Products I Regret Buying

3:52 AM,0 Comments

 Hello my dear readers!!
 At the beginning I want to apologize for this short break. Unfortunately, a lot of bad things happened in my life in the last two weeks. That left a mark on my health, so I spent the last five days in bed. High temperature and severe inflammation prevented me to publish this post. I'm better now!!! Ready for Posting!!

Today I want to write about the three products that are disappointing. To me they simply are not good, it does not mean that to you they will not be great. This are brands that I love and otherwise use but these products are no longer found in my makeup bag.

First up is the Essence
Superfine Eyeliner Pen  in black. This pen has had a fairly long and thin applicator, as eyeliner. Unfortunately, my quick dry, the product disappeared quite quickly. But that's not a problem (I think that is too long been on store shelves). The problem is created by the applicator, simply disobedient. It is not flexible enough, and you have to fight hard just to do something.

Top of the applicator has even changed shape, so I'm finally cut off with scissors. I got wider applicator that did better on my option than the original. It is not for me. I love simple products that are easy to apply. I do not want to spend too much time on unnecessary.

Another product that I absolutely dont like and not want to try is the Head & Shoulders 2in1 thick & strong shampoo. I used to be obsessed with this brand shampoos. And they all were excellent. That's why I wanted to try out this new line and I have to admit that I've regretted it.

My hair is already after the first wash was completely different. After two shampoo I had the feeling that it is greasy, glued. I'm not even able to comb my hair. All was solid, with no liveliness and volume. I had to re-wash immediately with other shampoo. I gave this shampoo another chance, but it all happend again.

This cream disappointed me the most because it is the most expensive of the three products. This is Doliva moisturizing face cream with urea and vitamins. I bought it at a pharmacy, on the recommendation of pharmacists who swore that is ideal for oily and combination skin.

The first two weeks was good but my skin started to itch after applying the cream, I started to get acne. What surprised me the most, and it never really happened to me, that is itching. As soon as I stopped using these creams disappeared unpleasant occurrences. Cream I donated to my friendI explained what happened to me. I must tell you that my friend is thrilled with this cream. But she has a normal skin type.

There you go!! My three NO products!

Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!

Na početku  se želim ispričati zbog ove male pauze. Nažalost, puno toga lošeg se dogodilo u mom životu u posljednja dva tjedan. To je ostavilo traga na mom zdravlju, pa sam posljednjih pet dana provela u krevetu. Visoka temperatura i jaka upala me spriječila u objavi ovoga posta. Sada sam bolje!!! Spremna za postanje!!

Danas želim pisati o tri proizvoda koja su me razočarala. Meni jednostavno nisu dobri, što ne znači da vama neće biti odlični. Radi se o brendovima koje inače volim i koristim ali ovi proizvodi se više neće naći u mojoj kozmetičkoj torbici.

Prvi na redu je Essence Superfine Eyeliner Pen u crnoj boji. Ova olovka je imala dosta dugačak i tanak aplikator, kao tuš za oči. Nažalost, moja se brzo osušila, proizvoda je nestalo dosta brzo. Ali to nije problem (mislim da je predugo bila na policama trgovine). Problem je stvarao taj aplikator, jednostavno je neposlušan. Nije dovoljno fleksibilan i morate se baš namučiti da bi ste nešto napravili.

Vrh aplikatora je čak promijenio oblik, pa sam ga ja na kraju odrezala škarama. Dobila sam širi aplikator koji mi se čak učinio boljom opcijom od prvotne. Nije za mene. Ja volim jednostavne proizvode koji se lako nanose. Ne želim trošiti previše vremena na nepotrebno.

Drugi proizvod koji apsolutno više ne želim probati je Head&Shoulders 2in1 thick&strong šampon za kosu. Ja sam prije bila opsjednuta šamponima ovoga brenda. I svi su mi bili odlični. Zato sam željela isprobati ovu novu liniju i moram priznati da sam zažalila.

Moja kosa je već nakon prvog pranja bila potpuno drugačila. Nakon dva šamponiranja, kada sam osušila kosu imala sam osjećaj da je masna, sljepljena. Nisam uopće mogla rasčešljati kosu. Sva je bila kruta, bez imalo živosti i volumena. Morala sam je odmah ponovno oprati sa drugim šamponom. Dala sam ovom šamponu još jednu priliku, ali se sve ponovilo.

Ova krema me najviše razočarala zato što je najskuplja od ova tri proizvoda. Ovo je Doliva hidratantna krema za lice sa Ureom i vitaminima. Kupila sam je u ljekarni, na preporuku farmaceutkinje koja se klela da je idealna za masnu i mješovitu kožu.

