Empties #3 in 2017.

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Hello my lovelies!

My mission since the beginning of the year is to solve all the accumulated products. The mission is coming to an end, and my garbage can become too small for all the consumed projections. There are still plenty of products on the shelves, but they get empty for another Empties post. So let's start!

About this Evelin Cosmetics Slime Extreme 3D lotion I wrote a review you can read on this link. The product comes in a 250 ml package at about 6 euros. My impressions about Afrodita Cosmetics Bouquet of Flowers Shower Gel can be found here. But I have to tell you that this smell is something wonderful. This shower gel comes in a 200 ml bottle. My objection is that it is quickly consumed.

Delia Cosmetics Matt Forever Liquid Powder also had its place on my blog. I used it daily and was a pretty solid product. The product is packed in a 35 ml bottle, has a practical pump. Solid quality at a very reasonable price. Rimmel London Stay Matte Foam Powder I bought before the summer, because I was pretty dark. I needed something to fit my summer skin tone. This is number 203. The powder is also of solid quality but I did not use it often because of the color. I trow a half-consumed product because the expiration date has expired.I had a couple of testers of this new Vichy Deermablend 3D Liquid Powder. I bought a product and you will soon be reading it on the blog. Next to Catrice camouflage this Essence Stay all day 16h Correction is my favorite. This is number 10, great for under the eyes and if you want to brighten the pieces of the face.All three of these products are thrown into garbage because they have expired. Essence Sun Club all in one bronze highlighter I used only as a bronzer. Only that part was great. And I could use the bronzer in the summer when my skin was dull in the sun. Otherwise it's too dark. Rimmel eye shadow in black, desperate quality, desperate pigmentation, melt on the eyyelids. The same goes for the S-he Stylezone eye shadow. Black shades appear to be very bright gray with a pair of shingles. I will not buy any of this again.And these two products go to the garbage can because their shelf life has expired. Avon ColorTrend eyeliner in green color. Not practical brush rejected me from this product. No name eyeliner in silver, or silver shingles. This was a great eyeliner, the shingles were dense and remained on the eyelids.About this Avon Planet Spa gel-mask for the area under the eyes I wrote here, so I will not stretch. SheerCover brush for the powder. I used this when I traveled. I put puddle fixators in it. It was ok but unfortunately the hairs were worn out and they are very rough on the face.The Lancome Paris Tresor perfume is the most beautiful I have ever tried. And I've already written it about it here, but I can not even get enough of it. It's great, the scent perfectly suits me.Clinique Chubby Stick Number CB4 I used often but I wear out these lipsticks very slowly. And this one has expired. Otherwise, the product is as good as any of the Clinique I have tried so far.And finally two nail polishes. Avon Gel Shine top coat I used, it worked so that it quicker to dry my nail polishes. Essence Color & Go nail polish No. 46 is thrown because it is no longer usable.So much for this time. Be Healthy and Happy !!!

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Moja misija od početka godine je da se riješim svih nakupljenih proizvoda. Misija se privodi kraju, a moja kanta za smeće postaje premala za sve potrošene proiuzvode. Ima još dosta proizvoda na policama, ali ih se nakupilo praznih za još jedan Empties post. Pa krenimo!

O ovom Evelin Cosmetics Slime Extreme 3D losionu sam pisala recenziju koju možete pročitati na ovoj poveznici. Proizvod dolazi u pakiranju od 250 ml po cijeni od cca 6 eura. Moje utiske o Afrodita Cosmetics Bouquet of Flowers gelu za tuširanje možete pronaći ovdje. Ali moram vam reći da je ovaj miris nešto predivno. Ovaj gel za tuširanje dolazi u bočici od 200 ml. Moja zamjerka je što se brzo troši.

Delia Cosmetics  Matt Forever tekući puder je također imao svoje mjesto na mom blogu. Koristila sam ga svakodnevno i bio je dosta solidan proizvod. Proizvod je pakiran u bočicu od 35 ml, ima praktičnu pumpicu. Solidna kvaliteta po jako prihvatljivoj cijeni. Rimmel London Stay Matte pjenasti puder u tubici sam kupila prije par ljeta jer sam bila dosta tamna. Trebalo mi je nesto da odgovara mom ljetnom tonu kože. Ovo je broj 203. Puder je također solidne kvalitete ali ga nisam koristila često zbog boje. Bacam polupotrošen proizvod jer mu je istekao rok trajanja.

Imala sam par testera ovog novog Vichy Deermablend 3D tekućeg pudera. Kupila sam proizvod i o njemu ćete uskoro čitati na blogu. Pored Catrice kamuflaže ovaj Essence Stay all day 16h korektor mi je omiljeni. Ovo je broj 10, odličan je za ispod očiju i ukoliko želite posvjetliti djelove lica.

Sva tri ova proizvoda bacam u smeće jer im je istekao rok trajanja. Essence Sun Club all in one bronzing highlighter sam koristila samo kao bronzer. Jedino mi se taj dio činio odličnim. A i bronzer sam mogla koristiti ljeti kada bi mi koža potamnila na suncu. Inače je pretaman. Rimmel sjena za oči u crnoj boji, očajna kvaliteta, očajna pigmentacija, topi se na kapcima. Isto vrijedi i za S-he Stylezone sjenu za oči. Crna boja sa šljokicama na kapcima izgleda kao jako svijetla siva boja sa par šljokica. Ništa od ovoga neću ponovno kupiti.

I ova dva proizvoda odlaze u koš za smeće jer im je istekao rok trajanja. Avon ColorTrend eyeliner u zelenoj boji. Ne praktična četkica me odbijala od ovog proizvoda. No name tuš za oči u srebrenoj boji, odnosno srebrene šljokice. Ovo je bio odličan tuš za oči, šljokice su guste i ostaju na kapcima.

O ovom Avon Planet Spa gelu-maski za područje ispod očiju sam pisala ovdje, pa neću dužiti. SheerCover četkica za puder u prahu. Četkicu sam koristila kada bih putovala. U nju sam stavljala praškaste fiksatore. Bila je ok ali nažalost dlačice su se istrošile i jako je grubana licu.

Lancome Paris Tresor parfem je nešto najljepše sto sam do sada probala. I o njemu sam već pisala ovdje, ali ga nikako ne mogu dovoljno nahvaliti. Baš je odličan, miris mi potpuno odgovara.

Clinique Chubby Stick broj CB4 sam često koristila ali ja ove proizvode za usne sporo trošim. I ovom je istekao rok trajanja. Inače proizvod je odličan kao i sve od Clinique-a  što sam do sada probala.

I na kraju dva laka za nokte. Avon Gel Shine top coat sam potrošila, djelovao je tako da mi se lak brže osuši ali nije produžavao trajanje laka na noktima. Essence Colour&Go lak za nokte broj 46 bacam jer vise nije upotrebljiv.

Toliko za ovaj put. Budite zdravi i sretni!!!


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