Balea Zzz Renewing face mask in the capsule - hyaluron and green tea - Review

7:03 AM,1 Comments

Hello my lovelies!

Since last autumn and winter I had great problems with dry skin, face, body and hands, this year I decided to invest a little more effort into hydration. With my hands I am already well in the "extremely dry skin" phase. This is the stage where my skin is in pain, but on this in another post.

The face is still nice hydrated, without dry parts or flaking skin. I'm careful that all the products I use exclusively for hydration. That's why I decided to buy and test just this face mask.
This mask with hyaluronic and green tea is intended for regeneration and hydration of the skin.

Not to lie, I was attracted to a delicious package. It seems to me that six of these masks are available, but I've decided to try this sweetness. Light green pack of 8 ml in DM branch is sold at a price of cca1,25 euros. The manufacturer says that this is a face mask packaged in capsules and is intended for single use only.

The mask is applied to the clean skin of the face, neck and neckline, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leaves to be working overnight and in the morning washing. The mask is a gel-like structure, not too thick. It smells easily on the skin but takes a lot of time to absorb it. For a while on the skin leaves a feeling of weight, the mask layer can be felt beneath your fingers. But it does not take long.

While on the packaging says it is for one use, I have this amount could deploy to 3 nights, in the course of one week. I bought three packs. The skin is soft to the touch in the morning, fresh and hydrated. I'm not disappointed, let's just say that. I do not have any negative side effects on the skin. I thought that this gelatus structure would clog pores, but it did not.

This face mask can be used over the day, left on the face for 15 minutes and then wiped off the face. In the morning, I used water only to wash the mask. This product is suitable for all skin types. I did not notice any smell, nothing too much. Although the employee said that the smell of this product was too strong. I did not have that experience.

Is anyone else trying this sweetness? I definitely have to try some more.

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Pošto sam prošlu jesen i zimu imala velikih problema sa suhom kožom, lica, tijela i ruku, ove godine sam odlučila uložiti malo više truda u hidrataciju. Sa rukama sam već dobro zašla u "ekstremno suha koža" fazu. To je faza u kojoj me već koža boli, ali o tome u nekom drugom postu.

Lice je još uvijek lijjepo hidrirano, bez suhih dijelova ili perutanja kože. Dobro pazim da su svi proizvodi koje koristim isključivo za hidrataciju. Zbog toga sam se i odlučila na kupovinu i testiranje upravo ove maske za lice. Ova maska sa hijaluronom i zelenim čajem namijenjena je regeneraciji i hidrataciji kože.

Da se ne lažemo, privuklo me preslatko pakiranje. Čini mi se da je dostupno šest ovih maskica, ali ja sam odlučila isprobati ovu slatkoću. Svijetlo zeleno pakiranje od 8 ml u DM poslovnicama se prodaje po cijeni od cca1,25 eura. Proizvođač kaže da je ovo maska za lice pakirana u kapsulama i da je namjenjena za jednokratnu upotrebu.

Maska se nanosi na čistu kožu lica, vrata i dekoltea, izbjegava se područje oko očiju. Ostavlja se da djeluje preko noći te se u jutro ispire. Maska je gelaste strukture, nije puno gusta. Lako se razmazuje na koži ali treba dosta vremena da se upije. Neko vrijeme na koži ostavlja osjećaj težine, sloj maske se može osjetiti ispod prstiju. Ali to ne traje dugo.

Iako na pakiranju piše da je za jednu upotrebu, ja sam ovu količinu mogla rasporediti na 3 noći, u toku jednog tjedna. Kupila sam tri pakiranja. Koža je u jutro mekana na dodir, svježa i hidrirana. Nisam razočarana, recimo to tako. Na koži nemam nikakvih negativnih nuspojava. Mislila sam da će mi ova gelasta struktura začepiti pore, ali nije.

Ova maska za lice se može koristiti preko dana, ostavi se na licu 15-tak minuta i onda se obriše sa lica. Ja sam u jutro, za ispiranje maske koristila samo vodu. Ovaj proizvod je prikladan za sve tipove kože. Nisam primjetila nikakav miris, ništa prejako. Mada  je djelatnica rekla da je njoj miris ovog proizvoda bio prejak. Nisam imala takvo iskustvo.

Jeli još netko probao ove slatkoće? Ja definitivno moram isprobati još neke.


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Black face mask with medical charcoal - Review

11:55 PM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!Whenever I was on social networks jumped some advertisement for black face mask to remove blackheads, I wanted to try it. But I did not want to risk and use some exaggerated chemical products. I wanted to include as many natural products into my skin care routine.

Then I discovered on FB  girl who manufactures skin care products on a natural basis. It is recommended that this facial mask lightly warms up and then applied in the thick layer to the desired zone. After 20 minutes the mask comes out of the face together with the dead skin cells and the blackheads.

The face mask comes in solid condition, to the touch is rubbery, I do not know how much the product comes in grams but the price is around 2 euros. I cut it  to some 4 parts and used it once a week. Mask is best kept frozen. When you use it just take the cut out part and warm it up.