Prva dva tjedna je bila dobra ali me je koža počela svrbiti nakon nanošenja kreme, počela sam dobivati akne. Ono što me je najviše čudilo, a nikad mi se nije dogodilo, je taj svrab. Čim sam prekinula upotrebu ove kreme nestale su  neugodne pojave. Kremu sam darovala prijateljci, ljepo sam joj objasnila što se meni dogodilo. Moram vam reći da je moja prijateljica oduševljena sa ovom kremom. Ali ona ima normalan tip kože.

Eto ga!! Moja tri NE proizvoda!


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Ziaja Manuka Tree Purifying cleansing gel

2:02 PM,0 Comments

Hello my dear readers!! 

Today I bring you a review of the product with which I have only recently met. It's about Ziaja Manuka Tree Purifying normalizing cleansing gel for oily and combination skin. We all know that my oily combination skin does not tolerate all sorts of products. That's why I'm afraid to experiment. 

For Ziaja products I have heard, seen on the shelves of all possible drug store, but I did not dare try anything so far. It is a brand from Poland, exist for 25 years and was started by a simple moisturizer. More about this brand here. 

When I saw that this facial wash is on a sale, about 2 euros, the decision was made. Packaging is a plastic bottle 200 ml, with pump. Who does not like the pump? The gel is transparent, with the water creates a light white foam on the skin.

 Perfectly removes impurities, melts and removes makeup from the face. It takes just one pump.After the gel gently massaged into the skin should be washed off only with water. The gel is great,  washes and leaves the skin soft, smooth and clean. I love the feeling of clean skin after using this gel. The scent I like a lot. I do not know describe the scent, but to me most resembles the scent of Clinique products for combination skin. And these products I adored until my skin was not too accustomed to these products.

The risk paid off, with the product I am very satisfied. My skin did not react negatively, I did not get a acne, my skin is not dried up. Simply, the skin is clean, is a calming feeling. I'd like to try another product from the line for oily and combination skin.

 I hope I helped someone with my skin type. I personally hate to risk for this type of skin, in my case responds with acne and drying.

 Enjoy the early spring!!

 Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!

Danas vam donosim recenziju proizvoda sa kojim sam se tek nedavno upoznala. Radi se o Ziaja Manuka Tree Purifying normalising cleansing gel za masnu i mješovitu kožu. Svi već znamo da moja masna mješovita koža ne podnosi svakakve proizvode. Zato se ja bojim eksperimentirati.

Za Ziaja proizvode sam čula, vidjela na policama svih mogućih drogerija, ali se nisam usudila ništa probati do sada. Radi se o brendu iz Poljske koji postoji već 25 godina, a počeli su od jednostavne kreme za lice. Više o ovom brendu ovdje.

Kada sam vidjela da je ovaj gel za umivanje na akcijskoj cijeni  od cca 2 eura, odluka je pala. Pakiranje je plastiča bočica od 200 ml, sa pumpicom. Tko ne voli pumpice? Gel je proziran, sa vodom stvara laganu bijelu pjenu na koži. Savršeno uklanja nečistoće, topi i uklanja šminku sa lica. Dovoljna je jedna pumpica.

Nakon što se gel lagano umasira u kožu treba ga samo saprati sa  mlakom vodom. Gel se odlično ispire i ostavlja na kožu nježnu, glatku i čistu. Obožavam osjećaj čiste kože nakon upotrebe ovog gela. I miris mi se jako sviđa. Ne znam ga opisati ali me najviše podsjeća na miris Clinique proizvoda za mješovitu kožu. I te sam proizvode obožavala dok mi se koža nije previše naviknula na te proizvode.

 Rizik se isplatio, sa ovim proizvodom sam zaista zadovoljna. Koža mi nije odreagirala negativno, nisam dobila prištićem, koža mi se nije isušila. Jednostavno, koža je čista, osjećaj je umirujući. Voljela bih probati još proizvoda iz linije za masnu i mješovitu kožu.

Nadam se da sam pomogla nekome tko ima moj tip kože. Ja osobno mrzim riskirati jer ovaj tip kože, u mom slučaju reagira aknama i isušivanjem.

Uživajte u ranom proljeću!!


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Maybelline NY LASH Sensational - Lash Multiplying Mascara

3:33 AM,0 Comments

Hello my dear readers!!

