Maybelline NY LASH Sensational - Lash Multiplying Mascara

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Hello my dear readers!!

What's up?? How are you?? It is better when it's sunny?? Yes! And I am a lot better when it's sunny. Last week I showed you what I bought in DMHere you can see that post. I promised you a review of Maybelline NY LASH Sensational - Lash Multiplying Mascara. Well, there, you can say that I am a person of my word!

For ten days I use this mascara, so I got to know all the strengths and weaknesses of this product in the service of beauty. And this time I want to show what the manufacturer says about this product:

"Maybelline New York Lash Mascara Sensational is mascara for sensational eyelashes, spread out like a fan. Unlike traditional mascara brush which affects only one layer of eyelashes, Brush of  Lash  Sensational Mascara affects each lash.

 Lash  Sensational Mascara  has a unique curved brush with two types of hair. The inner hair brush wrap and emphasize 100% eyelashes. External hair brush wider eyelashes like a fan effect."

My impressions: 1. Packaging phenomenal. My first mascara with silicone brush. Brush very thick, hair different lengths. So far I have avoided buying mascara with silicone brushes but I am really pleasantly surprised.

2. Mascara is easy to blend in the first layer, nicely separates each lash. Even the smallest lashes "appearing" and are lengthened. Mascara evenly applied to lashes from all sides, without much effort. It seemed to me as if I got a new row of eyelashes next to the one I have. The second layer is in my opinion a little more difficult to apply. Eyelashes can dry quickly, which retrieve and add a new layer makes it a little more difficult.
3. eyelashes are very elongated, already after the first layer. That I really like it.

4. Texture! The texture of this mascara is quite liquid. I personally prefer the thicker mascara. Mascara denser texture make my eyelashes thicker, and less hairs stick together. In this mascara appeared this problem after the second layer. But when I learned to apply this mascara is no longer problem. Simply, an effect that I want to achieve, I accomplish with a first layer. Photo shows lashes after only one layer of mascara.

5. My biggest problem is the removal of this mascara. Whatever you put it, whatever to try ... I have to work hard to take it off from the eyelashes. Maybe this is not a flaw, but that's my objection. And after cleansing I feel I still have too much product on the lashes.

When I consider these two objections (liquid texture and difficult to remove) and compare it with the appearance of eyelashes ... I think I'll buy this mascara again. Like density and length of eyelashes.

I hope you liked my review and that I have answered some questions about this product.

Enjoy !!

 Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!

Šta ima?? Kako ste?? Bolje kad je sunčano?? Da! I meni je puno bolje kada je sunčano. Prošli tjedan sam vam pokazala što sam kupila u DM-u. Ovdje možete pročitati taj post. Obećala sam vam recenziju Maybelline NY LASH Sensational - Lash Multiplying maskare. Pa eto, možete reći da sam osoba od riječi!

Već nekih desetak dana koristim ovu maskaru, pa sam upoznala sve mane i vrline  ovog proizvoda u službi ljepote. I ovoga puta vam želim pokazati što proizvođač kaže o ovom proizvodu:

"Maybelline New York Lash Sensational maskara,  je maskara za senzacionalne trepavice, raširene poput lepeze.Za razliku od tradicionalne maskare čija četkica zahvaća samo jedan sloj trepavica, četkica nove maskare Lash Sensational zahvaća svaku trepavicu.

 Lash Sensational maskara ima jedinstvenu zakrivljena četkicu s dvije vrste dlačica. Unutarnje dlačice četkice obavijaju i naglašavaju 100% trepavica. Vanjske dlačice četkice šire trepavice poput lepeze."

Moji utisci:

1. Ambalaža fenomenalna. Moja prva maskara sa silikonskom četkicom. Četkica jako gusta, dlačice različite dužine. Do sada sam izbjegavala kupovinu maskare sa silikonskim četkicama ali sam zaista ugodno iznenađena.

 2. Maskara se lagano nanosi u prvom sloju, lijepo razdvaja svaku trepavicu. Čak i one najmanje trepavice se "pojavljuju" i izdužuju. Maskara se ravnomjerno nanosi na trepavice sa svih strana, bez puno truda. Učinilo mi se kao da sam dobila novi red trepavica pored ovog kojeg imam. Drugi sloj je po mom mišljenju malo teže nanijeti. Trepavice se brzo suše, što popravljanje i dodavanje novog sloja čini malo težim.

3. Trepavice su jako izdužene, već nakon prvog sloja. To mi se jako sviđa. 

4. Tekstura! Tekstura ove maskare je dosta tekuća. Ja osobno više volim  gušće maskare. Maskare gušće teksture čine moje trepavice gušćima, i manje se dlačice lijepe jedna za drugu. Kod ove maskare se pojavio ovaj problem nakon drugog sloja. Ali kada sam naučila nanositi ovu maskaru više nije bilo problema. Jednostavno, efekat koji želim postići, postižem prvim slojem. Fotografija pokazuje trepavice nakon samo jednog sloja maskare.

5. Moj najveći problem je skidanje ove maskare. Što god da stavim, čime god da pokušam...Moram se dobro potruditi da je skinem sa trepavica. Možda to nije mana, ali to je moja zamjerka. I nakon umivanja imam osjećaj da još uvijek imam previše proizvoda na trepavicama.

Kada uzmem u obzir te dvije zamjerke (tekuća tekstura i teško uklanjanje) i usporedim sa izgledom trepavica...mislim da ću ovu maskaru ponovno kupiti. Sviđa mi se gustoća i dužina trepavica.

Nadam se da vam se svidjela moja recenzija i da sam vam odgovorila na neka pitanja o ovom proizvodu.


Without mascara/Bez maskare

One coat of mascara/Jedan sloj maskare


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