Ebelin Professional silicone brush for washing - exfoliation and massage

4:25 AM,0 Comments

Hello my dear readers!!
 In my last post  DM Haul you could see that I bought Ebelin silicone brush for cleaning, which at the same time makes peeling of face and gently massage the face. I decided (in your proposal) to write a review of this brush.

We can start from the pack. This silicone brush is packed in a plastic bag, which on one side has a shutter. When you remove the paper from the bag, it actually (to me) is used for the disposal of brush. Until next use remains closed and protected from dust or something else. This bag is great when you traveling. From me a big plus for packaging.

The brush has two types of silicone spines. The first major surface a thin, elongated spines, and the other smaller, thicker spines. I do not know what the difference is but I mostly use a larger surface area with thin spines. Silicone spines are very gentle, make a slight peeling, great clean pores.

I use this brush so that it put the washing gel, splash a little water, and then circular massage the face a few minutes. After that, wash my face with lukewarm, almost cold water. The feeling is pleasant, I feel that my face is completely clean. This process I repeat in morning and evening when I have the remains of makeup on the face.

If you are buying these silicone brush and expect marvelous peeling you will not get it. This brush makes light peeling of the skin, makes perfect clean skin. Thin silicone spikes enter tiniest pores. I have not regretted the purchase. Has quickly became part of my routine. Oh yes! Behind the brush is part with which you can "glue" brush  to tiles, or mirrors. I dont do that.

So much of me!!! People I love you!!

Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!

U mom prošlom DM Haul postu mogli ste vidjeti da sam kupila Ebelin silikonsku četkicu za umivanje, koja istodobno radi piling lica i laganu masažu lica. Odlučila sam (na vaš prijedlog) napisati recenziju ove četkice.

Možemo početi od pakiranja. Ova silikonska četkica pakirana je u plastičnu vrećicu koja na jednoj strani ima zatvarač. Kada izvadite papir iz vrećice, ona zapravo (meni) služi za odlaganje četkice. Do iduće uporabe ostaje zatvorena i zaštićena od prašine ili nečeg sličnog. Ova vrećica je odlična i kada putujete. Od mene veliki plus za ambalažu.

Sama četkica ima dvije vrste silikonskih bodljica. Prvu veću površinu čine tanke, duguljaste bodljice, a drugu manje, deblje bodljice. Ne znam u čemu je razlika ali ja većinom koristim veću površinu sa tankim bodljama. Silikonske bodljice su jako nježne, čine lagani piling lica, odlično čiste pore.

 Ja ovu četkicu koristim tako što na nju stavim gela za umivanje, malo pokvasim vodom, i onda kružno masiram lice par minuta. Nakon toga lice umijem mlakom, gotovo hladnom vodom. Osjećaj je ugodan, osjećam da mi je lice potpuno čisto. Ovaj postupak ponavljam ujutro i navečer kada imam i ostatke šminke na licu.

Ako ste kupovinom ove silikonske četkice očekivali čudesan piling nećete ga dobiti. Ova četkica čini lagani piling kože, odlično čisti kožu. Tanke silikonske bodlje ulaze u najsitnije pore. Nisam zažalila kupovinu. Brzo je postala dio moje rutine. O da! Iza četkice se nalazi dio kojim je možete "zaljepiti" četkicu  za pločice, ili ogledalo.

Toliko od mene!!! Ljudi volim vas!!


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