What's up?? How are you?? It is better when it's sunny?? Yes! And I am a lot better when it's sunny. Last week I showed you what I bought in DMHere you can see that post. I promised you a review of Maybelline NY LASH Sensational - Lash Multiplying Mascara. Well, there, you can say that I am a person of my word!

For ten days I use this mascara, so I got to know all the strengths and weaknesses of this product in the service of beauty. And this time I want to show what the manufacturer says about this product:

"Maybelline New York Lash Mascara Sensational is mascara for sensational eyelashes, spread out like a fan. Unlike traditional mascara brush which affects only one layer of eyelashes, Brush of  Lash  Sensational Mascara affects each lash.

 Lash  Sensational Mascara  has a unique curved brush with two types of hair. The inner hair brush wrap and emphasize 100% eyelashes. External hair brush wider eyelashes like a fan effect."

My impressions: 1. Packaging phenomenal. My first mascara with silicone brush. Brush very thick, hair different lengths. So far I have avoided buying mascara with silicone brushes but I am really pleasantly surprised.

2. Mascara is easy to blend in the first layer, nicely separates each lash. Even the smallest lashes "appearing" and are lengthened. Mascara evenly applied to lashes from all sides, without much effort. It seemed to me as if I got a new row of eyelashes next to the one I have. The second layer is in my opinion a little more difficult to apply. Eyelashes can dry quickly, which retrieve and add a new layer makes it a little more difficult.
3. eyelashes are very elongated, already after the first layer. That I really like it.

4. Texture! The texture of this mascara is quite liquid. I personally prefer the thicker mascara. Mascara denser texture make my eyelashes thicker, and less hairs stick together. In this mascara appeared this problem after the second layer. But when I learned to apply this mascara is no longer problem. Simply, an effect that I want to achieve, I accomplish with a first layer. Photo shows lashes after only one layer of mascara.

5. My biggest problem is the removal of this mascara. Whatever you put it, whatever to try ... I have to work hard to take it off from the eyelashes. Maybe this is not a flaw, but that's my objection. And after cleansing I feel I still have too much product on the lashes.

When I consider these two objections (liquid texture and difficult to remove) and compare it with the appearance of eyelashes ... I think I'll buy this mascara again. Like density and length of eyelashes.

I hope you liked my review and that I have answered some questions about this product.

Enjoy !!

 Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!

Šta ima?? Kako ste?? Bolje kad je sunčano?? Da! I meni je puno bolje kada je sunčano. Prošli tjedan sam vam pokazala što sam kupila u DM-u. Ovdje možete pročitati taj post. Obećala sam vam recenziju Maybelline NY LASH Sensational - Lash Multiplying maskare. Pa eto, možete reći da sam osoba od riječi!

Već nekih desetak dana koristim ovu maskaru, pa sam upoznala sve mane i vrline  ovog proizvoda u službi ljepote. I ovoga puta vam želim pokazati što proizvođač kaže o ovom proizvodu:

"Maybelline New York Lash Sensational maskara,  je maskara za senzacionalne trepavice, raširene poput lepeze.Za razliku od tradicionalne maskare čija četkica zahvaća samo jedan sloj trepavica, četkica nove maskare Lash Sensational zahvaća svaku trepavicu.

 Lash Sensational maskara ima jedinstvenu zakrivljena četkicu s dvije vrste dlačica. Unutarnje dlačice četkice obavijaju i naglašavaju 100% trepavica. Vanjske dlačice četkice šire trepavice poput lepeze."

Moji utisci:

1. Ambalaža fenomenalna. Moja prva maskara sa silikonskom četkicom. Četkica jako gusta, dlačice različite dužine. Do sada sam izbjegavala kupovinu maskare sa silikonskim četkicama ali sam zaista ugodno iznenađena.

 2. Maskara se lagano nanosi u prvom sloju, lijepo razdvaja svaku trepavicu. Čak i one najmanje trepavice se "pojavljuju" i izdužuju. Maskara se ravnomjerno nanosi na trepavice sa svih strana, bez puno truda. Učinilo mi se kao da sam dobila novi red trepavica pored ovog kojeg imam. Drugi sloj je po mom mišljenju malo teže nanijeti. Trepavice se brzo suše, što popravljanje i dodavanje novog sloja čini malo težim.

3. Trepavice su jako izdužene, već nakon prvog sloja. To mi se jako sviđa. 

4. Tekstura! Tekstura ove maskare je dosta tekuća. Ja osobno više volim  gušće maskare. Maskare gušće teksture čine moje trepavice gušćima, i manje se dlačice lijepe jedna za drugu. Kod ove maskare se pojavio ovaj problem nakon drugog sloja. Ali kada sam naučila nanositi ovu maskaru više nije bilo problema. Jednostavno, efekat koji želim postići, postižem prvim slojem. Fotografija pokazuje trepavice nakon samo jednog sloja maskare.

