DM Haul April
Hello my dear readers!!
This wonderful day and a lunch break I used to go stroll around DM-in. And of course, I bought a few things that I want to share with you. I also threw two things that I got for my birthday. Not much, I can not spend money, keep for holidays. Again I threw bill but I remember some price.
Actually I went to DM that I bought this Ebelin silicone "sponge" for washing the face. It was on sale, I paid about 2 euros. It has tiny silicone spines that actually work peeling of facial skin. I can not wait to try it.
There is also my favorite shampoo Le Petit Marseilias for dry and damaged hair. About him, I will not write anything, but I've written a thousand times. And shampoo was on sale, about 1.5 euros.
This Balea Bath Salt from the Luxury line is hit. As soon as I got home, I opened the packaging, scent is sensational, a mix of vanilla and peach. I'll be back for more. The price is about 1 euro. I can not wait a warm bath.
Violeta baby wipes I use makeup remover. All wet wipes of this brand are excellent. Do not irritate my skin, scent is delicate and beautiful. Price approx 2 euros.
Violeta baby vlažne maramice koristim za skidanje šminke. Sve vlažne maramice ovog brenda su odlične. Ne iritiraju mi kožu, miris je nježan i lijep. Cijena cca 2 eura.
And icing on the cake! Essence Quattro Eyeshadow. These shadows for eyes are on sale for a long time but I've never bought. I was a little suspicious. Pigmentation? I bought them at the urging of friends. He wants me to do a review, so here we are. What I've tried so far I like it. Price approx 3 euros.
And so I go after one thing, I come out with a full bag. Learn from my mistakes. Willpower!
This wonderful day and a lunch break I used to go stroll around DM-in. And of course, I bought a few things that I want to share with you. I also threw two things that I got for my birthday. Not much, I can not spend money, keep for holidays. Again I threw bill but I remember some price.
Actually I went to DM that I bought this Ebelin silicone "sponge" for washing the face. It was on sale, I paid about 2 euros. It has tiny silicone spines that actually work peeling of facial skin. I can not wait to try it.
There is also my favorite shampoo Le Petit Marseilias for dry and damaged hair. About him, I will not write anything, but I've written a thousand times. And shampoo was on sale, about 1.5 euros.
This Balea Bath Salt from the Luxury line is hit. As soon as I got home, I opened the packaging, scent is sensational, a mix of vanilla and peach. I'll be back for more. The price is about 1 euro. I can not wait a warm bath.
Violeta baby wipes I use makeup remover. All wet wipes of this brand are excellent. Do not irritate my skin, scent is delicate and beautiful. Price approx 2 euros.
Violeta baby vlažne maramice koristim za skidanje šminke. Sve vlažne maramice ovog brenda su odlične. Ne iritiraju mi kožu, miris je nježan i lijep. Cijena cca 2 eura.
And icing on the cake! Essence Quattro Eyeshadow. These shadows for eyes are on sale for a long time but I've never bought. I was a little suspicious. Pigmentation? I bought them at the urging of friends. He wants me to do a review, so here we are. What I've tried so far I like it. Price approx 3 euros.
And so I go after one thing, I come out with a full bag. Learn from my mistakes. Willpower!
Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!
Ovaj divan dan i pauzu za ručak iskoristila sam da prođem jedna đir po DM-u. I naravno,kupila sam par sitnica koje želim podijeliti sa vama. Također sam ubacila dvije stvarčice koje sam dobila za rođendan. Nema puno, ne smijem trošiti novac, čuvam za ljetovanje. Opet sam bacila račun ali sijećam se nekih cijena.
Zapravo sam u DM otišla da bih kupila ovu Ebelin silikonsku "spužvicu" za pranje lica. Bila je na sniženju, platila sam cca 2 eura. Ima malene silikonske bodlje koje zapravo rade piling kože lica. Jedva čekam da je probam.
Ovaj divan dan i pauzu za ručak iskoristila sam da prođem jedna đir po DM-u. I naravno,kupila sam par sitnica koje želim podijeliti sa vama. Također sam ubacila dvije stvarčice koje sam dobila za rođendan. Nema puno, ne smijem trošiti novac, čuvam za ljetovanje. Opet sam bacila račun ali sijećam se nekih cijena.
Zapravo sam u DM otišla da bih kupila ovu Ebelin silikonsku "spužvicu" za pranje lica. Bila je na sniženju, platila sam cca 2 eura. Ima malene silikonske bodlje koje zapravo rade piling kože lica. Jedva čekam da je probam.
Tu je i moj najdraži šampon za kosu Le Petit Marseilias za suhu i oštećenu kosu. O njemu neću više ništa napisati, već sam pisala tisuću puta. I šampon je bio na sniženju, cca 1,5 eura.
Ova Balea sol za kupanje iz Luxury linije je pun pogodak. Čim sam stigla kući, otvorila sam pakiranje, miris je senzacionalan, miks vanilije i breskve. Vratit ću se po još. Cijena je cca 1 euro. Jedva čekam toplu kupku.
Violeta baby vlažne maramice koristim za skidanje šminke. Sve vlažne maramice ovog brenda su odlične. Ne iritiraju mi kožu, miris je nježan i lijep. Cijena cca 2 eura.
Derma See Spa gel za tuširanje i kremu za tijelo od nara sam dobila za rođendan. Željela sam vam pokazati jer je miris odličan a koža na dodir mekana i nježna. Pa ako tko želi neka isproba.
I šećer na kraju! Essence quattro sjene za oči. Ove sjene za oči su u prodaji jako dugo ali ih ja do sada nisam kupovala. Bila sam malo sumnjičava. Pigmentiranost? Kupila sam ih na nagovor prijateljice. Želi da napravim recenziju, pa eto. Ono što sam do sada probala mi se sviđa. Cijena cca 3 eura.
I tako ja odem po jednu stvar, izađem sa punom vrećicom. Učite na mojim greškama. Snaga volje!
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