Empties #2 in 2017

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Hello my lovelies!
 Buy a lot of empty boxes and the tubes that can not wait to leave my home. I am determined to spend all preparative I have. I just wished some changes in my life. It is easiest to start with something small. Out with the old, in with the new. A lot more thing I keep on the shelves and eagerly consume. And the products they have done their own, took place in this post.

1. We can start with a shower gels. Palmolive Gourmet Strawberry and Chocolate Touch Passion shower gels are phenomenal. I bought them a couple of times in this combination. Vanilla I never could find. They are excellent and of them I already wrote. A solid pack of 250ml, a nice effect, I'm satisfied. Avon Naturals Body Care Cosy vanilla and sandalwood shower gel in bottles of 200ml. This product I received from Avon with body spray. This shower gel is very thick, very nicely concentrated. Excellent cleans the skin, is a bit harder to wash. I noticed that my skin is not dried out, and the manufacturer says it is enriched with vitamins E and C.

2. Speaking of body care, we can immediately mention the lotions. Balea Soft cream for face and body with vitamin E in the packaging of 250 ml, the scent reminiscent of the Nivea. Light cream is easy to spread, absorbs quickly. I literally was used for the face and body, even when I was pregnant, in the fight against stretch marks. Excellent cream, a ridiculous price, around 2 euros. Avon Nutra Effects Intensive Repair Body Lotion for Extra Dry Skin, 250 ml. About this product I wrote in this post.

3. I did not want to bother you with shampoos, nothing has changed in my hair care routine. The only products of the basket is Avon Advance Techniques nourishing oil spray dryer. This is a great product and this is the second consumed bottle. This is a two-phase product, contains five nourishing oils. More on this product can be found here. 

4. Ulric de Varens deodorant, in any variant, are one of my favorite products from the beauty world. In any Haul post will be found one, no matter who. All are excellent and I can not stop buying them. Price of the bottle of 125 ml is around 2.5 euros. I love them!

5. And finally, decorative cosmetics. On all three of these products I'm angry if you can only hear the pound on the keyboard. These Misslyn eyelashes are really bad, too thin are too difficult to put on, emerged to a nice lie down on the eyelid. A couple of times I tried to put them and now I throw it in the trash, with a smile on my face. Essence Longlastin eyeliner No. 02 Hot Chocolate I like to use but it betrayed me. It is broken and no longer  comes out. I hate when that happens. This Rimmel Stay Matte Powder all love so I do. But not like this bad packaging. I mean really.

Until the next post, kisses to everyone. 

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Nakupilo se dosta praznih kutijica i tubica koje jedva čekaju da napuste moj dom. Čvrsto sam odlučila potrošiti svu preparativu koju imam. Baš sam se zaželjela nekih promjena u životu. Najlakše je početi od sitnica. Van sa starim, unutra sa novim. Puno još stvarčica držim na policama i revno konzumiram. A proizvodi koji su odradili svoje, zauzeli su mjesto u ovome postu.

1. Možemo početi sa gelovima za tuširanje. Palmolive Gourmet Strawberry Touch i Chocolate Passion gelovi za tuširanje su fenomenalni. Kupila sam ih par puta u ovoj kombinaciji. Vaniliju nisam nikako mogla pronaći. Odlični su i o njima sam već pisala. Solidno pakiranje od 250ml, lijep učinak, zadovoljna sam. Avon Naturals Body Care Cosy vanilija i sandalovina gel za tuširanje u bočici od 200ml. Ovaj proizvod sam dobila od Avona zajedno sa sprejom za tijelo. Ovaj gel za tuširanje je dosta gust, baš lijepo koncentriran. Odlično čisti kožu, mrvicu se teže ispire. Nisam primjetila da mi isušuje kožu, a proizvođač kaže da je obogaćen vitaminima E i C. 

2. Kada smo kod njege tijela možemo odmah spomenuti i losione. Balea Soft krema za lice i tijelo sa vitaminom E u pakiranju od 250 ml, mirisom neodoljivo podsjeća na Niveu. Lagana krema, lako se razmazuje, brzo se upija. Doslovno sam je koristila i za lice i za tijelo, čak i dok sam bila trudna, u sklopu borbe protiv strija. Odlična krema, a cijena presmiješna, oko 2 eura. Avon Nutra Effects Intensive repair losion za tijelo, za vrlo suhu kožu, bočica od 250 ml. O ovom proizvodu sam pisala u ovom postu

3. Nisam vas htjela gnjaviti šamponima,  ništa se nije mijenjalo u mojoj hair care rutini. Jedini prizvod u košu je Avon Advance Techniques njegujući uljni sprej za kosu. Ovo je super proizvod i ovo  je druga potrošena bočica. Ovo je dvofazni proizvod, sadrži pet njegujućih ulja. Više o ovom proizvodu možete pročitati ovdje.

4. Ulric de Varens dezodoransi, u bilo kojoj boji, su meni osobno jedni od najdražih proizvoda iz beauty svijeta.U svakom Haul postu će se naći po jedan primjer, nije bitno koji. Svi su odlični i ne mogu ih prestati kupovati. Cijena bočice od 125 ml je negdje oko 2.5 eura. Obožavam ih!

5. I na kraju dekorativna kozmetika! Na sav tri ova proizvoda sam zaista ljuta, da samo čujete ljutito lupanje po tipkovnici. Ove Misslyn trepavice su stvarno loše, pretanke su, preteško se stavljaju, nikako ne stoje na kapku kako treba. Nekoliko puta sam ih pokušala staviti ali bezuspješno, i sada ih sa osmjehom a licu bacam u smeće. Essence Longlastin olovka za oči No. 02 Hot Chocolate sam voljela koristiti ali me je izdala. Slomila se i više ne izlazi van! Mrzim kada mi se to dogodi!Ovaj Rimmel Stay Matte  puder u prahu svi vole pa tako i ja. Ali ne volim ovu preslabu ambalažu. Mislim stvarno!

Do sljedećeg posta, pusa svima.







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