5. Moj najveći problem je skidanje ove maskare. Što god da stavim, čime god da pokušam...Moram se dobro potruditi da je skinem sa trepavica. Možda to nije mana, ali to je moja zamjerka. I nakon umivanja imam osjećaj da još uvijek imam previše proizvoda na trepavicama.

Kada uzmem u obzir te dvije zamjerke (tekuća tekstura i teško uklanjanje) i usporedim sa izgledom trepavica...mislim da ću ovu maskaru ponovno kupiti. Sviđa mi se gustoća i dužina trepavica.

Nadam se da vam se svidjela moja recenzija i da sam vam odgovorila na neka pitanja o ovom proizvodu.


Without mascara/Bez maskare

One coat of mascara/Jedan sloj maskare


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DM Haul March 2015

1:25 AM,0 Comments

Hello my dear readers!!

We were faced with big snow storm. And that means that we are forced to spend all day in the house. I am very pleased that I was forced vacation home. But I managed at the last minute to do a quick shopping in DM. Who is happier than me? No one! :-)

But this is a little weird haul. Do not judge me! I know I'm weird! I bought two bottles of the same shampoo and three bottles of the same shower gel. The last three bottles on the shelf. So what now? I could do a lot worse, right? I could have bought three bottles of the same shampoo instead of two. Freak!

Okay! It does not matter! Let's look at what I bought! This is one bag that I photographed, just like that. I had two. Jeez one I needed only for shower gels!

Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!! 

Nas je zadesilo veliko sniježno nevrijeme. A to znači da smo prisiljeni dane provoditi u kući. Zadovoljna sam činjenicom da sam na prisilnom kućnom odmoru. Ali ja sam uspijela u zadnji tren obaviti brzinsku kupovinu u DM-u. Tko je sretniji od mene? Nitko! :-)

Ali ovo je malo čudan haul. Nemojte me osuđivati! Znam da sam čudna! Kupila sam dvije bočice istog šampona i tri bočice istog gela za tuširanje. Posljednje tri bočice na polici. Pa što sad? Mogla sam napraviti i gore stvari, zar ne? Mogla sam kupiti i tri bočice istog šampona umjesto dvije. Čudakinja!

Ok! Nema veze! Pogledajmo što sam kupila! Ovo je jedna vrećica koju sam fotografirala, tek tako. Imala sam dvije. Pobogu jedna mi je trebala samo za gelove za tuširanje! 

Here you can see one of the famous bottle of shower gel. Last month I bought it so I tried it and I became completely obsessed with it. As you can see it's Balea Purple Kisses, simply divine fragrance. After showering the smell on the skin feel hours later. Perfect.

Colgate toothpaste I bought just for this label "50ml gratis", favorable price and solid quality. This DM fabric softener I buy for the first time. I've never bought this brand of fabric softener. Unfortunately, I have not tried it yet, so I do not know if it works. The scent was decided this purchase. The scent of roses is very nice!

Ovdje možete vidjeti jednu bočicu famoznog gela za tuširanje. Prošli mjesec sam ga kupila da bih ga isprobala i potpuno sam postala opsjednuta sa njim. Kao što vidite to je Balea Purple Kisses, jednostavno božanstvenog mirisa. Nakon tuširanja  miris na koži osjetite satima poslje. Savršeno.

Colgate pasta za zube sam kupila samo zbog ove naljepnice "50ml gratis", cijena povoljna a pasta solidne kvalitete. Ovaj DM omekšivač za rublje kupujem prvi puta. Nisam do sada kupovala omekšivače ovoga brenda. Nažalost, nisam ga još isprobala pa ne znam radi li. Miris je odlučio ovu kupovinu. Miris ruže je jako lijep!

I bought back my favorite shampoo (two bottles) Le Petit Marseillais with shea milk and honey. Is too perfect! The hair is soft and smooth after using this shampoo! I jumped in the wagon called "Maybelline lash sensational". I will probably make a short review of this mascara. Soon! I promise! 

Kupila sam ponovno moj omiljeni šampon za kosu (dvije bočice) Le petit Marseillais sa karite mlijekom i medom. Presavršen je! Kosa je meka i glatka nakon korištenja ovoga šampona! I ja sam uskočila u kola zvana "Maybelline lash sensational". Vjerojatno ću napraviti kratku recenziju ove maskare. Uskoro! Obećavam!

