder. Da, da. Dobro ste pročitali. Napokon sam se usudila staviti na lice nešto što nije Vichy Dermablend. A nova bebica je: Bourjois Flower Perfection.
Što Bourjois kaže za ovaj proizvod:

- tekući puder s integriranim spužvastim aplikatorom za ujednačen rezultat
- lagane teksture
- sadrži ekstrakt divlje azalee koji stanice štiti od starenja
- prekriva nepravilnosti, pore i sitne bore
- namijenjen svim tipovima kože
- postojan do 16 sati
- nekomedogen
- dermatološki testiran
- SPF 15

Ja sam kupila nijansu 52 Vanilija, i moram priznati da je ovo prvi puta da imam ovako savršeno poklapanje toa moje kože i tona pudera. To možete vidjeti i na fotogrfijama. 
Druga stvar koju sam zapazila je miris. Jako mi se sviđa, nenametljiv je, ali se osjete mirisne note cvijeća. Savršeno je prekrio sve nepravilnosti na mojoj koži. Na mojoj masnoj koži je postojan 6-7 sati, ali ga nakon toga moram popraviti. To mi ne smeta jer mi Dermablen nije stajao duže od 5 sati bez popravljanja.
Nisam imala problema u nanošenju pudera sa H&M četkicom (o njoj sam ranije govorila). Lako se nanosi rukama, ali ja više volim koristiti četkice. Za prekrivanje lica i vrata meni je dovoljna jedna pumpica.
A činjenica da ima pumpicu čini me sretnom. Bočica je možda malo velika, zbog spužvastog aplikatora. Mislim da neće stati baš u svaki neseser. Ja taj aplikato nisam koristila. Po mom mišljenju je nepotreban. Što se tiče cijene ovog pudera mislim da je prihvatljiva - cca 14 eura.

Nažalost, nakon gotovo godinu dana korištenja ovoga proizvoda primjetila sam dva nedostatka. Proizvod se nakuplja u sitnim linijama ispod očiju. A drugi minus je što ovaj proizvod zaista ističe suhe dijelove. Moja koža je masna/mješovita ali u zimskim mjesecima ima suhe djelove. Ovaj puder ističe te dijelove kože. 
Dali bih preporučila ovaj puder? Da! Kratko i jasno! Unatoč ovim malim minusima. Odlično prekriva neodstatke, lako se nanosi, a dodatnom hidratacijom kože mogu se smanjiti isušeni dijelovi. Žao mi je što nisam ranije isprobala nešto od pudera iz Bourjois asortimana.


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