After showering when the pores lightly opened, I would heat the mask for 20 seconds in the microwave, and when the temperature would be pleasant I would have it in the thick layer on the T-zone.

While the face mask is dry, the skin tightens slightly, after 20 minutes I have removed the mask with one stroke. And it really works. It can be clearly seen  all blackheads and all impurities on the face, the rest of the mask looks disgusting. But the mask works, the most important. I then clean the skin with water.

I did not notice any negative side effects on the skin. I bought my box at the fair of natural products, a range of natural products can be seen here. I know this mask is easy to make, but I did not want to bother with this. This is great for me.

Is anyone else tried this mask to remove blackheads? Have you been shocked by all these impurities? I was convinced that my skin is clean!

Pozdrav moje lepotice!

Kad god mi je na društvenim mrežama iskočila neka reklama za crnu masku za lice za uklanjanje mitesera, željela sam je isprobati. Ali isam željela riskirati i koristiti neke pretjerano kemijske proizvode. Željela sam što više prirodnih proizvoda uključiti u svoju rutinu njege kože.

Tada sam otkrila na FB marljivu djevojku koja izrađuje proizvode za njegu kože na prirodnoj bazi.  Preporuka je da se ova maksa za lice lagano zagrije, zatim se u debelom sloju nanosi na željenu zonu. Nakon 20-tak minuta maska se odljepi sa lica zajedno sa odumrlim stanicama kože i sa miteserima.

Maska za lice dolazi u čvrstom stanju, na dodir je gumena, ne znam koliko proizvoda dođe u gramima ali cijena je cca 2 eura. Ja sam nožem masku izrezala na četiri dijela i koristila jednom tjedno. Masku je najbolje čuvati zaledjenu. Kada ćete je koristiti samo izvadite izrezani dio i zagrijete ga.

Nakon tuširanja kada se pore lagano otvore, ugrijala bih masku na 20 sekundi u mikrovalnoj, i kada je ugodne temperature nanijela bih je u debelom sloju na T- zonu.

Dok se maska na licu suši lagano zateže kožu, nakon 20 minuta masku sam uklanjala jednim potezom. I zaista djeluje. Jasno se mogu vidjeti miteseri i sve nečistoće na licu, ostatak maske izgleda odvratno. Ali maska djeluje, što je najbitnije. Ja kožu nakon toga očistim vodom.

Nisam primjetila nikakve negativne nuspojave na koži. Svoju kutijicu sam kupila na sajmu prirodnih proizvoda, asortiman prirodnih proizvoda možete ovdje pogledati. Znam da je ovu masku lako izraditi, ali ja se sa tim nisam željela gnjaviti. Ova mi je super.

Jeli netko još isprobao ove maske za uklanjanje mitesera? Jeste li se vi šokirali svim tim nečistoćama? Ja sam bila uvjerena da je moja koža čista!


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Avon Mark Gel Shine Nail Polish - Nalis of the Day - Review

12:32 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!

I have not been writing a post on Nail Art for a long time, but let's be realistic, I did not play with nail polish for a million years. And that once was my favorite party! Where were the days when I was in the first place. A mother's life!

I think the sprouts at the branch are also familiar with the new Avon product line Mark. I had a chance, for now, to try out nail polish from this line. My color is Violaceous, beautiful offerings of shades, always appropriate.

In order to obtain right, a good color, it is good to apply two layers. It would be great if it was dried faster. But I have an excellent finishing nail polish that fixes that lack. On my nails, which are very often in the water, it stays 4-5 days. Solid nail polish. But I'd really like to Avon a little due to the quality of brushes. 

This time it's a simple Nail Art with Essence Jewelry nail stickers in gold. They are beautifully combined with all colors, with one ornamental nail or all nails. This is a great combination for me! How do you like it? 

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Odavno nisam pisala post na temu Nail Art, ali budimo realni, nisam se igrala sa lakom za nokte ima milijun godina. A to mi je nekada davno bila omiljena zabava! Gdje su nestala vremena kad sam sebi bila na prvom mjestu. Život jedne majke! 

Mislim da su i vrapci na grani upoznati sa novom Avon linijom proizvoda Mark. Ja sam imala priliku, za sada, isprobati lak za nokte iz ove linije. Moja boja je Violaceous, predivna nude nijansa, uvijek prikladna.

Da bi se dobila prava, ujednačena boja, dobro je nanijeti dva sloja. Bio bi super kad bi se brže sušio. Ali ja imam odličan završni lak za nokte koji popravlja taj nedostatak. Na mojim noktima, koji su jako često u vodi, ostaje  4-5 dana. Solidan lak za nokte. Ali bih zaista voljela da Avon malo poradi na kvaliteti četkicama.

Ovoga puta je u pitanju jednostavan Nail Art sa Essence Jewelry naljepnicama za nokte u zlatnoj boji. Predivno se kombiniraju sa svim bojama, sa jednim ukrasnim noktom ili na svim noktima. Meni je ovo super kombinacija! Kako se vama sviđa?

This is PR post!

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