I wanted to test this new "Head and Shoulders 2in1 thick & strong" Shampoo. I hope we like it. And at the end of this deodorant. I bought it last month and loved it. I had to have another bottle. And that's it! I hope you liked my post.

Željela sam testirati ovaj novi "Head and Shoulders 2in1 thick & strong" šampon za kosu. Nadam se da će mi se svidjeti. I na kraju ovaj dezodorans. Kupila sam ga prošli mjesec i jako mi se svidio. Morala sam imati još jednu bočicu. I to je to! Nadam se da vam se svidio moj post.

Stay heated and loved! ;-)

Ostanite ugrijani i voljeni! ;-)


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Monthly favorites - February 2015

6:40 AM,0 Comments

Hello my dear readers!!

Another month of "new" year is behind us. February has passed me by in a blink, unlike January = eternity. It's time for another monthly favorites. There will be makeup and candy. My two favorite "areas". People I eat a tub of sweets!! Horrible! But back to the favorites.

This month my nails were red and blue. A two favorite nail polish are Eveline red nail polish and Farmasi blue nail polish. The blue color is especially dear to me. I call it "night blue".

About this gel NYX Eyebrow I wrote earlier, a review can be found here. There's not a lot to say. This brow gel will probably be my absolute favorite of the year. This lipstick Catrice is perfect. This is the Ultimate Colour No. 010. You can see the color of lipstick on my hand. It's nice creamy, long lasting and the color is just right neutral. I love it.

My favorite deodorant this month is Ulric De Valrens. There are in my opinion the perfect note, the smell is intense, perfume, long lasting. I like big, strong scents. And my favorite sweet is Dorina chocolate mousse. Ohhh! There is something in the chocolate bubbles that makes me crazy. My husband says: "I bought you that chocolate with little holes!"

At the end - H&M pallet, I have this pallet for a long time, favorite colors I already wore out as you can see. These were all nude shades. But this month favorite is middle color which in itself has shimmer, I used it as highlighter. It has such a beautiful beige shiny color that looks great when lightly applied. On my hand, you can see how it looks. In any case, this palette I used very often  and I think I bought it on sale. It is very good. On the  H&M site  you can  find these palettes, here

I hope you enjoyed the post. Have a nice rest of the working week.

Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!

Još jedan mjesec "Nove" godine je iza nas. Veljača je meni prošla u treptaju, za razliku od siječnja = vječnost. Vrijeme je za još jedne mjesečne favorite. Bit će tu šminke i slatkiša. Moja dva najdraža "područja". Ljudi  ja pojedem tonu slatkiša!! Strašno! Ali vratimo se na favorite.

Ovaj mjesec su moji nokti bili crveno-plavi. A dva najdraža laka za nokte su Eveline crveni lak za nokte i Farmasi plavi lak za nokte. Ova plava boja  je meni posebno draga. Ja je zovem "noćno plava".

O ovome NYX gelu za obrve sam pisala ranije, recenziju možete pogledati ovdje. Nema se tu puno toga za reći. Ovaj gel za obrve ce vjerojatno biti i moj apsolutni favorit godine. Ovaj ruž za usne Catrice je savršen. Ovo je Ultimate Colour No. 010. Možete vidjeti boju ruža za usne na ruci. Lijepo je kremast, dugotrajan je, a boja je baš prava neutralna. Jako mi se sviđa.

Moj omiljeni dezodoran ovaj mjesec je Ulric De Valrens. Ima po meni savršene note, miris je intenzivan, parfemski, dugotrajan. Volim jake, intenzivne mirise.  A moja omiljeni ovo mjesečni slatkiš je  Dorina mus  čokolada. Ohhh! Ima nešto u čokoladnim balončićima što čini da poludim. Moj muža kaže: "Kupio sam ti onu čokoladu sa malim rupicama!" 

Na kraju H&M paleta, imam je dosta dugo, najdraže boje sam već potrošila kako možete vidjeti. To su sve bile nude nijanse. Ali ovaj mjesec sam ovu srednju boju koja u sebi ima šimera koristila kao hajlajter. Ima baš lijepu bež-sjajnu boju koja odlično izgleda kada se lagano nanosi. Na mojoj ruci možete vidjeti kako izgleda. U svakom slučaju, ovu sam paletu maksimalno iskoristila a mislim da sam je kupila na sniženju. Bila je jako povoljna. Na stranicama H&M možete i sada pronaći ove palete ovdje.

Nadam se da ste uživali u postu. Želim vam ugodan ostatak radnoga tjedna.


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