DM Haul March 2015

1:25 AM,0 Comments

Hello my dear readers!!

We were faced with big snow storm. And that means that we are forced to spend all day in the house. I am very pleased that I was forced vacation home. But I managed at the last minute to do a quick shopping in DM. Who is happier than me? No one! :-)

But this is a little weird haul. Do not judge me! I know I'm weird! I bought two bottles of the same shampoo and three bottles of the same shower gel. The last three bottles on the shelf. So what now? I could do a lot worse, right? I could have bought three bottles of the same shampoo instead of two. Freak!

Okay! It does not matter! Let's look at what I bought! This is one bag that I photographed, just like that. I had two. Jeez one I needed only for shower gels!

Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!! 

Nas je zadesilo veliko sniježno nevrijeme. A to znači da smo prisiljeni dane provoditi u kući. Zadovoljna sam činjenicom da sam na prisilnom kućnom odmoru. Ali ja sam uspijela u zadnji tren obaviti brzinsku kupovinu u DM-u. Tko je sretniji od mene? Nitko! :-)

Ali ovo je malo čudan haul. Nemojte me osuđivati! Znam da sam čudna! Kupila sam dvije bočice istog šampona i tri bočice istog gela za tuširanje. Posljednje tri bočice na polici. Pa što sad? Mogla sam napraviti i gore stvari, zar ne? Mogla sam kupiti i tri bočice istog šampona umjesto dvije. Čudakinja!

Ok! Nema veze! Pogledajmo što sam kupila! Ovo je jedna vrećica koju sam fotografirala, tek tako. Imala sam dvije. Pobogu jedna mi je trebala samo za gelove za tuširanje! 

Here you can see one of the famous bottle of shower gel. Last month I bought it so I tried it and I became completely obsessed with it. As you can see it's Balea Purple Kisses, simply divine fragrance. After showering the smell on the skin feel hours later. Perfect.

Colgate toothpaste I bought just for this label "50ml gratis", favorable price and solid quality. This DM fabric softener I buy for the first time. I've never bought this brand of fabric softener. Unfortunately, I have not tried it yet, so I do not know if it works. The scent was decided this purchase. The scent of roses is very nice!

Ovdje možete vidjeti jednu bočicu famoznog gela za tuširanje. Prošli mjesec sam ga kupila da bih ga isprobala i potpuno sam postala opsjednuta sa njim. Kao što vidite to je Balea Purple Kisses, jednostavno božanstvenog mirisa. Nakon tuširanja  miris na koži osjetite satima poslje. Savršeno.

Colgate pasta za zube sam kupila samo zbog ove naljepnice "50ml gratis", cijena povoljna a pasta solidne kvalitete. Ovaj DM omekšivač za rublje kupujem prvi puta. Nisam do sada kupovala omekšivače ovoga brenda. Nažalost, nisam ga još isprobala pa ne znam radi li. Miris je odlučio ovu kupovinu. Miris ruže je jako lijep!

I bought back my favorite shampoo (two bottles) Le Petit Marseillais with shea milk and honey. Is too perfect! The hair is soft and smooth after using this shampoo! I jumped in the wagon called "Maybelline lash sensational". I will probably make a short review of this mascara. Soon! I promise! 

Kupila sam ponovno moj omiljeni šampon za kosu (dvije bočice) Le petit Marseillais sa karite mlijekom i medom. Presavršen je! Kosa je meka i glatka nakon korištenja ovoga šampona! I ja sam uskočila u kola zvana "Maybelline lash sensational". Vjerojatno ću napraviti kratku recenziju ove maskare. Uskoro! Obećavam!

I wanted to test this new "Head and Shoulders 2in1 thick & strong" Shampoo. I hope we like it. And at the end of this deodorant. I bought it last month and loved it. I had to have another bottle. And that's it! I hope you liked my post.

Željela sam testirati ovaj novi "Head and Shoulders 2in1 thick & strong" šampon za kosu. Nadam se da će mi se svidjeti. I na kraju ovaj dezodorans. Kupila sam ga prošli mjesec i jako mi se svidio. Morala sam imati još jednu bočicu. I to je to! Nadam se da vam se svidio moj post.

Stay heated and loved! ;-)

Ostanite ugrijani i voljeni! ;-)


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