Products I Regret Buying

3:52 AM,0 Comments

 Hello my dear readers!!
 At the beginning I want to apologize for this short break. Unfortunately, a lot of bad things happened in my life in the last two weeks. That left a mark on my health, so I spent the last five days in bed. High temperature and severe inflammation prevented me to publish this post. I'm better now!!! Ready for Posting!!

Today I want to write about the three products that are disappointing. To me they simply are not good, it does not mean that to you they will not be great. This are brands that I love and otherwise use but these products are no longer found in my makeup bag.

First up is the Essence
Superfine Eyeliner Pen  in black. This pen has had a fairly long and thin applicator, as eyeliner. Unfortunately, my quick dry, the product disappeared quite quickly. But that's not a problem (I think that is too long been on store shelves). The problem is created by the applicator, simply disobedient. It is not flexible enough, and you have to fight hard just to do something.

Top of the applicator has even changed shape, so I'm finally cut off with scissors. I got wider applicator that did better on my option than the original. It is not for me. I love simple products that are easy to apply. I do not want to spend too much time on unnecessary.

Another product that I absolutely dont like and not want to try is the Head & Shoulders 2in1 thick & strong shampoo. I used to be obsessed with this brand shampoos. And they all were excellent. That's why I wanted to try out this new line and I have to admit that I've regretted it.

My hair is already after the first wash was completely different. After two shampoo I had the feeling that it is greasy, glued. I'm not even able to comb my hair. All was solid, with no liveliness and volume. I had to re-wash immediately with other shampoo. I gave this shampoo another chance, but it all happend again.

This cream disappointed me the most because it is the most expensive of the three products. This is Doliva moisturizing face cream with urea and vitamins. I bought it at a pharmacy, on the recommendation of pharmacists who swore that is ideal for oily and combination skin.

The first two weeks was good but my skin started to itch after applying the cream, I started to get acne. What surprised me the most, and it never really happened to me, that is itching. As soon as I stopped using these creams disappeared unpleasant occurrences. Cream I donated to my friendI explained what happened to me. I must tell you that my friend is thrilled with this cream. But she has a normal skin type.

There you go!! My three NO products!

Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!

Na početku  se želim ispričati zbog ove male pauze. Nažalost, puno toga lošeg se dogodilo u mom životu u posljednja dva tjedan. To je ostavilo traga na mom zdravlju, pa sam posljednjih pet dana provela u krevetu. Visoka temperatura i jaka upala me spriječila u objavi ovoga posta. Sada sam bolje!!! Spremna za postanje!!

Danas želim pisati o tri proizvoda koja su me razočarala. Meni jednostavno nisu dobri, što ne znači da vama neće biti odlični. Radi se o brendovima koje inače volim i koristim ali ovi proizvodi se više neće naći u mojoj kozmetičkoj torbici.

Prvi na redu je Essence Superfine Eyeliner Pen u crnoj boji. Ova olovka je imala dosta dugačak i tanak aplikator, kao tuš za oči. Nažalost, moja se brzo osušila, proizvoda je nestalo dosta brzo. Ali to nije problem (mislim da je predugo bila na policama trgovine). Problem je stvarao taj aplikator, jednostavno je neposlušan. Nije dovoljno fleksibilan i morate se baš namučiti da bi ste nešto napravili.

Vrh aplikatora je čak promijenio oblik, pa sam ga ja na kraju odrezala škarama. Dobila sam širi aplikator koji mi se čak učinio boljom opcijom od prvotne. Nije za mene. Ja volim jednostavne proizvode koji se lako nanose. Ne želim trošiti previše vremena na nepotrebno.

Drugi proizvod koji apsolutno više ne želim probati je Head&Shoulders 2in1 thick&strong šampon za kosu. Ja sam prije bila opsjednuta šamponima ovoga brenda. I svi su mi bili odlični. Zato sam željela isprobati ovu novu liniju i moram priznati da sam zažalila.

Moja kosa je već nakon prvog pranja bila potpuno drugačila. Nakon dva šamponiranja, kada sam osušila kosu imala sam osjećaj da je masna, sljepljena. Nisam uopće mogla rasčešljati kosu. Sva je bila kruta, bez imalo živosti i volumena. Morala sam je odmah ponovno oprati sa drugim šamponom. Dala sam ovom šamponu još jednu priliku, ali se sve ponovilo.

Ova krema me najviše razočarala zato što je najskuplja od ova tri proizvoda. Ovo je Doliva hidratantna krema za lice sa Ureom i vitaminima. Kupila sam je u ljekarni, na preporuku farmaceutkinje koja se klela da je idealna za masnu i mješovitu kožu.

Prva dva tjedna je bila dobra ali me je koža počela svrbiti nakon nanošenja kreme, počela sam dobivati akne. Ono što me je najviše čudilo, a nikad mi se nije dogodilo, je taj svrab. Čim sam prekinula upotrebu ove kreme nestale su  neugodne pojave. Kremu sam darovala prijateljci, ljepo sam joj objasnila što se meni dogodilo. Moram vam reći da je moja prijateljica oduševljena sa ovom kremom. Ali ona ima normalan tip kože.

Eto ga!! Moja tri NE proizvoda!


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